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  The Wedding of Tristan, Stained Glass







Canon 1013 - § 1.
1] The primary end of marriage is the procreation and education of children;

[2] its secondary end is mutual help and the allaying of concupiscence.

Canon 1055 - §1.
The matrimonial
COVENANT, by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life, is by its nature ordered toward
 [1] the good of the spouses
 [2] and the procreation and education of offspring;

Canon 1012. §1. Christ our Lord elevated the very contract of marriage between baptized persons to the dignity of a sacrament. this [cOVENANT] between baptized persons has been raised by Christ the Lord to the dignity of a sacrament.

Can. 1013. § 1. Matrimonii finis primarius est procreatio atque educatio prolis;
secundarius mutuum; adiutorium et remedium concupiscentiae.

Can. 1012. § l. Christus Dominus ad sacramenti dignitatem evexit ipsum contractum matrimonialem inter baptizatos.

Can. 1055 - § 1.  Matrimoniale foedus, quo vir et mulier inter se totius vitae consortium  constituunt, indole sua naturali ad bonum coniugum atque ad prolis generationem et  educationem ordinatum, a Christo Domino ad sacramenti dignitatem inter baptizatos evectum est. 



Canon 1012 - §2.
Therefore it is impossible for a valid contract of marriage between baptized persons to exist without being by that fact a sacrament.

Canon 1055 - §2.
For this reason a matrimonial contract cannot validly exist between baptized persons unless it is also a sacrament by that fact.

§ 2. Quare inter baptizatos nequit matrimonialis contractus validus consistere, quin sit eo ipso sacramentum.

§ 2.  Quare inter baptizatos nequit matrimonialis contractus validus consistere, quin sit eo ipso sacramentum.



Canon 1013 - §2.
The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility, which acquire a special firmness in Christian marriage by reason of its sacramental character.

Canon 1056.
The essential properties of marriage are unity and indissolubility, which in Christian marriage obtain a special firmness in virtue of the sacrament.

§ 2. Essentiales matrimonii proprietates sunt unitas ac indissolubilitas, quae in matrimonio christiano peculiarem obtinent firmitatem ratione sacramenti.

Can. 1056 - Essentiales matrimonii proprietates sunt unitas et indissolubilitas, quae in  matrimonio christiano ratione sacramenti peculiarem obtinent firmitatem.



Canon 1081 - §1.
Marriage is effected by the consent of the parties lawfully expressed between persons who are capable according to law; and this consent no human power can supply.

[=] Canon 1057 - §1. Marriage is brought about through the consent of the parties, legitimately manifested between persons who are capable according to the law of giving consent; no human power can replace this consent.

Can. 1081. § 1. Matrimonium facit partium consensus inter personas iure habiles legitime manifestatus; qui nulla humana potestate suppleri valet.

Can. 1057 - § 1.  Matrimonium facit partium consensus inter personas iure habiles legitime  manifestatus, qui nulla humana potestate suppleri valet. 



Canon 1081 - §2.
Matrimonial consent is an act of the will by which each party gives and accepts a perpetual and exclusive right over the body, for acts which are of themselves suitable for the generation of children.

Canon 1057 - §2.
Matrimonial consent is an act of the will by which a man and a woman, through an irrevocable
covenant, mutually give and accept each other in order to establish marriage.

§ 2. Consensus matrimonialis est actus voluntatis quo utraque pars tradit et acceptat ius in corpus, perpetuum et exclusivum, in ordine ad actus per se aptos ad prolis generationem.

§ 2.  Consensus matrimonialis est actus voluntatis, quo vir et mulier foedere irrevocabili sese  mutuo tradunt et accipiunt ad constituendum matrimonium.


xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....   “”.