The Catechism of the Catholic Church: [Ms-Word]

Human Sexuality, an All-Embracing gift, by Gerald Coleman (selections): [MS-Word ; PDF]

Sex, Priestly Ministry, and the Church, by Len Sperry [MS-Word ; PDF]

Male and Female He Created Them, A Theology of the Body, by Pope St. John Paul II: [MS-Word ; PDF]

A Catholic Bioethics for a New Millennium, by Antony Fisher, O.P. (Cambr.UP, 2012; selections): [MS-Word ; PDF]

Sex and Virtue by J,S, Grabowski, (Cath.Univ.Pr.  2003) [Ms-Word ; PDF]


THE COUNCIL of TRENT on Marriage [MS-Word]

POPE LEO XIII, Arcanum (On Christian Marriage) [MS-Word]

POPE PIUS XI, Casti Conubii [MS-Word]

POPE PIUS XII, Sacra Virginitas [MS-Word ; PDF]

POPE PAUL VI, Humanae Vitae, [MS-Word];

Sacerdotalis Caelibatus [MS-Word]

Vatican Council II, Gaudium et Spes §46-52. [MS-Word]


Evangelium Vitae; [MS-Word ; PDF]

Familiaris Consortio; [MS-Word]

Mulieris Dignitatem; [MS-Word ; PDF]

Veritatis Splendor; [JP2_Verit.Splend.Eng.doc]

       Servais Pinckaers, O.P., “An Encyclical for the Future: Veritatis Splendor” [MS-Word]

Vita Consecrata; [MS-Word ; PDF]

Fruitful and Responsible Love [HTML]

Reflections on Humanae Vitae [MS-Word]


Deus Caritas est (God is Love);[MS-Word]

On Family and Christian Community; ;[MS-Word]

Caritas in Veritate (on Integral Human Dev't); [MS-Word]


Amoris Laetitia (2016 Apost.Exh., “On Love in the Family”); [MS-Word ; PDF]

As A Loving Mother (2016 Motu Proprio on removal of prelates not diligent in dealing with abuse of minors); [MS-Word]

You Are the Light of the World (2019 Motu Proprio on the sexual abuse crisis).[MS-Word]

Interview with Fr. Spadaro, SJ ”(Aug.2013) [MS-Word]

Address to Catholic Physicians (Sept., 2013) [MS-Word.]

          Unborn children have the face of Christ, as do the disabled, the elderly, and the infirm.


The Reception of Holy Communion by the Divorced and Remarried Members of the Faithful; [MS-Word]

On The Pastoral Care of Homosexual Persons (1987); [MS-Word]

Discussion by Archbishop Quinn: [MS-Word]

Declaration on certain questions concerning sexual ethics (Persona Humana); [SCDF Pers.Hum L-E.doc]

Dignitatis Personae (On Certain Bioethical Questions).[MS-Word]

Responsum on Not Blessing Unions of Persons of the Same Sex (2021) [HTML1(Vatican) HTML2 (website)]


Male and Female He Created Them: Towards A Path of Dialogue on the Question of Gender Theory in Education (2019) [MS-Word ; PDF]

Concerning the Criteria for the Discernment of Vocations with regard to Persons with Homosexual Tendencies in view of their Admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders  (2006) [HTML1(Vatican) HTML2 (website)]


Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church (2004) [MS-Word]



Always Our Children: A Pastoral Message to Parents of Homosexual Children and Suggestions for Pastoral Ministers (1997) [MS-Word ; PDF]

Ministry to Persons With A Homosexual Inclination (2006) [MS-Word ; PDF]

Married Love and The Gift of Love (2006) [MS-Word ; PDF]

THE JOHN JAY STUDIES of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Clergy (2004-2011) [Course Website]

2004 The Nature And Scope of Sexual Abuse of Minors By Catholic Priests and Deacons in The United States 1950-2002 [PDF]

2006 The Nature and Scope of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests and Deacons in the United States: Supplementary Data Analysis for The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops  [PDF]

2011 Report to the USCCB: The Causes And Context of Sexual Abuse of Minors by Catholic Priests in The United States 1950-2010  [PDF]

Resources on Natural Family Planning

1981 Martin, Fertility Acceptance and Natural Family Planning [PDF]

2010 Standards for Diocesan NFP Ministry [PDF]

2017 NFP-Week Bulletin Insert [PDF]

2019 Homily Notes: Love Naturally [PDF]

2019 NFP Bulletin Love Naturally [PDF]

2020 NFP Week Bulletin Insert Live the Truth [PDF]

California Natural Family Planning Orgainzation (additional resources): (President/contact: Sheila St. John: )

Cholij,R,.Clerical Celibacy in East and West(Gracewing, 1989). [MS-Word ; PDF]

Priestly Celibacy in Patristics and in the History of the Church, (Online article) [MS-Word]

Congregation for the Clergy, The Gift of Priestly Vocation  / Ratio Fundamentalis (2016) [MS-Word ; PDF]

Goerss, Jane Ph.D, Psychopathy and Predictors of Violence Towards Women
Handouts on predictors of violent behavior [PSYCHOPATHY   ;   [VIOLENCE]

Hogan, Fr. Richard M An Introduction to John Paul II’s Theology of the Body; [MS-Word]

Hruz, Paul W. et aliae, “Growing Pains: Problems with puberty suppression in treating gender dysphoria,” The New Atlantis, Number 52, Spring 2017, pp. 3-36:

Kheriaty, Aaron MD, Pornography and Sexual Addiction; Gender and Sexual Orientation (2-part video presentation)

Part 1: Pornography and Sexual Addiction:

Part 2: Sexual Desire and Identity

Mayer, L. et. aliae (Sexuality and Gender, Findings from the Biological, Psychological, and Social Sciences, New Atlantis, 2019). ; [PDF]

McHugh, Paul R. “Surgical Sex: Why We Stopped Doing Sex Change Operations,” First Things, November 2004:

─ “Transgender Surgery Isn't the Solution,Wall Street Journal, May 13, 2016:

Selin, G., On the Christological, Ecclesiological, and Eschatological Dimensions of Priestly Celibacy in “Presbyterorum Ordinis,” “Sacerdotalis Caelibatus” and Subsequent Magisterial Documents, (Washington, 2011) [PDF]

West, Christopher, Theology of the Body for Beginners: A Basic Introduction to Pope John Paul II’s Sexual Revolution, (Rev.Ed., Ascension Press, 2009) [MS-Word ; PDF]

─ “Theology of the Body - A [VERY] Brief Introduction,”  [MS-Word]


Anderson, Ryan, When Harry Became Sally  [PDF]

Austriaco, Biomedicine and Beatitude, An Introduction to Catholic Bioethics (CUAP, 2011) [MS-Word ; PDF]

Barzun Jacques, From Dawn to Decadence (Harper Collins, 2000)  [MS-Word ; PDF]

Brown, Peter, The Body and Society, Men, Women, and Sexual Renunciation in Early Christianity, (Columbia Univ. Press, 1980) [MS-Word]

Cahill, Lisa, Sex, Gender, and Christian Ethics (Cambridge U.P., 1996). [MS-Word ; PDF] 

Cessario, Romanus, Introduction to Moral Theology (Cath.Univ.Pr. 2001) [MS-Word ; PDF]

The Moral Virtues and Theological Ethics, (Univ.of Notre Dame Press, 1991) [MS-Word ; PDF]

[N.B. the following is a secular publication recommending some therapies that contradict teachings of the Catholic Church. It is listed here as an example of the widespread approach to sexual orientation found in contemporary psychology]: DeBard et aliae , Handbook of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Counseling and Psychotherapy, (American Psychological Association, 2019) [PDF]

DeHaro, Marriage and The Family in The Documents of the Magisterium: A Course in The Theology of Marriage (Ignatius, 1993) [MS-Word ; PDF]

Grabowski, Sex and Virtue (Cath.Univ.Pr.  2012) [Ms-Word ; PDF]

Grabowski, J.S. and Naughton, M. J “In Defense of Natural Law” [MS-Word] Article defending natural law

Gregg, S, “Dignitatis Humanae and the Catholic Human Rights ‘Revolution” [MS-Word]

Grisez, Germain, The Way of the Lord Jesus, by: vol. I Christian Moral Principles; vol. 2, Living a Christian Life; vol. 3, Difficult Moral Questions (Franciscan Press, 1997).

Hall, R.C., A [Clincal] Profile of Pedophilia (Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 2007) [PDF]

Haynes, Laura, PhD (Clinical Psychologist) PDF doc’s of PowerPoint Presentations on Gender Ideology:

Transgender Identity Is Not Inborn, Changes, and May Have (Treatable) Psychological Causes (2021) [PDF]

Sexual Orientation And Gender Incongruence Change; [They] May Have (Treatable) Psychological Causes— And Other Confessions OF The American Psychological Association And Research (2020) [PDF]

Sexual Orientation: Sexual Orientation Is Not Inborn, May Have (Treatable) Psychological Causes— and Other Confessions of the American Psychological Association: Part I—Causes (2021)[PDF]

Sexual Orientation: […] Part 2—Change and Therapy (2021).[PDF]

Hill, Wesley, “Another Thirst” Spiritual defense of purity and primacy of intimacy with Christ.[MS-Word]

Hoppe, Debi (Sympto-Thermal Natural Family Planning (NFP) Instuctor)

Debi Hoppe Oct 2020 Video: Introd to NFP Part 1 of 2 - NFP Methods

Debi Hoppe Oct 2020 Video: Introd to NFP Part 2 of 2 - Personal story and Spirituality

NFP Powerpoint 2020 Debi Hoppe

NFP Powerpoint 2020 Debi Hoppe in pdf format

NFP Powerpoint - NFP History and Practice (2017)

NFP Powerpoint 2012 for Seminarians

NFP Powerpoint 2008 for Seminarians

Hauerwas, S “Sex in Public” [Sex_in_Public.doc] (Article on modern crisis in sexual morality)

Lewis, C.S., Selections on Love, Marriage and Sexuality [MS-Word]

May, William, Catholic Bioethics and the Gift of Human Life, (3rd ed.,Our Sunday Visitor, 2012).[MS-Word ; PDF]

The Cultural and Ecclesial Situation 1964 to 1967: Paving The Way for Dissent from Church Teaching on Contraception, by  , (Fellowship of Catholic Scholars Quarterly, Fall, 2009, pp.10-19 [includes discussion of the Paul VI Commission on Contraception] [MS-Word]

McClymond, Michael J. “The Last Sexual Perversion, An Argument in Defense of Celibacy” [MS-Word]

Parris, M. :Although NOT compatible with Catholic teaching, this article is unusually honest about issues of relevance to moral theology  “Straight Talk About the New Gay World” (London Times, Nov.17, 2001). [MS-Word]

Pathella, et al.,“Discordance between Sexual Behavior and Self-Reported Sexual Identity: A Population-Based Survey of New York City Men” (Annals of Internal Medicine, October 2006 ). [MS-Word ; PDF ; Orig.Research Art.PDF]

Pontifical Council for the Family, Vademecum for Confessors on Marriage “(1997) [MS-Word] ; []

Shrier, Irreversible Damage, The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, (Regnery/Salem, 2020) [PDF]

Soh, Debra, The End of Gender: Debunking the Myths about Sex and Identity in Our Society, (Threshold, 2020). [PDF]


Thomas Aquinas and Vatican II on Natural Law  [MS-Word]

Early Modern Texts on Marriage and Sexuality: Selected texts for class discussion: Trent; Leo XIII (“Arcanum”); Pius XI (“Casti Connubii”): [MS-Word]

 Selections from “Evangelium Vitae.” & “Familiaris Consortio” Selections for class discussion from Pope John Paul II, “Evangelium Vitae” and “Familiaris Consortio”, with special reference to fertility in marriage: [MS-Word].

Episcopal and magisterial documents on homosexuality Texts for class discussion from the US Catholic Bishops, the SCDF, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and St. Aelred of Rievaulx: [MS-Word].

NCCB and Catechism on Homosexuality Texts from (USCCB) “To Live in Christ Jesus” and “The Catechism of the Catholic Church”: [MS-Word]



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