KARL RAHNER (5 March 1904, Freiburg in Breisgau, Germany-30 March 1984,Innsbruck, Austria). Education: Jesuit formation in Ignatian spirituality and philosophy, Austria, 1922-25, and Germany, 1925-27, and in theology in Holland, 1929-33; graduate studies in philosophy, Freiburg, 1934-36, with four semesters in Martin Heidegger's seminar; habilitation, Innsbruck, 1937. Career: entered the Jesuit novitiate, 1922; taught Latin, 1928; ordained priest, 1932; taught dogmatics at Innsbruck until the Jesuits were expelled by the Nazis, 1937-39;
Pastoral work, Vienna, 1939-44, and the Bavarian village, Mariakirchen, 1944-45; taught theology, Pullach, 1945-48, and Innsbruck, 1948-64; peritus, Vatican Council II, 1962-65; succeeded Romano Guardini in the chair for Christianity and the Philosophy of Religion, Munich, 1964-67;
Professor of dogmatic theology, Münster, 1967-71; International Theological Commission, 1969-74; retirement, frequently engaged in preaching, giving retreats, lectures, talks, and media interviews, Munich, 1971-81, and Innsbruck, 1981-84. Editor: Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, Sacramentum Mundi, Questiones Disputatae, Kleines theologisches Wörterbuch, Handbuch der Pastoraltheologie, and Christlicher Glaube in moderner Gesellschaft; member of the editorial committee of Concilium and of influential academic societies concerned with ecumenism, with the relation between science and religion, and with dialogue between Christians and Marxists.
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990