


Ed. Oliver J. Thatcher, Edgar McNeal, Charles Scribners Sons, N.Y., 1905


240. Peace Of God, Proclaimed in The Synod Of Charroux, 989

241. Peace Of God, Proclaimed By Guy Of Anjou, Bishop Of Puy, 990.

242. Truce Of God, Made For The Archbishopric of Arles, 1035-41.

243. Truce Of God For The Archbishoprics of Besancox And Vienne. ca. 1041

244. Truce For The Bishopric of Terouanne, 1063.


 240-250. Documents On The Peace Of God, The Truce Of God, And The Peace Of The Land.

One of the worst features of the feudal age was the prevalence of private warfare. This was due to the warlike character of the feudal institutions, to the jealous insistence of the feudal nobles oil their right to fight out their own quarrels without appeal to law, and to the weakness of the king in the feudal state. Continuous private war not only meant violence, oppression, and outrage for the weaker members of society; it also hindered or prevented any advance in civilization for the whole society. The first steps to overcome this condition were taken by the church, which was usually to be found in that age on the side of peace and order. The earliest form was the peace of God, proclaimed by provincial synods. Several of these appeared at the end of the tenth century. These forbade all violence and oppression under ecclesiastical penalty, on the ground that they were contrary to the spirit of Christianity. The peace of God did not attain any lasting success, for the turbulent nobles could not be made to give up fighting entirely. Then the church attempted to mitigate at least these evils, by means of the truce of God. In the truce of God, violence was forbidden on certain days and during certain periods. In origin the truce of God was proclaimed by the clergy of a certain diocese or archdiocese for the people of their district, but later it was sometimes adopted by the emperor or king for the whole land. The truce was to last from vespers or sunset on Wednesday to sunrise on the following Monday of every week, and also for certain whole periods. It will be seen from the documents that these days and periods had a religious significance, which is further evidence that the church regarded the keeping of the peace as a religious rather than a political duty. The means of enforcing the truce were ecclesiastical penalties, penance, anathema, excommunication, etc. The peace of the land has a different origin and character. In the empire of Karl the Great, the right to enforce the keeping of the peace belonged to the emperor, and in theory this had never been given up by the later kings and emperors. It was on this right that the emperors based their authority to proclaim the peace of the land. In appearance the great peaces of Frederick I and Frederick II were imperial edicts, but in fact they depended very largely for their authority upon the acceptance and agreement of the nobles (see nos. 245, 246). In some cases the peace of the land was proclaimed for a province (see no. 246), in others it was for the whole empire. The peace was usually proclaimed for a certain length of time. In some cases the form of the truce of God was preserved in the peace of the land, as in no. 246. The documents on the peace of the land belong in n way under section III. but it was thought better to bring them together here, because they interrupt the general historical movement of the quarrel, and because they form a subject by themselves.

240. Peace Of God, Proclaimed in The Synod Of Charroux, 989






[240] Huberti, Gottesfrieden und Landfrieden, I, p. 35.






Following the example of my predecessors, I, Gunbald, archbishop of Bordeaux, called together the bishops of my diocese in a synod at Charroux, . . . and we, assembled there in the name of God, made the following decrees:

Praedecessorum nostrorum auctoritatibus synodalicis roborati, in nomine domini, et salvatoris nostri Jesu Christi, kalendis Junii: ego Gunbaldus, archiepiscopus secundae Aquitaniae, cum omnibus episcopis comprovincialibus , convenimus aulam, quae olim Karrof vocitatur, tam episcopi, quam et religiosi clerici, necnon etiam et omnis uterque sexus, auxilium divinae pietatis implorantes: ut qui quaedam in nostris domiciliis, moribus pestiferis, per longam tarditatem concilii diu pullulare cognovimus , respectu caelestis gratiae, et eradicentur noxia, et plantentur utilia. Nos ergo in dei nomine specialiter congregati decrevimus, sicut in sequentibus manifestata clarescunt, ita:

1. Anathema against those who break into churches. If anyone breaks into or robs a church, he shall be anathema unless he makes satisfaction.

1. Anathema infractoribus ecclesiarum: Si quis ecclesiam sanctam infregerit, aut aliquid exinde per vim abstraxerit, nisi ad satis confugerit factum, anathema sit.

2. Anathema against those who rob the poor. If anyone robs a peasant or any other poor person of a sheep, ox, ass, cow, goat, or pig, he shall be anathema unless he makes satisfaction.

2. Anathema res pauperum diripientibus: Si quis agricolarum, ceterorumve pauperum, praedaverit ovem, aut bovem, aut asinum, aut vaccam, aut capram, aut hircum, aut porcos, nisi per propriam culpam, si emendare per omnia neglexerit anathema sit.

3. Anathema against those who injure clergymen. If anyone attacks, seizes, or beats a priest, deacon, or any other clergyman, who is not bearing arms (shield, sword, coat of mail, or helmet), but is going along peacefully or staying in the house, the sacrilegious person shall be excommunicated and cut off from the church, unless he makes satisfaction, or unless the bishop discovers that the clergyman brought it upon himself by his own fault.

3. Anathema clericorum percussoribus: Si quis sacerdotem aut diaconem, vel ullum quemlibet ex clero, arma non ferentem, quod est scutum, gladium, loricam, galeam, sed simpliciter ambulantem, aut in domo manentem, invaserit, vel ceperit, vel percusserit, nisi post examinationem proprii episcopi sui, si in aliquo delicto lapsus fuerit, sacrilegus ille, si ad satisfactionem non venerit, a liminibus sanctae dei ecclesiae habeatur extraneus.”





241 Peace Of God, Proclaimed By Guy Of Anjou, Bishop Of Puy, 990.






[241] Huberti, Gottesfrieden, I, pp. 123 f.





In the name of the divine, supreme, and undivided Trinity. Guy of Anjou, by the grace of God bishop [of Puy], greeting and peace to all who desire the mercy of God. Be it known to all the faithful subjects of God, that because of the wickedness that daily increases among the people, we have called together certain bishops [names], and many other bishops, princes, and nobles.

CHARTA DE TREUGA ET PACE. In nomine divinae, summae et individuae trinitatis. Wido, dei gratia Aniciensis praesul, supernae pietatis misericordiam exspectantibus salutem et pacem. Notum esse volumus omnibus dei fidelibus, quoniam videntes maleficia quae in populo quotidie accrescunt, congregavimus quosque episcopos, domnum P. Vivariensem, Wigonem Valentinensem, Bergonem Arvernensem, Raimundum Tolosensem, Deusdedit Rutenensem, Fredelonem Elnensem et domnum Fulcrannum Ludenensem, et Wigonem Glandensem, et alios quamplures episcopos, et quosque principes et nobiles, quorum numerus non est inventus.

And since we know that only the peaceloving shall see the Lord, we urge all men, in the name of the Lord, to be sons of peace.

Et quia scimus, quia sine pace nemo videbit dominum , ammonemus propter nomen domini, ut sint filii pacis :

1. From this hour forth, no man in the bishoprics over which these bishops rule, and in these counties, shall break into a church, . . . except that the bishop may enter a church to recover the taxes that are due him from it.

1. Ut in istis episcopatibus, quos isti episcopi regunt, neque in istis comitatibus, de ista hora et in antea, ecclesiam homo non frangat, extra ecclesiam, quae in firmamento castellaniae, se sciente, nisi episcopi, propter eorum censum.

2. No man in the counties or bishoprics shall seize a horse, colt, ox, cow, ass, or the burdens which it carries, or a sheep, goat, or pig, or kill any of them, unless he requires it for a lawful expedition.2 On an expedition a man may take what he needs to eat, but shall carry nothing home with him; and no one shall take material for fortifying or besieging a castle except from his own lands or subjects.

2. Praedam in istis comitatibus, neque in istis episcopatibus homo non faciat de equis, pullis, de bovibus, de vaccis, de asinis vel asinabus, vel de fascibus, quos ipsi portant, neque de ovibus vel de capris, neque de porcis, neque ea occidat, nisi per con- ductum suum vel suorum; in itinere positus accipiat victum; sicut ad suam domum nihil portet, vel ad castellum bastire aut obsidere, nisi unusquisque de sua terra, aut de suo alode, vel de suo beneficio, vel de sua commanda.

3. Clergymen shall not bear arms; no one shall injure monks or any unarmed persons who accompany them; except that the bishop or the archdeacon may use such means as are necessary to compel them to pay the taxes which they owe them.

3. Clerici non portent saecularia arma; monachis iniuriam nullus homo aliquando non faciat, neque his, qui cum eo perrexerint, qui arma non portaverint, nisi episcopi aut archidiaconi propter eorum censum.

4. No one shall seize a peasant, man or woman, for the purpose of making him purchase his freedom, unless the peasant has forfeited his freedom. This is not meant to restrict the rights of a lord over the peasants living on his own lands or on lands which he claims.

4. Villanum aut villanam propter redemptionem, non nisi per suum forisfactum, et nisi eundem villanum, qui alterius terram araverit vel laboraverit, quae est in contentione, nisi unusquisque de sua terra, aut de suo beneficio.

5. From this hour forth no one shall seize ecclesiastical lands, whether those of a bishop, chapter, or monastery, and no one shall levy any unjust tax or toll from them; unless he holds them as precaria from the bishop or the brothers.

5. Terras ecclesiasticas , episcopales , canonicales, monachales nullus praesumere audeat, neque aliqua mala consuetudine dishonorare, nisi de manu episcopi, aut fratrum voluntate per precariam acquisierit de ista hora et in antea.

6. No one shall seize or rob merchants.

6. Negotiatores etiam nullus apprehendere, aut rebus suis spoliare praesumat, se sciente.

7. No layman shall exercise any authority in the matter of burials or ecclesiastical offerings; no priest shall take money for baptism, for it is the gift of the Holy Spirit.

7. Interdicimus etiam, ut nullus laicorum se immittat de sepulturis ecclesiae vel offerendis: et nullus presbyterorum pretium de baptisterio accipiat, quia donum spiritus sancti est.

8. If anyone breaks the peace and refuses to keep it. he shall be excommunicated and anathematized and cut off from the holy mother church, until he makes satisfaction; if he refuses to make satisfaction, no priest shall say mass or perform divine services for him, no priest shall bury him or permit him to be buried in consecrated ground ; no priest shall knowingly give him communion; if any priest knowingly violates this decree he shall be deposed.

8. Si vero aliquis raptor fuerit, aut maledictus, qui hanc institutionem infregerit, et tenere noluerit, sit ipse excommunicatus et anathematizatus, et a liminibus sanctae matris ecclesiae segregatus, usquequo ad satisfactionem veniat: quod si non fecerit , presbyter ei missam non cantet, divinum ei officium non laciat, et si mortuus fuerit, presbyter eum non sepeliat, neque ad ecclesiam sit sepultus, communionem ei non donet, se sciente, et si aliquis presbyter hoc infregerit, se sciente, ab ordine deponatur.


Dicimus et ammonemus , ut in isto tempore, scilicet mediante Octobri mense, ad istum dei placitum cum bono animo et voluntate veniatis in dei nomine, ut remissionem peccatorum vestrorum consequi valeatis, procurante domino nostro Jesu Christo, qui cum patre et sancto spiritu vivit et regnat.’’





242. Truce Of God, Made For The Archbishopric Of Arles, 1035-41.






TRUCE of GOD, MADE for the
[242] MGH (Monumenta Germaniae Historica). Leg. Sect. 4; Const I, App. III [LL. 4to, IV, 1], no. 419, pp. 596-597





This is the earliest truce of God extant (except for the doubtful case of the council of Elne, 1027), and it is preserved only in the form of a communication recommending it to the clergy of Italy.


In the name of God, the omnipotent Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Reginbald. archbishop of Aries, with Benedict, bishop of Avignon, Nithard, bishop of Nice, the venerable abbot Odilo [ of Cluny], and all the bishops, abbots, and other clergy of Gaul, to all the archbishops, bishops, and clergy of Italy, grace and peace from -God, the omnipotent Father, who is, was, and shall be.

In nomine Dei Patris omnipotentis et Filii et Spiritus sancti. Raginbaldus Arelatensis arcbiepiscopus cum Benedicto Avenionensi et Nitardo Nicensi episcopis necnon et venerabili abbato domno Odilone una cum omnibus episcopis et abbatibus et cuncto clero per universam Galliam habitantibus omnibus archiepiscopis. episeopis, presbyteris et cuncto clero per totam Italiam commorantibus. Gratia vobis et pax a Deo patre omnipotente, qui est et qui erat et qui venturus est.

1. For the salvation of your souls, we beseech all you who fear God and believe in him and have been redeemed by his blood, to follow the footsteps of God, and to keep peace one with another, that you may obtain eternal peace and quiet with Him.

1. Rogamus vos et obsecramus omnes qui timetis Deum et creditis in eum et ipsius sanguine redeniti estis, ut caveatis et provideatis vos ad salutem animarum et corporum et sequamini vestigia Dei, pacem habentes ad inviceni, ut cum ipso mereamini pacem et tranquillitatem perpetuam possidere.

2. This is the peace or truce of God which we have received from heaven through the inspiration of God, and we beseech you to accept it and observe it even as we have done; namely, that all Christians, friends and enemies, neighbors and strangers, should keep true and lasting peace one with another from vespers on Wednesday to sunrise on Monday, so . that during these four days and five nights, all persons may have peace, and, trusting in this peace, may go about their business without fear of their enemies.

2. Recipite ergo et tenete pacem et illam trevam Dei quam et nos divina inspiranto misericordia de coelo nobis transmissam iam accepimus et firmiter tenemus, ita constitutam et dispositam videlicet: ut ab hora vespertina diei Mercurii inter omnes christianos, amicos et inimicos, vicinos et extraneos, sit firma pax et stabilis treuva usque in II. feriam id est die lunae ad ortum solis, ut istis quatuor diebus ac noctibus omni hora securi sint et faciant quidquid erit opportunum, ab omi timore inimicorum absoluti et in tranquillitate pacis et ipsius treuvae confirmati.

3. All who keep the peace and truce of God shall be absolved of their sins by God, the omnipotent Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, and by St. Mary with the choir of virgins, and St. Michael with the choir of angels, and St. Peter with all the saints and all the faithful, now and forever. ‘

3. Quicumque hanc pacem et treuvam Dei observaverint ac firmiter tenuerint, sint absoluti a Deo patre omnipotente et filio eius Iesu Christo et Spiritu sancto et de sancta Maria cum choris virginum et de sancto Michaele cum choris angelorum et de sancto Petro principe apostolorum cum omnibus sanctis et fidelibus cunctis nunc et semper et per omnia saecula saeculorum.

4. Those who have promised to observe the truce and have wilfully violated it, shall be excommunicated by God the omnipotent Father, and His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, from the communion of all the saints of God, shall be accursed and despised here and in the future world, shall be damned with Dathan and Abiram and with Judas who betrayed his Lord, and shall be overwhelmed in the depths of hell, as was Pharaoh in the midst of the sea, unless they make such satisfaction as is described in the following:

4. Qui vero treuvani promissam habuerint et se scientibus infringere voluerint, sint excommunicati a Deo patre omnipotente et filio eius Iesu Christo et Spiritu sancto et de omnibus sanctis Dei sint excommunicati, maledicti et detestati hic et in perpetuum, et sint damnati sicut Dathan et Abiron et sicut Iudas qui tradidit Dominum, et sint dimersi in profundum inferni sicut Pharao in medio maris, si ad emendationem non venerint sicut constitutum est.

5. If anyone has killed another on the days of the truce of God, he shall be exiled and driven from the land and shall make a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, spending his exile there. If anyone has violated the truce of God in any other way, he shall suffer the penalty prescribed by the secular laws and shall do double the penance prescribed by the canons.

5. Videlicet si quis in ipsis diebus treuvae Dei homicidium fecerit, exul factus atque a propria patria eiectus, Ierusalem tendens longinquum illic patiatur exilium. Si vero in aliis quibuslibet rebus supradictam treuvam Dei et pacem fregerit, examinatus per decreta legum saecularium iuxta modum culparum cogatur persolvere et per sanctorum canonum regulas duplicata poenitentia iudicabitur.

6. We believe it is just that we should suffer both secular and spiritual punishment if we break the promise which we have made to keep the peace. For we believe that this peace was given to us from heaven by God; for before God gave it to his people, there was nothing good done among us. The Lord’s Day was not kept, but all kinds of labor were performed on it.

6. Quod ideo dignum ducimus, ut si promissionem illic factam in aliquo corrumpere praesumserimus, mundano et spiritali iudicio dupliciter condemnemur. Credimus namque istam causam a Deo nobis coelitus inspiratam divina opitulatione, quia apud nos, ut credimus, nihil boni agebatur, quando a Deo populo suo transmissa est. Dominica certe' dies non celebrabatur, sed cuncta servilia opera in ea fiebant.

7. We have vowed and dedicated these four days to God: Thursday, because it is the day of his ascension; Friday, because it is the day of his passion; Saturday, because it is the day in which he was in the tomb; and Sunday, because it is the day of his resurrection; on thai day no labor shall be done and no one shall be in fear of his enemy.

7. Promisimus itaque Deo ac devovimus quatriduum ut supra diximus, ut V. feria proptor ascensionem, VI. feria propter Christi passionem, sabbatum pro veneratione sepulturae et ut dominica resurrectio inviolabiliter celebraretur ab omnibus, rurale opus in ea omnino non fieret, inimicus inimicum non formidaret.

8. By the power given to lis by God through the apostles, we bless and absolve all who keep the peace and truce of God; we excommunicate, curse, anathematize, and exclude from the holy mother church all who violate it.

8. Secundum auetoritatem a Deo collatam et ab apostolis traditam omnes qui hanc pacem et Dei treuvam amaverint benedicimus et absolvimus, sicut superius dictum est; illos autem qui contradicunt excommunicamus, maledicimus et anathematizamus et a liminibus sanctae matris ecclesiae eliminamus.

9. If anyone shall punish violators of this decree and of the truce of Gotl, he shall not be held guilty of a crime, but shall go and come freely with the blessing of all Christians, as a defender of the cause of God. But if anything has been stolen on other days, and the owner finds it on one of the days of the truce, he shall not be restrained from recovering it, lest thereby an, advantage should be given to the thief.

9. Cum autem evenerit cuiquam vindicare in eos, qui hanc cartam et Dei treuvam irrumpere praesumserint, vindicantes nulli culpae habeantur obnoxii, sed sicut cultores causae Dei ab omnibus christianis exeant et redeant benedicti. Si vero residuis diebus aliquid sublatum fuerit et in diebus treuvae obviaverit, omnino non teneatur, ne occasio inimico data videatur.

10. In addition, brothers, we request that you observe the day on which the peace and truce was established by us, keeping it in the name of the holy Trinity. Drive all thieves out of your country, and curse and excommunicate them in the name of all the saints.

10. Praeterea rogamus vos fratros, ut in quacumque die apud vos praedicta pax et treuva constituta fuorit, ipsum diem devote recolatis in nomine sanctae Trinitatis. Latrones quoscumque de vestra regione eiiciatis et abominemini, maledicatis et excommunicetis ex parte omnium sanctorum qui suprascripti sunt.

11. Offer your tithes and the first fruits of your labors to God, and bring offerings from your goods to the churches for the souls of the living and the dead, that God may free you from all evils in this world, and after this life bring you to the kingdom of heaven, through Him who lives and reigns with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

11. Decimas vero vestras et primitias de laboribus vestris Deo offeratis, de bonis vestris ad ecclesias deportetis pro salute vivorum et defunctorum, ut Deus vos liberet ab omnibus malis in hac vita et post hanc vitam perducat vos ad regna coelorum, qui cum Deo Patre et Spiritu sancto vivit et regnat Deus per omnia saecula saeculorum. Amen.





243. Truce Of God For The Archbishoprics Of Besancox And Vienne. ru., 1041






TRUCE of GOD for the
VIENNE. ca. 1041
[243] MGH  L. 4to, IV, 1, no. 421, p. 599





1. We command all to keep the truce from sunset on Wednesday to sunrise on Monday, and from Christmas to the octave of [ i.e.week after] Epiphany [Jan. 6], and from Septuagesima Sunday [third Sunday before Lent] to the octave of Easter [the Sunday after Easter].

1. Treugas autem a IIII. feria post occasum soils usque ad secundam post ortum solis et ab adventu Domini usque ad octavam epyphanie et a LXX. usque ad octavam pasche ab omnibus inviolabiliter precipimus observari.

2. If anyone violates the truce and refuses to make satisfaction, after he has been admonished three times, the bishop shall excommunicate him and shall notify the neighboring bishops of his action by letter. No bishop shall receive the excommunicated person, but shall confirm the sentence of excommunication against him in writing. If any bishop violates this decree he shall be in danger of losing his rank.

2. Si quis autem treugas frangere attemptaverit, post tercam ammonitionem si non satisfecerit, episcopus excommunicationis sententiam in eum dicet et scriptam vicinis episcopis nunciet. Episeoporum autem nullus excommunicatum in communione suscipiat, immo scripto susceptam sententiam confirmet. Si quis autem hoc violare presumpserit, ordinis sui periculo subiaceat

3. And since a threefold cord is stronger and harder to break than a single one, we command bishops mutually to aid one another in maintaining this peace, having regard only to God and the salvation of their people, and not to neglect this through love or fear of anyone. If any bishop is negligent in this regard, he shall be in danger of losing his rank.

3. Et quoniam funiculus triplex difficile rumpitur, precipimus, ut episcopi ad solum Deum et salutem populi habentes respectum, omni eupiditate seposita, ad pacem firmiter tenendam mutuum sibi consilium et auxilium prestent nec hoc alicuuis amore vel olio pretermittant. Quod si quis in hoc opere tepidus inventus fuerit, proprie dampnum dignitatis incurrat.





244. Truce For The Bishopric Of Terouanne, 1063.







[244] M. G. LL. 4to, IV, 1, no. 422, pp. 599-601.





Drogo, bishop of Terouanne, and count Baldwin [of Hainault] have established this peace with the cooperation of the clergy and people of the land.

Hanc pacem Drogo Tervanensis episcopus et Balduinus comes cum clero et populo tocius terre constituerunt.

Dearest brothers in the Lord, these are the conditions which you must observe during the time of the peace which is commonly called the truce of God, and which begins with sunset on Wednesday and lasts until sunrise on Monday.

Fratres in Domino karissimi, in pace, que vulgo treuia Dei dicitur et que a die Mercurii sole occidente incipit et in die lune sole nascente finit, hec que dicam vobis firmissima mente dehinc inantea debetis observare.

1. During those four days and five nights no man or woman shall assault, wound, or slay another, or attack, seize, or destroy a castle, burg, or villa, by craft or by violence.

1. Nulhis homo nec feniina alium hominem aut feminam usquam assaliat nec vulneret nec occidat nec castellum nec burgum nec villam in hoc spatio quatuor dierum et quinque noctium assaliat nec predetur nec capiat nec ardeat ullo ingenio aut violentia aut aliqua fraude.

2. If anyone violates this peace and disobeys these commands of ours, he shall be exiled for thirty years as a penance, and before he leaves the bishopric he shall make compensation for the injury which he committed. Otherwise he shall be excommunicated by the Lord God and excluded from all Christian fellowship.

2. Quodsi aliquis, quod absit, illam non tenendo que precipimus, infregerit, si non XXX annorura penitenciam in exilio fecerit et, antequam ab episcopatu exeat, quicquid fecerit contra pacem emendaverit, a domino Deo sit excommunicatus et a tota cristianitate separatus.

3. All who associate with him in any way, who give him advice or aid, or hold converse with him, unless it be to advise him to do penance and to leave the bishopric, shall be under excommunication until they have made satisfaction.

3. Quicunque vero illi scienter aliqua in re communicaverint aut consilium sive adiutorium dederint aut ullum colloquium, nisi ut ad penitenciam veniat et, ut dictum est, ab hoc episcopatu exeat, hubuerint:, similiter sint excommunicati, donec ad emendationem venerint.

4. If any violator of the peace shall fall sick and die before he completes his penance, no Christian shall visit him or move his body from the place where it lay, or receive any of his possessions.

4. Quodsi ille sancte pacis violator miserrimus, priusquam accepta penitencia XXX annorum exulet , moriatur, nullus christianorum presumat ilium visitare aut corpus a loco in quo iacuerit tollere nec quicquam ex substancie sue bonis accipere.

5. In addition, brethren, you should observe the peace in regard to lands and animals and all things that can be possessed. If anyone takes from another an animal, a coin, or a garment, during the days of the truce, he shall be excommunicated unless he makes satisfaction. If he desires to make satisfaction for his crime he shall first restore the thing which he stole or its value in money, and shall do penance for seven years within the bishopric. If he should die before he makes satisfaction and completes his penance, his bodv shall not be buried or removed from the place where it lay, unless his family shall make satisfaction for him to the person whom he injured.

5. Preterea, fratres, hanc pacem et treuiam Dei de terris ac bestiis, insuper de rebus omnibus que haberi possunt inter vos tenebitis. Quodsi aliquis bestiam aut etiam obulum sive vestimentum in ista pace alicui tulerit, sit excommunicatus, doncc ad emendationem veniat. Sed si ad emendationem venire voluerit, primum reddat quod rapuit aut tantum quanti erat precii quod abstulit. Dehinc VII annos  peniteat infra episcopatum. Si autem mortuus fuerit, priusquam satisfaciat et penitentiam sumat, non sepeliatur nec a loco quo obiit movoatur, nisi pro illo parentes eius satisfecerint ei cui iniuriam fecit.

6. During the days of the peace, no one shall make a hostile expedition on horseback, except when summoned by the count; and all who go with the count shall take for their support only as much as is necessary for themselves and their horses.

6. Ceterum in hac pace nullis nisi comes terre caballicationem aut hostilitatem faciat; et quicunque in caballicatione aut hostilitate comitis fuerint, in hoc episcopatu nichil plus, quam sibi ac suis equis necessaria sunt, ad victum accipiant.

7. All merchants and other men who pass through your territory from other lands shall have peace from you.

7. Mercatores autem et omnes homines, qui ab aliis regionibus per vos transierint, pacem habeant a vobis.

8. You shall also keep this peace every day of the week from the beginning of Advent to the octave of Epiphany and from the beginning of Lent to the octave of Kaster. and from the feast of Rogations [the Monday before Ascension Day] to the octave of Pentecost.

8. Hanc autem Dei treuiam  ab inicio adventus dominici usque ad octavas epiphanie omnes dies tenebitis, et a capite ieiunii usque ad octavas pasche et a rogationibus usque ad octavas penthecostes per omnes dies tenebitis.

9. We command all priests on feast days and Sundays to pray for all who keep the peace, and to curse all who violate if or support its violators.

9. Presbyteris autem precipimus, ut in festivitatibus ac dominicis diebus omnes, qui hanc pacem observaverint, pro illis preces agendo benedicant, illos vero, qui infregerint aut qui infractoribus consenserint, maledicant.

10. If anyone has been accused of violating the peace and denies the charge, he shall take the communion and undergo the ordeal of hot iron. If he is found guilty, he shall do penance within the bishopric for seven years.

10. Si quis autem se pacem infregisse negaverit , prius sacramentum faciat calidumque iudicii ferrum portct. Si culpabilis repertus fuerit, infra patriam VII annos peniteat.








xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....  ’ “”.