I |
Concilia oecumenica et generalia Ecclesiae catholicae - Concilium Lateranense a. II 113 |
1. We decree that if anyone has been ordained simoniacally, he is to forfeit entirely the office which he illicitly usurped. |
Statuimus ut si quis simoniace ordinatus fuerit ab officio omnino cadat quod illicite usurpavit. |
2. If anyone has acquired, through payment, a prebend, priory, deanery or any ecclesiastical honour or preferment, or a holy thing of the church of any kind, such as chrism or holy oil, or the consecrations of altars or churches, where the execrable passion of avarice has been the motive, let him be deprived of the honour which he wrongly acquired, and let the buyer and seller and intermediary be stigmatised with the mark of infamy. And let nothing be demanded for sustenance or under the pretext of any custom from anyone before or afterwards, nor should the person himself presume to give anything, since this is simony; but let him enjoy freely and without any diminution the dignity and benefice which has been conferred on him |
Si quis praebendam vel prioratum seu decanatum aut honorem vel promotionem aliquam ecclesiasticam seu quodlibet sacramentum ecclesiasticum utpote chrisma vel oleum sanctum consecrationes altarium vel ecclesiarum interveniente exsecrabili ardore avaritiae per pecuniam acquisivit honore male acquisito careat. Et emptor atque venditor et interventor nota infamiae percellantur. Et nec pro pastu nec sub obtentu alicuius consuetudinis ante vel post a quoquam aliquid exigatur vel ipse dare praesumat quoniam simoniacum est. Sed libere et absque imminutione aliqua collata sibi dignitate atque beneficio perfruatur. |
3. We utterly prohibit those who have been excommunicated by their bishops to be received by others. Indeed, whoever knowingly presumes to communicate someone who has been excommunicated, before he is absolved by the one who excommunicated him, is to be held liable to the same sentence. |
A suis episcopis excommunicatos ab aliis suscipi modis omnibus prohibemus.Qui vero excommunicato antequam ab eo qui eum excommunicaverit absolvatur scienter communicare praesumpserit pari sententiae teneatur obnoxius. |
4. We also enjoin that bishops as well as clergy take pains to be pleasing to God and to humans in both their interior and exterior comportment. Let them give no offence in the sight of those for whom they ought to be a model and example, by the excess, cut or colour of their clothes, nor with regard to the tonsure, but rather, as is fitting for them, let them exhibit holiness. If after a warning from the bishops they are unwilling to change their ways, let them be deprived of their ecclesiastical benefices. |
Praecipimus etiam quod tam episcopi quam clerici in statu mentis in habitu corporis deo et hominibus placere studeant et nec in superfluitate scissura aut colore vestium nec in tonsura intuentium quorum forma et exemplum esse debent offendant aspectum sed potius quae eos deceat sanctitatem prae se ferant. Quod si moniti ab episcopis emendari noluerint ecclesiasticis careant beneficiis. |
5. We enjoin that what was laid down in the sacred council of Chalcedon be rigidly adhered to, namely, that the goods of deceased bishops are not to be seized by anyone at all, but are to remain freely at the disposal of the treasurer and the clergy for the needs of the church and the succeeding incumbent. Therefore, from now on, let that detestable and wicked rapacity cease. Furthermore, if anyone dares to attempt this behaviour henceforth, he is to be excommunicated. And those who despoil the goods of dying priests or clerics are to be subject to the same sentence. |
Illud autem quod in sacro Chalcedoniensi constitutum est concilio irrefragabiliter conservari praecipimus ut videlicet decedentium bona episcoporum a nullo omnino hominum diripiantur sed ad opus ecclesiae et successoris sui in libera oeconomi et clericorum permaneant potestate. Cesset igitur de cetero illa detestabilis et saeva rapacitas. Si quis autem amodo hoc attentare praesumpserit excommunicationi subiaceat. Qui vero morientium presbyterorum vel clericorum bona rapuerint simili sententiae subiiciantur. |
6. We also decree that those in the orders of subdeacon and above who have taken wives or concubines are to be deprived of their position and ecclesiastical benefice. For since they ought to be in fact and in name temples of God, vessels of the Lord and sanctuaries of the holy Spirit, it is unbecoming that they give themselves up to marriage and impurity. |
Decernimus etiam ut ii qui in ordine subdiaconatus et supra uxores duxerint aut concubinas habuerint officio atque ecclesiastico beneficio careant. Cum enim ipsi templum dei vasa domini sacrarium spiritus sancti debeant esse et dici indignum est eos cubilibus et immunditiis deservire. |
7. Adhering to the path trod by our predecessors, the Roman pontiffs Gregory VII, Urban and Paschal, we prescribe that nobody is to hear the masses of those whom he knows to have wives or concubines. Indeed, that the law of continence and the purity pleasing to God might be propagated among ecclesiastical persons and those in holy orders, we decree that where bishops, priests, deacons, subdeacons, canons regular, monks and professed lay brothers have presumed to take wives and so transgress this holy precept, they are to be separated from their partners. For we do not deem there to be a marriage which, it is agreed, has been contracted against ecclesiastical law. Furthermore, when they have separated from each other, let them do a penance commensurate with such outrageous behaviour. |
Ad haec praedecessorum nostrorum Gregorii vii Urbani et Paschalis Romanorum pontificum vestigiis inhaerentes praecipimus ut nullus missas eorum audiat quos uxores vel concubinas habere cognoverit. Ut autem lex continentiae et deo placens munditia in ecclesiasticis personis et sacris ordinibus dilatetur statuimus quatenus episcopi presbyteri diaconi subdiaconi regulares canonici et monachi atque conversi professi qui sanctum transgredientes propositum uxores sibi copulare praesumpserint separentur. Huiusmodi namque copulationem quam contra ecclesiasticam regulam constat esse contractam matrimonium non esse censemus. Qui etiam ab separati pro tantis excessibus condignam poenitentiam agant. |
8. We decree that the selfsame thing is to apply also to women religious if, God forbid, they attempt to marry. |
Id ipsum quoque de sanctimonialibus feminis si quod absit nubere attentaverint observari decernimus. |
9. Moreover, the evil and detestable practice has grown, so we understand, whereby monks and canons regular, after receiving the habit and making their profession, are learning civil law and medicine with a view to temporal gain, in scornful disregard of the rules of their blessed teachers Benedict and Augustine. In fact, burning with the fire of avarice, they make themselves the advocates of suits; and since they have to neglect the psalmody and hymns, placing their trust in the power of fine rhetoric instead, they confuse what is right and what is wrong, justice and iniquity, by reason of the variety of their arguments. But the imperial constitutions testify that it is truly absurd and reprehensible for clerics to want to be experts in the disputes of law courts. We decree by apostolic authority that lawbreakers of this kind are to be severely punished. There are also those who, neglecting the care of souls, completely ignore their state in life, promise health in return for hateful money and make themselves healers of human bodies. And since an immodest eye manifests an immodest heart, religion ought to have nothing to do with those things of which virtue is ashamed to speak. Therefore, we forbid by apostolic authority this practice to continue, so that the monastic order and the order of canons may be preserved without stain in a state of life pleasing to God, in accord with their holy purpose. Furthermore, bishops, abbots and priors who consent to and fail to correct such an outrageous practice are to be deprived of their own honours and kept from the thresholds of the church. |
Prava autem consuetudo prout accepimus et detestabilis inolevit quoniam monachi et regulares canonici post susceptum habitum et professionem factam spreta beatorum magistrorum Benedicti et Augustini regula leges temporales et medicinam gratia lucri temporalis addiscunt. Avaritiae namque flammis accensi se patronos causarum faciunt. Et cum psalmodiae et hymnis vacare debeant gloriosae vocis confisi munimine allegationum suarum varietate iustum et iniustum fas nefas que confundunt. Attestantur vero imperiales constitutiones absurdum immo et opprobrium esse clericis si peritos se velint disceptationum esse forensium. Huiusmodi temeratores graviter feriendos apostolica auctoritate decernimus. Ipsi quoque neglecta animarum cura ordinis sui propositum nullatenus attendentes pro detestanda pecunia sanitatem pollicentes humanorum curatores se faciunt corporum. Cum que impudicus oculus impudici cordis sit nuntius illa de quibus loqui erubescit honestas non debet religio pertractare. Ut ergo ordo monasticus et canonicus deo placens in sancto proposito inviolabiliter conservetur ne hoc ulterius praesumatur apostolica auctoritate interdicimus. Episcopi autem abbates et priores tantae enormitati consentientes et non corrigentes propriis honoribus spolientur et ab ecclesiae liminibus arceantur. |
10. We prohibit, by apostolic authority, that the tithes of churches be possessed by lay people where canonical authority shows these were assigned for religious purposes. For whether they accept them from bishops or kings, or any person whatsoever, let them know that they are committing the crime of sacrilege and incurring the threat of eternal damnation, unless they hand them back to the church. We also direct that lay people who are in possession of churches must either restore them to the bishops or become subject to excommunication. We reiterate our decision that nobody is to hold the office of archdeacon or dean unless he is ordained deacon or priest; and archdeacons, deans or provosts who are without these orders are to be deprived of the honour they have received, if through disobedience they refuse to be ordained. Moreover, we forbid the aforesaid honours to be conferred on youths or those not yet in sacred orders; let them be conferred rather on those who are outstanding in prudence and integrity of life. We also enjoin that churches are not to be entrusted to hired priests and that each and every church with sufficient means is to have its own priest |
Decimas ecclesiarum quas in usu pietatis concessas esse canonica demonstrat auctoritas a laicis possideri apostolica auctoritate prohibemus. Sive enim ab episcopis vel regibus vel quibuslibet personis eas acceperint nisi ecclesiae reddiderint sciant se sacrilegii crimen committere et periculum aeternae damnationis incurrere. Praecipimus etiam ut laici qui ecclesias tenent aut eas episcopis restituant aut excommunicationi subiaceant. Innovamus autem et praecipimus ut nullus in archidiaconum vel decanum nisi diaconus vel presbyter ordinetur. Archidiaconi vero decani vel praepositi qui infra ordines praenominatos exsistunt si inoboedientes ordinari contempserint honore suscepto priventur. Prohibemus autem ne adolescentibus vel infra sacros ordines constitutis sed qui prudentia et merito vitae clarescunt praedicti concedantur honores. Praecipimus etiam ne conductitiis presbyteris ecclesiae committantur et unaquaeque ecclesia cui facultas suppetit proprium habeat sacerdotem. |
11. We also prescribe that priests, clerics, monks, pilgrims, merchants and peasants, in their coming and going and their work on the land, and the animals with which they plough and carry seeds to the fields, and their sheep , be left in peace at all times. |
Praecipimus etiam ut presbyteri clerici monachi peregrini et mercatores et rustici euntes et redeuntes et in agricoltura persistentes et animalia cum quibus aratur et semina portant ad agrum et oves omni tempore securi sint. |
12. We decree that the truce is to be inviolably observed by all from sunset on Wednesday until sunrise on Monday, and from Advent until the octave of the Epiphany, and from Quinquagesima until the octave of Easter. If anyone tries to break the truce, and he does not comply after the third warning, let his bishop pronounce sentence of excommunication on him, and communicate his decision in writing to the neighbouring bishops. Moreover let none of the bishops receive into communion the excommunicated person, but rather let each confirm the sentence received in writing. If anyone presumes to infringe this, he will do so at the risk of his position. Since a threefold cord is not quickly broken, we enjoin bishops, having regard for God alone and the salvation of the people, and laying aside all timidity, to furnish each other with mutual counsel and help towards firmly maintaining peace, and not to omit this duty by reason of any affection or aversion. For if anyone is found to be lukewarm in this work of God, let him incur the loss of his dignity |
Treguam autem ab occasu solis in quarta feria usque ad ortum solis in secunda feria et ab adventu domini usque ad octavas epiphaniae et a quinquagesima usque ad octavam paschae ab omnibus inviolabiliter observari praecipimus. Si quis autem treguam frangere tentaverit post tertiam commonitionem si non satisfecerit episcopus suus in eum excommunicationis sententiam dictet et scriptam episcopis vicinis annuntiet. Episcoporum autem nullus excommunicatum in communionem suscipiat immo scripto susceptam sententiam quisque confirmet. Si quis autem hoc violare praesumpserit ordinis sui periculo subiacebit. Et quoniam funiculus triplex difficile rumpitur praecipimus ut episcopi ad solum deum et salutem populi habentes respectum omni tepiditate seposita ad pacem firmiter tenendam mutuum sibi consilium et auxilium praebeant neque hoc alicuius amore aut odio praetermittant. Quod si quis in hoc dei opere tepidus inventus fuerit damnum propriae dignitatis incurrat. |
13. Furthermore, we condemn that practice accounted despicable and blameworthy by divine and human laws, denounced by Scripture in the old and new Testaments, namely, the ferocious greed of usurers; and we sever them from every comfort of the church, forbidding any archbishop or bishop, or an abbot of any order whatever or anyone in clerical orders, to dare to receive usurers, unless they do so with extreme caution; but let them be held infamous throughout their whole lives and, unless they repent, be deprived of a christian burial. |
Porro detestabilem et probrosam divinis et humanis legibus per scripturam in veteri et novo testamento abdicatam illam inquam insatiabilem foeneratorum rapacitatem damnamus et ab omni ecclesiastica consolatione sequestramus praecipientes ut nullus archiepiscopus nullus episcopus vel cuiuslibet ordinis abbas seu quivis in ordine et clero nisi cum summa cautela usurarios recipere praesumat. Sed in tota vita infames habeantur et nisi resipuerint christiana sepultura priventur. |
14. We entirely forbid, moreover, those abominable jousts and tournaments in which knights come together by agreement and rashly engage in showing off their physical prowess and daring, and which often result in human deaths and danger to souls. If any of them dies on these occasions, although penance and viaticum are not to be denied him when he requests them, he is to be deprived of a church burial. |
Detestabiles autem illas nundinas vel ferias in quibus milites ex condicto convenire solent et ad ostentationem virium suarum et audaciae temerarie congrediuntur unde mortes hominum et animarum pericula saepe proveniunt omnino fieri interdicimus. Quod si quis eorum ibidem mortuus fuerit quamvis ei poscenti poenitentia et viaticum non negetur ecclesiastica tamen careat sepultura. |
15. In the same way we have decided to legislate that if anyone, at the instigation of the devil, incurs the guilt of the following sacrilege, that is, to lay violent hands on a cleric or a monk, he is to be subject to the bond of anathema; and let no bishop presume to absolve such a person unless he is in immediate danger of death, until he has been presented before the apostolic See and submits to its decision. We also prescribe that nobody dare to lay hands on those who flee to a church or cemetery. If anyone does this, let him be excommunicated. |
Item placuit ut si quis suadente diabolo huius sacrilegii reatum incurrerit quod in clericum vel monachum violentas manus iniecerit anathematis vinculo subiaceat et nullus episcoporum illum praesumat absolvere nisi mortis urgente periculo donec apostolico conspectui praesentetur et eius mandatum suscipiat. Praecipimus etiam ut in eos qui ad ecclesiam vel coemeterium confugerint nullus omnino manum mittere audeat. Quod si fecerit excommunicetur. |
16. It is undoubtedly the case that since ecclesiastical honours depend not on blood-relationships but on merit, and since the church of God awaits successors not on the basis of any right of inheritance, nor according to the flesh, it requires virtuous, wise and devout persons for its administration and the distribution of its offices. Therefore we prohibit, by apostolic authority, anyone to exercise a claim over or to demand, by hereditary right, churches, prebends, provostships, chaplaincies or any ecclesiastical offices. If anyone, unjustly and guilty of ambition, dares to attempt this, he will be duly punished and deprived of the object of his suit. |
Indubitatum est quoniam honores ecclesiastici sanguinis non sunt sed meriti et ecclesia dei non hereditario iure aliquem neque secundum carnem successorem expectat sed ad sua regimina et officiorum suorum dispensationes honestas sapientes et religiosas personas exposcit. Propterea auctoritate prohibemus apostolica ne quis ecclesias praebendas praeposituras capellanias aut aliqua ecclesiastica officia hereditario iure valeat vindicare aut expostulare praesumat. Quod si quis improbus aut ambitionis reus attentare praesumpserit debita pena mulctabitur et postulatis carebit. |
17. With good reason we entirely prohibit unions within the bounds of consanguinity; for the teachings of holy fathers and the holy church of God detest incestuous behaviour of this kind, which (under the influence of the enemy of the human race) is engaged in nowadays. Even the secular laws pronounce those born of such a union infamous, and refuse them the right of inheritance |
Sane coniunctiones consanguineorum omnino fieri prohibemus. Huiusmodi namque incestum qui fere stimulante humani generis inimico in usum versus est sanctorum patrum instituta et sacrosancta dei detestatur ecclesia. Leges etiam saeculi de tali contubernio natos infames pronuntiant et ab hereditate repellunt. |
18. We completely detest and forbid, by the authority of God and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, that most dreadful, devastating and malicious crime of incendiarism For this pernicious and inimical calamity surpasses all other kinds of destruction. Nobody is unaware of the extent to which it is injurious to the people of God and the damage it brings to souls and bodies. It is necessary, therefore, to oppose it and to labour with all one’s might, that so great a harm and danger be eradicated and suppressed for the sake of the people. If anyone, then, after the publication of this prohibition of ours, from some wicked design born of hate or vengeance, starts a fire or causes it to be started, or knowingly provides counsel or help to those starting one, let him be excommunicated. And when an arsonist dies, he is to be deprived of a christian burial. Nor is he to be absolved unless, having first made reparation for the loss according to his means, he swears that he will never raise a fire again. Moreover, let him be given the penance of remaining a whole year in Jerusalem or Spain in the service of God. |
Pessimam siquidem et depopulatricem et horrendam incendiorum malitiam auctoritate dei et beatorum apostolorum Petri et Pauli omnino detestamur et interdicimus. Haec etenim pestis et hostilis vastitas omnes alias depraedationes exsuperat. Quae quantum populo dei sit damnosa quantum que detrimentum animabus et corporibus inferat nullus ignorat. Assurgendum est igitur et omni modo laborandum ut tanta clades tanta que pernicies pro salute populi eradicetur et exstirpetur. Si quis igitur post huius nostrae prohibitionis promulgationem malo studio sive pro odio sive pro vindicta ignem apposuerit vel apponi fecerit aut appositoribus consilium vel auxilium scienter tribuerit excommunicetur. Et si mortuus fuerit incendiarius christianorum careat sepultura. Nec absolvatur nisi prius damno cui intulit secundum facultatem suam resarcito iuret se ulterius ignem non appositurum. Poenitentia autem ei detur ut Hierosolymis aut in Hispania in servitio dei per annum integrum permaneat. |
19. If any archbishop or bishop relaxes this decree, he is to make restitution for the loss and abstain from his episcopal office for a year. |
Si quis autem archiepiscopus vel episcopus hoc relaxaverit damnum restituat et per annum ab officio episcopali abstineat. |
20. As is right, we do not deny to kings and princes the power to dispense justice, in consultation with the archbishops and bishops. |
Sane regibus et principibus facultatem faciendae iustitiae consultis archiepiscopis et episcopis non negamus. |
21. We decree that sons of priests are to be removed from the ministries of the sacred altar unless they are living religiously in monasteries or canonries. |
Presbyterorum filios a sacri altaris ministeriis removendos decernimus nisi aut in coenobiis aut in canonicis religiose fuerint conversati. |
22. Because there is one thing that conspicuously causes great disturbance to holy church, namely, false penance, we warn our brothers in the episcopate and priests not to allow the souls of the laity to be deceived or dragged off to hell by false penances. It is agreed that a penance is false when many sins are disregarded and a penance is performed for one only, or when it is done for one sin in such a way that the penitent does not renounce another. Thus it is written: Whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point, has become guilty of all of it; this evidently pertains to eternal life. Therefore, just as a person who is entangled in all sins will not enter the gate of eternal life, so also if a person remains in one sin . False penance also occurs when the penitent does not resign a position at a court or in business which cannot be carried on without sin, or if hate is harboured in his heart, or if the person does not make amends to whomever he offended, or if an injured party does not pardon the offender, or if anyone unjustly carries arms. |
Sane quia inter cetera unum est quod sanctam maxime perturbat ecclesiam falsa videlicet poenitentia confratres nostros et presbyteros admonemus ne falsis poenitentiis laicorum animas decipi et in infernum pertrahi patiantur. Falsam autem poenitentiam esse constat cum spretis pluribus de uno solo poenitentia agitur aut cum sic agitur de uno ut non discedatur ab alio. Unde scriptum est qui totam legem observaverit offendit autem in uno factus est omnium reus scilicet quantum ad vitam aeternam. Sicut enim si peccatis esset omnibus involutus ita si in uno tantum maneat aeternae vitae ianuam non intrabit. Falsa etiam fit poenitentia cum poenitens ab officio vel curiali vel negotiali non recedit quod sine peccato agi nulla ratione praevalet aut si odium in corde gestetur aut si offenso cuilibet non satisfiat aut si offendenti offensus non indulgeat aut si arma quis contra iustitiam gerat. |
23. Those who, simulating a kind of religiosity, condemn |
Eos autem qui religiositatis speciem simulantes |
the sacrament of the Lord’s body and blood, |
domini corporis et sanguinis sacramentum |
the baptism of children, |
baptisma puerorum |
the priesthood and other ecclesiastical orders, and |
sacerdotium et ceteros ecclesiasticos ordines |
legitimate marriages, |
et legitimarum damnant foedera nuptiarum |
we expel from the church of God and condemn as heretics, and prescribe that they be constrained by the secular powers. We also bind up their defenders in the fetter of the same condemnation. |
tamquam haereticos ab ecclesia dei pellimus et damnamus et per potestates exteras coerceri praecipimus. Defensores quoque ipsorum eiusdem damnationis vinculo innodamus. |
24. We also prescribe that no sale-price is to be demanded for chrism, holy oil and burials. |
Illud quoque adicientes praecipimus ut pro chrismatis olei sacri et sepulturae acceptione nullum venditionis pretium exigatur. |
25. If anyone receives provostships, prebends or other ecclesiastical benefices from the hand of a lay person, let him be deprived of the benefice unworthily received. For the decrees of the holy fathers state that lay people, no matter how devout they may be, have no power of disposal over ecclesiastical property. |
Si quis praeposituras praebendas vel alia ecclesiastica beneficia de manu laici acceperit indigne suscepto careat beneficio. Iuxta namque decreta sanctorum patrum laici quamvis religiosi sint nullam tamen habent disponendi de ecclesiasticis facultatibus potestatem. |
26. We decree that the pernicious and detestable custom which has spread among some women who although they live neither according to the rule of blessed Benedict, nor Basil nor Augustine, yet wish to be thought of by everyone as nuns, is to be abolished. For when, living according to the rule in monasteries, they ought to be in church or in the refectory or dormitory in common, they build for themselves their own retreats and private dwelling-places where, under the guise of hospitality, indiscriminately and without any shame they receive guests and secular persons contrary to the sacred canons and good morals. Because everyone who does evil hates the light, these women think that, hidden in the tabernacle of the just , they can conceal themselves from the eyes of the Judge who sees everything; so we prohibit in every way this unrighteous, hateful and disgraceful conduct and forbid it to continue under pain of anathema. |
Ad haec perniciosam et detestabilem consuetudinem quarundam mulierum quae licet neque secundum regulam beati Benedicti neque Basilii aut Augustini vivant sanctimoniales tamen vulgo censeri desiderant aboleri decernimus. Cum enim iuxta regulam degentes in coenobiis tam in ecclesia quam in refectorio atque dormitorio communiter esse debeant propria sibi aedificant receptacula et privata domicilia in quibus sub hospitalitatis velamine passim hospites et minus religiosos contra sacros canones et bonos mores suscipere nullatenus erubescunt. Quia ergo omnis qui male agit odit lucem ac per hoc ipsae absconditae in iustorum tabernaculo opinantur se posse latere oculos iudicis cuncta cernentis hoc tam inhonestum detestandum que flagitium ne ulterius fiat omnimodis prohibemus et sub poena anathematis interdicimus. |
27. In the same way, we prohibit nuns to come together with canons or monks in choir for the singing of the office. |
Simili modo prohibemus ne sanctimoniales simul cum canonicis vel monachis in ecclesia in uno choro conveniant ad psallendum. |
28. Since the decrees of the fathers prohibit churches to be left vacant for more than three months, we forbid under anathema the canons of the episcopal see to exclude religious men from the election following on the death of the bishop; but let a virtuous and suitable person be elected as bishop with their advice. Because if an election is held with these religious persons excluded, where this is done without their knowledge and consent, it is null and void. |
Obeuntibus sane episcopis quoniam ultra tres menses vacare ecclesias prohibent patrum sanctiones sub anathemate interdicimus ne canonici de sede episcopali ab electione episcoporum excludant religiosos viros sed eorum consilio honesta et idonea persona in episcopum eligatur. Quod si exclusis eisdem religiosis electio fuerit celebrata quod absque eorum assensu et convenientia factum fuerit irritum habeatur et vacuum. |
29. We prohibit under anathema that murderous art of crossbowmen and archers, which is hateful to God, to be employed against Christians and Catholics from now on. |
Artem autem illam mortiferam et deo odibilem ballistariorum et sagittariorum adversus christianos et catholicos exerceri de cetero sub anathemate prohibemus. |
30. We render void the ordinances enacted by Peter Leoni and other schismatics and heretics, and deem them null. |
Ad haec ordinationes factas a Petro et aliis schismaticis et haereticis evacuamus et irritas esse censemus. |
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 2005