For Consumers

HPV, HIV, Birth Control

Birth control vertical artFDA has information to help you make decisions about your sexual and reproductive health. Learn more your options for birth control and how to protect yourself from HPV. Get the facts on HIV testing and treatment.

HPV(Human Papillomavirus)

HPV (human papillomavirus) is a sexually transmitted virus. It is passed on through genital contact (such as vaginal and anal sex). It is also passed on by skin-to-skin contact. At least 50% of people who have had sex will have HPV at some time in their lives. HPV is not a new virus. But many people don't know about it. Most people don't have any signs. HPV may go away on its own-- without causing any health problems.

HIV Know Your HIV Status, Text your zip code to KnowIt or 566948 to find HIV Test Centers near you. Your HIV Status, Text your zip code to KnowIt or 566948 to find HIV Test Centers near you.

Every year, thousands of women are infected with HIV. Learn the facts. Teach the women in your family and community how to prevent and treat HIV.

Birth Control

The FDA regulates birth control (contraceptive) medications and devices. There are many birth control options to choose from. No one product is best for everyone. Take time to learn about the different choices available.


Page Last Updated: 08/11/2015
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