Archdiocese of Los Angeles

  OFFICE OF FAMILY LIFE (213) 637-7228




Date/time of the nuptial celebration:__________ at:__________

Location: :__________

□ Celebration with Mass  □ Celebration outside of Mass

Presider of the Liturgy: :__________

Rehearsal on: :__________ at:__________

Best man:__________

Maid / matron of honor: :__________

Entered in marriage register:  Volume__________Page:__________

Church and date of groom’s baptism:

Notification of Marriage: Sent__________or entered in baptismal register:__________Volume__________Page

Church and date of bride’s baptism: __________

Notification of Marriage:  Sent__________ or entered in baptismal register:__________Volume__________Page__________

Required notification sent to appropriate state agency: :__________

Pastor or delegate: :__________



 I hereby delegate Rev.__________to assist at ‘s marriage within my parish.

Date__________ Pastor’s/Associate’s Signature

Attachment “1”



The Bride & Groom must be interviewed separately by the priest or deacon. The priest or deacon is required to pose and write the answers to the following questions. This is a confidential Church document and should be kept in a secured file with other such documents.




The priest or deacon, having reminded the groom of the sacred character and binding force of an oath, will ask the groom the following questions.

Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in answering the questions that shall be asked, so help you God?__________

1. Full Legal Name:__________

Present Address:__________

How long have you lived at this address?__________Home Phone:__________

Occupation:__________ Work Phone:__________

2. Date and place of your birth?__________

Father’s Name:__________ Religion:__________

Mother’s Maiden Name:__________ Religion:__________

3. Were you ever baptized? ___________ If so, in what religion?__________

Date of baptism:__________ Church of Baptism:__________

City, State, Country:__________

(Note: If baptized Catholic, the groom should present a copy of his baptismal certificate. If baptized in another Christian church, a copy of the baptismal certificate should be secured if at all possible.)

4. What religion do you presently practice?__________

Questions 5, 6, 7 are to be asked of Catholics only

5. First Holy Communion: Yes__________No__________Church: __________

6. Confirmation: Yes__________No__________Date: __________

Church of Confirmation:__________Place: __________

7. To what parish do you presently belong?__________

How would you describe the practice of your religion?__________

8. What are the names and addresses of two persons (preferably parents or relatives) who could testify to your freedom to marry:  __________    __________

9. Have you ever been married or attempted marriage, even civilly, or lived in a common law union?

If so, how many times?__________If any prior union(s) the following questions also need to be asked.

Name(s) of former spouse(s): __________

Was/were this/these union(s) ended by death?__________ (If so, the death certificate(s) must be submitted.)

If ended by divorce, has the Catholic Church issued any declaration of nullity or ecclesiastical dissolution for the union(s)?__________(If yes, the ecclesiastical decree(s) must be presented.)

10. Have you ever fathered a child/children in any previous relationship?__________ How many? __________

If so, are you fulfilling your legal and moral obligations to the child/children?__________

Is your intended spouse aware of these obligations?__________

11. Has your intended spouse ever been married or attempted marriage, even a civil marriage, or lived in a common law union?__________If so, how many times?__________

(If the bride has had any former union(s), she is to be asked fuller details during her interview.)


(If the answer “Yes” is given to questions 12 through 15, please obtain details and consult the Archdiocese.)

12. Are you and your intended spouse related by blood (as first cousins or closer) or by a legal relationship (in-laws)?

If so, please describe the relationship:

13. Do you or your intended spouse suffer from any of the following:

a) a serious physical disease or other health problem that could create difficulties in your marriage?

b) a significant psychological impairment?__________

c) alcohol or other substance abuse?__________

If yes, please give details:__________

14. Is any person or circumstance (e.g. parental pressure, pregnancy, etc.) influencing you to enter this marriage or forcing you to do so against your will?__________ Is any person or circumstance influencing the bride to enter this marriage or forcing her to marry against her will?__________

15. Are you attaching any conditions, restrictions, or reservations of any kind to your consent to this marriage? Have you entered any type of prenuptial agreement?__________

If “yes” to either, please explain:__________


(If the answer “No” is given to questions 16 through 18, please obtain details and consult the Archdiocese.)

16. Do you intend to enter a permanent marriage that can be dissolved only by death?__________

17. Do you intend to be faithful to your wife always?__________

18. Do you understand that one of the purposes of marriage is the begetting and rearing of children, God willing? Do you intend to accept and fulfill this aspect of marriage?__________

Does your intended bride accept and intend to fulfill this aspect of marriage?__________

19. How long have you known your intended spouse?__________

How long have you been engaged?__________

20. Is there any major fact about you, either in the present or the past, which you have not made known to your proposed spouse and which might affect her willingness to marry you?__________

If so, what is that fact?__________

21. Has any close family member raised any objections to this marriage?__________

If so, please describe the nature of those objections:__________


Signature of Groom:__________Date:__________

Church:__________ Place:

Signature of Priest/Deacon:__________Please Append Church Seal




The Bride & Groom must be interviewed separately by the priest or deacon. The priest or deacon is required to pose and write the answers to the following questions. This is a confidential Church document and should be kept in a secured file with other such documents.


The priest or deacon, having reminded the bride of the sacred character and binding force of an oath, will ask the bride the following questions:


Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth in answering the questions that shall be asked, so help you God?__________

1. Full Legal Name:__________

Present Address:__________

How long have you lived at this address?__________Home Phone:__________

Occupation:__________Work Phone:__________

2. Date and place of your birth?__________

Father’s Name:__________ Religion:__________

Mother’s Maiden Name:__________ Religion:__________

3. Were you ever baptized?__________ If so, in what religion?__________

Date of baptism:__________ Church of Baptism:__________

City, State, Country:__________

(Note: If baptized Catholic, the bride should present a copy of her baptismal certificate. If baptized in another Christian church, a copy of the baptismal certificate should be secured if at all possible.)

4. What religion do you presently practice?__________

Questions 5, 6, 7 are to be asked of Catholics only

5. First Holy Communion: Yes__________No__________Church:

6. Confirmation: Yes__________No__________Date:

Church of Confirmation:__________ Place:__________

7. To what parish do you presently belong?__________

How would you describe the practice of your religion?__________

8. What are the names and addresses of two persons (preferably parents or relatives) who could testify to your freedom to marry: __________  __________

9. Have you ever been married or attempted marriage, even civilly, or lived in a common law union?__________

If so, how many times?__________If any prior union(s) the following questions also need to be asked.

Name(s) of former spouse(s):__________

Was/were this/these union(s) ended by death?__________ (If so, the death certificate(s) must be submitted.)

If ended by divorce, has the Catholic Church issued any declaration of nullity or ecclesiastical dissolution for the

union(s)?__________(If yes, the ecclesiastical decree(s) must be presented.)

10. Have you ever given birth to a child/children in any previous relationship?__________How many?__________

If so, are you fulfilling your legal and moral obligations to the child/children?__________

Is your intended spouse aware of these obligations?__________

11. Has your intended spouse ever been married or attempted marriage, even a civil marriage, or lived in a common law union?__________If so, how many times?__________

(If the groom has had any former union(s), he is to be asked fuller details during his interview.)

(If the answer “Yes” is given to questions 12 through 15, please obtain details and consult the Archdiocese.)

12. Are you and your intended spouse related by blood (as first cousins or closer) or by a legal relationship (in-laws)?

If so, please describe the relationship:__________

13. Do you or your intended spouse suffer from any of the following:

a) a serious physical disease or other health problem that could create difficulties in your marriage?

b) a significant psychological impairment?__________

c) alcohol or other substance abuse?__________

If yes, please give details:__________

14. Is any person or circumstance (e.g. parental pressure, pregnancy, etc.) influencing you to enter this marriage or forcing you to do so against your will?__________ Is any person or circumstance influencing the groom to enter this marriage or forcing him to marry against his will?__________

15. Are you attaching any conditions, restrictions, or reservations of any kind to your consent to this marriage?__________

Have you entered any type of prenuptial agreement?__________

If “yes” to either, please explain:__________

(If the answer “No” is given to questions 16 through 18, please obtain details and consult the Archdiocese.)

16. Do you intend to enter a permanent marriage that can be dissolved only by death?__________

17. Do you intend to be faithful to your husband always?__________

18. Do you understand that one of the purposes of marriage is the begetting and rearing of children, God willing? __________Do you intend to accept and fulfill this aspect of marriage?__________

Does your intended groom accept and intend to fulfill this aspect of marriage?__________

19. How long have you known your intended spouse?__________

How long have you been engaged?__________

20. Is there any major fact about you, either in the present or the past, which you have not made known to your proposed spouse and which might affect his willingness to marry you?__________

If so, what is that fact?__________

21. Has any close family member raised any objections to this marriage?__________

If so, please describe the nature of those objections:__________

Signature of Bride:__________Date:__________

Church:__________ Place:

Signature of Priest/Deacon:__________Please Append Church Seal

Check List for the Pastor or Delegate

Marriage date, time and banns reserved in Mass Book.

Marriage date noted in personal appointment book.

Marriage preparation programs information given.

Wedding details explained.

• Church documents required

• Special permission if needed

• Organist / music director

• Servers

• Banns of marriage

• Liturgy booklet

• Offerings

• Other local concerns

• Any comments or questions about:

License □ Invitations □

Flowers □ Newspapers □

Runner □ Rings □

Photographer □ Reception □


__________Next appointment(s): Date__________ Time


  Date__________ Time__________

Premarital inventory instrument

Copy of records (baptism, death certificate, annulment decree, special permission if needed)

Prenuptial inquiry form


Rehearsal Date and Time


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