Veni Sponsa Christi









Antiphon for The Common of Virgin-Martyrs, The Common of Virgins











ST.  GALL MANUSCRIPT Codex.Sang. 391 (ca. 980)
Hartker Antiphoner, p.189








The crowd began to shout and my assistants started to sing psalms.  Then I walked up to the trainer and took the branch.  He kissed me and said to me, “Peace be with you, my daughter!”  And I began to walk in triumph towards the Gate of Life (p. 49 / 242)

 Et coepit populus clamare, et favitores mei psallere. Et accessi ad lanistam, et accepi ramum. Et osculatus est me, et dixit mihi: Filia, pax tecum. Et coepi ire cum gloria ad portam Sanavivariam. Passio Sanctarum Martyrum Perpetuae Et Felicitatis. PL 3, 0040b






  The Coronation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Tres Riches Heures of Jean, Duke of Berry, 15th cent.









xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 2003...x....   “”.