


KARL RAHNER (5 March 1904, Freiburg in Breisgau, Germany-30 March 1984,Innsbruck, Austria). Education: Jesuit formation in Ignatian spirituality and philosophy, Austria, 1922-25, and Germany, 1925-27, and in theology in Holland, 1929-33; graduate studies in philosophy, Freiburg, 1934-36, with four semesters in Martin Heidegger's seminar; habilitation, Innsbruck, 1937. Career: entered the Jesuit novitiate, 1922; taught Latin, 1928; ordained priest, 1932; taught dogmatics at Innsbruck until the Jesuits were expelled by the Nazis, 1937-39;

Pastoral work, Vienna, 1939-44, and the Bavarian village, Mariakirchen, 1944-45; taught theology, Pullach, 1945-48, and Innsbruck, 1948-64; peritus, Vatican Council II, 1962-65; succeeded Romano Guardini in the chair for Christianity and the Philosophy of Religion, Munich, 1964-67;

Professor of dogmatic theology, Münster, 1967-71; International Theological Commission, 1969-74; retirement, frequently engaged in preaching, giving retreats, lectures, talks, and media interviews, Munich, 1971-81, and Innsbruck, 1981-84. Editor: Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche, Sacramentum Mundi, Questiones Disputatae, Kleines theologisches Wörterbuch, Handbuch der Pastoraltheologie, and Christlicher Glaube in moderner Gesellschaft; member of the editorial committee of Concilium and of influential academic societies concerned with ecumenism, with the relation between science and religion, and with dialogue between Christians and Marxists.




xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....   “”.