[Asceticism and Mystical Theology.doc]






In this chapter the terms asceticism and askēsis have been employed in the sense according to which they were understood in the earliest Christian sources that regularly employ these terms: namely, Athanasius’ Life of Antony and the writings of Evagrius Ponticus.  In these sources asceticism comprises the whole realm of practices or exercises that Christians undertake as part of the praktikē, the quest for moral virtue and spiritual freedom that prepares the soul for both contemplation of God in creation (physikē / natural contemplation) and for the ineffable contemplation of God beyond words and images (theologikē / contemplation of the divine nature).  Asceticism, thus understood, comprises a wide range of spiritual practices that must be constantly assessed and employed as needed in the maintenance of spiritual balance. Asceticism is not an end in itself, but is rather a means of cooperating with God in a process of ongoing transformation whereby the grace of Christ is received, incorporated into a Christian lifestyle, and then shared with others.


Gregg (1980); Aumann (1980); Sinkewicz (2003); Jones (1986); Spidlik (1986)


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