Andrew Louth, Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition

Congregation for Divine Worship, Directory on Popular Piety

Andre Louf, Teach us to Pray

Derwas Chitty, The Desert, A City

Chapter 1 - The Call

Chapter 2 - The Institution

RB 80 The Rule of St. Benedict in Latin and English with Notes

Introductions 1-4; Appendixes 1-7 [all intro's & app's]

Introd. 1: Origins

Introd. 2: Pre-Benedictine Monasticism in the West

Introd. 3: The Rule of Benedict [From the Sixth Century]

Introd. 4: The Rule in History

Apnd. 1: Terminology (Monk, Nun)

Apnd. 2: The Abbot

Apnd. 3: Liturgical Code

Apnd. 4: Discipline

Apnd. 5: Formation and Profession

Apnd. 6: Interpretation of Scripture

Apnd. 7: The RB & the RM

RB English Text and Notes

CLASS NOTES: This document contains some of the primary texts we will use in this course, arranged chronologically

Spiritual History Timeline (The same timeline available in the lectures)




1. Are We Contemplatives, What is Our Future?, by Luke Dysinger, O.S.B.

2. Chapter Four ("Devotion to Heaven") from The Love of Learning and the Desire for God, A Study of Monastic Culture, Jean Jeclercq, O.S.B.

3. The Latin Apophthegmata (complete Latin Systematic Collection of the sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers)

4. Adolphe Tanquerey, The Spiritual Life, A Treatise on Ascetical and Mystical Theology
Although recommended for several decades as a seminary textbook, this classic work should be used with caution, since many of the recommendations it contains reflect a rigid and to some extent naive view of human psychology and spiritual formation.  Since this is a fairly large file, the best approach is probably to right-click on the link, then download the file to your computer and open it once it has downloaded.

5. Jordan Aumann:
1) Spiritual Theology
Christian Spirituality in the Catholic Tradition


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