Lippi, 1546

 3.1 CHRYSOSTOM:  On Priesthood - The Wisdom of the Shepherd

 3.2 BENEDICT: PROLOGUE; Obedience and Divinizing Light; Running together; ABBOT (2) & COUNSEL (3); ABBOT (64) and GOOD ZEAL (72)

3.3 JOHN CLIMACUS: (1) On Renunciation; (1.7) on Need for a Spiritual Director

 3.4 GREGORY the GREAT : Pastoral Care

 3.5 BEDE: Caedmon as charismatic gift and Hilda as Spiritual Guide

 3.6 DHUODA: A Manual of Moral Instruction from a Mother to her Son

 3.7 SYMEON the NEW THEOLOGIAN:  Indwelling Light as Precondition; Non-ordained may absolve

 3.8 TRACT on HEARING CONFESSIONS (1230):  Balanced - tries to provide sound advice

 3.9 DANTE: Virgil as Spiritual Guide through Inferno and Purgatorio;
    Beatrice as Guide to Paradise

3.10 FRIENDSHIP: Gregory the Great; Celtic Anamchara; Aelred of Rievaulx

3.11 ANCHORESSES: Ancren Rule and Julian of Norwich


xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....   “”.