Mandelbaum tr.





THE DAY was now departing; the dark air
released the living beings of the earth
from work and weariness; and I myself

1 Lo giorno se n’andava, e l’aere bruno
toglieva li animai che sono in terra
da le fatiche loro; e io sol uno

alone prepared to undergo the battle
both of the journeying and of the pity,
which memory, mistaking not, shall show.

4 m’apparecchiava a sostener la guerra
sì del cammino e sì de la pietate,
che ritrarrà la mente che non erra.

O Muses, O high genius, help me now;
o memory that set down what I saw,
here shall your excellence reveal itself!

7Muse, o alto ingegno, or m’aiutate;
o mente che scrivesti ciò ch’io vidi,
qui si parrà la tua nobilitate.

I started: “Poet, you who are my guide,
see if the force in me is strong enough
before you let me face that rugged pass.

10 Io cominciai: “ Poeta che mi guidi,
guarda la mia virtù s’ell’ è possente,
prima ch’a l’alto passo tu mi fidi.

You say that he who fathered Sylvius,
while he was still corruptible, had journeyed
into the deathless world with his live body.

13 Tu dici che di Silvïo il parente,
corruttibile ancora, ad immortale
secolo andò, e fu sensibilmente.

For, if the Enemy of every evil
was courteous to him, considering all he would
cause and who and what he was,

16 Però, se l’avversario d’ogne male
cortese i fu, pensando l’alto effetto
ch’uscir dovea di lui, e ‘l chi e ‘l quale

that does not seem incomprehensible,
since in the empyrean heaven he was chosen
to father honored Rome and her empire;

19 non pare indegno ad omo d’intelletto;
ch’e’ fu de l’alma Roma e di suo impero
ne l’empireo ciel per padre eletto:

and if the truth be told, Rome and her realm
were destined to become the sacred place,
the seat of the successor of great Peter.

22 la quale e ‘l quale, a voler dir lo vero,
fu stabilita per lo loco santo
u’ siede il successor del maggior Piero.

And through the journey you ascribe to him,
he came to learn of things that were to bring
his victory and, too, the papal mantle.

25 Per quest’ andata onde li dai tu vanto,
intese cose che furon cagione
di sua vittoria e del papale ammanto.

Later the Chosen Vessel travelled there,
to bring us back assurance of that faith
with which the way to our salvation starts.

28 Andovvi poi lo Vas d’elezïone,
per recarne conforto a quella fede
ch’è principio a la via di salvazione.

But why should I go there? Who sanctions it?
For I am not Aeneas, am not Paul;
nor I nor others think myself so worthy.

31 Ma io, perché venirvi? o chi ‘l concede?
Io non Enëa, io non Paulo sono;
me degno a ciò né io né altri ‘l crede.

Therefore, if I consent to start this journey,
I fear my venture may be wild and empty.
You’re wise; you know far more than what I say.”

34 Per che, se del venire io m’abbandono,
temo che la venuta non sia folle.
Se’ savio; intendi me’ ch’i’ non ragiono.”

And just as he who unwills what he wills
and shifts what he intends to seek new ends
so that he’s drawn from what he had begun,

37 E qual è quei che disvuol ciò che volle
e per novi pensier cangia proposta,
sì che dal cominciar tutto si tolle,

so was I in the midst of that dark land,
because, with all my thinking, I annulled
the task I had so quickly undertaken.

40 tal mi fec’ ïo ‘n quella oscura costa,
perché, pensando, consumai la ‘mpresa
che fu nel cominciar cotanto tosta.

“If I have understood what you have said,”
replied the shade of that great-hearted
one, “your soul has been assailed by cowardice,

43 “S’i’ ho ben la parola tua intesa,”
rispuose del magnanimo quell’ ombra,
“l’anima tua è da viltade offesa;

which often weighs so heavily on a man-
distracting him from honorable trials-as
phantoms frighten beasts when shadows fall.

46 la qual molte fïate l’omo ingombra
sì che d’onrata impresa lo rivolve,
come falso veder bestia quand’ ombra.

That you may be delivered from this fear,
I’ll tell you why I came and what I heard
when I first felt compassion for your pain.

49 Da questa tema a ciò che tu ti solve,
dirotti perch’ io venni e quel ch’io ‘ntesi
nel primo punto che di te mi dolve.

I was among those souls who are suspended;
a lady called to me, so blessed, so lovely
that I implored to serve at her command.

52 Io era tra color che son sospesi,
donna mi chiamò beata e bella,
tal che di comandare io la richiesi.

Her eyes surpassed the splendor of the star’s;
and she began to speak to me so gently
and softly with angelic voice. She said:

55 Lucevan li occhi suoi più che la stella;
e cominciommi a dir soave e piana,
con angelica voce, in sua favella:

‘O spirit of the courteous Mantuan,
whose fame is still a presence in the world
and shall endure as long as the world lasts,

58 ‘O anima cortese mantoana,
di cui la fama ancor nel mondo dura,
e durerà quanto ‘l mondo lontana,

my friend, who has not been the friend of fortune,
is hindered in his path along that lonely
hillside; he has been turned aside by terror.

61 l’amico mio, e non de la ventura,
ne la diserta piaggia è impedito
sì nel cammin, che vòlt’ è per paura;

From all that I have heard of him in Heaven,
he is, I fear, already so astray
that I have come to help him much too late.

64 e temo che non sia già sì smarrito,
ch’io mi sia tardi al soccorso levata,
per quel ch’i’ ho di lui nel cielo udito.

Go now; with your persuasive word, with all
that is required to see that he escapes, bring
help to him, that I may be consoled.

67 Or movi, e con la tua parola ornata
e con ciò c’ha mestieri al suo campare,
l’aiuta sì ch’i’ ne sia consolata.

For I am Beatrice who send you on;
I come from where I most long to return;
Love prompted me, that Love which makes me speak.

70 I’ son Beatrice che ti faccio andare;
vegno del loco ove tornar disio;
amor mi mosse, che mi fa parlare.

When once again I stand before my Lord,
then I shall often let Him hear your praises.’
Now Beatrice was silent. I began:

73 Quando sarò dinanzi al segnor mio,
di te mi loderò sovente a lui.’
Tacette allora, e poi comincia’ io:

‘O Lady of virtue, the sole reason why
the human race surpasses all that lies
beneath the heaven with the smallest spheres,

76 ‘O donna di virtù sola per cui
l’umana spezie eccede ogne contento
di quel ciel c’ha minor li cerchi sui,

so welcome is your wish, that even if
it were already done, it would seem tardy;
all you need do is let me know your will.

79 tanto m’aggrada il tuo comandamento,
che l’ubidir, se già fosse, m’è tardi;
più non t’è uo’ ch’aprirmi il tuo talento.

But tell me why you have not been more prudent-
descending to this center, moving from
that spacious place where you long to return?’

82 Ma dimmi la cagion che non ti guardi
de lo scender qua giuso in questo centro
de l’ampio loco ove tornar tu ardi.’

‘Because you want to fathom things so deeply,
I now shall tell you promptly,’ she replied,
‘why I am not afraid to enter here.

85 ‘Da che tu vuo’ saver cotanto a dentro,
dirotti brievemente,’ mi rispuose,
‘perch’ i’ non temo di venir qua entro.

One ought to be afraid of nothing other
than things possessed of power to do us harm,
but things innocuous need not be feared.

88 Temer si dee di sole quelle cose
c’hanno potenza di fare altrui male;
de l’altre no, ché non son paurose.

God, in His graciousness, has made me so
that this, your misery, cannot touch me;
I can withstand the fires flaming here.

91 I’ son fatta da Dio, sua mercé, tale,
che la vostra miseria non mi tange,
né fiamma d’esto ‘ncendio non m’assale.

In Heaven there’s a gentle lady - one
who weeps for the distress toward which I send you,
so that stern judgment up above is shattered.

94 Donna è gentil nel ciel che si compiange
di questo ‘mpedimento ov’ io ti mando,
sì che duro giudicio là sù frange.

And it was she who called upon Lucia,
requesting of her: “Now your faithful one
has need of you, and I commend him to you.”

97 Questa chiese Lucia in suo dimando
e disse: “Or ha bisogno il tuo fedele
di te, e io a te lo raccomando.”

Lucia, enemy of every cruelty,
arose and made her way to where I was,
sitting beside the venerable Rachel.

100 Lucia, nimica di ciascun crudele,
si mosse, e venne al loco dov’ i’ era,
che mi sedea con l’antica Rachele.

She said: “You, Beatrice, true praise of God,
why have you not helped him who loves you so
that - for your sake - he’s left the vulgar crowd?

103 Disse: “ Beatrice, loda di Dio vera,
ché non soccorri quei che t’amò tanto,
ch’uscì per te de la volgare schiera?

Do you not hear the anguish in his cry?
Do you not see the death he wars against
upon that river ruthless as the sea?”

106 Non odi tu la pieta del suo pianto,
non vedi tu la morte che ‘l combatte
su la fiumana ove ‘l mar non ha vanto?”

No one within this world has ever been so
quick to seek his good or flee his harm as
I-when she had finished speaking thus-

109 Al mondo non fur mai persone ratte
a far lor pro o a fuggir lor danno,
com’ io, dopo cotai parole fatte,

to come below, down from my blessed station;
I trusted in your honest utterance,
which honors you and those who’ve listened to you.’

112 venni qua giù del mio beato scanno,
fidandomi del tuo parlare onesto,
ch’onora te e quei ch’udito l’hanno.’

When she had finished with her words to me,
she turned aside her gleaming, tearful eyes,
which only made me hurry all the more.

115 Poscia che m’ebbe ragionato questo,
li occhi lucenti lagrimando volse,
per che mi fece del venir più presto.

And, just as she had wished, I came to you:
I snatched you from the path of the fierce beast
that barred the shortest way up the fair mountain.

118 E venni a te così com’ ella volse:
d’inanzi a quella fiera ti levai
che del bel monte il corto andar ti tolse.

What is it then? Why, why do you resist?
Why does your heart host so much cowardice?
Where are your daring and your openness

121 Dunque: che è? perché, perché restai,
perché tanta viltà nel core allette,
perché ardire e franchezza non hai,

as long as there are three such blessed women
concerned for you within the court of Heaven
and my words promise you so great a good?”

124 poscia che tai tre donne benedette
curan di te ne la corte del cielo,
e ‘l mio parlar tanto ben ti promette?”

As little flowers, which the chill of night
has bent and huddled, when the white sun strikes
grow straight and open fully on their stems,

127 Quali fioretti dal notturno gelo
chinati e chiusi, poi che ‘l sol li ‘mbianca,
si drizzan tutti aperti in loro stelo,

so did I, too, with my exhausted force;
and such warm daring rushed into my heart
that I - as one who has been freed - began:

130 tal mi fec’ io di mia virtude stanca,
e tanto buono ardire al cor mi corse,
ch’i’ cominciai come persona franca:

“O she, compassionate, who has helped me!
And you who, courteous, obeyed so quickly
the true words that she had addressed to you!

133 “ Oh pietosa colei che mi soccorse!
te cortese ch’ubidisti tosto
a le vere parole che ti porse!

You, with your words, have so disposed my heart
to longing for this journey-I return
to what I was at first prepared to do.

136 Tu m’hai con disiderio il cor disposto
sì al venir con le parole tue,
ch’i’ son tornato nel primo proposto.

Now go; a single will fills both of us:
you are my guide, my governor, my master.”
These were my words to him; when he advanced

139 Or va, ch’un sol volere è d’ambedue:
tu duca, tu segnore e tu maestro.”
Così li dissi; e poi che mosso fue,

I entered on the steep and savage path.

142 intrai per lo cammino alto e silvestro.



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