

The following is adapted from the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

The ‘Charter of Love’, so called in opposition to the obligatory charters of the *Cluniac Order, was the document outlining the constitution of the Cistercian Order, and was presented in 1119 to Pope Callistus II. In its final form, c.1155, it is a masterly and novel outline of a religious order of autonomous houses forming a family; it established annual visitation of each house by the abbot of the house which founded it, and an annual General Chapter with legislative and judicial powers. There are also instructions for abbatial elections and the correction of delinquent abbots and monasteries. The Charter, short as it is, has in recent years been subjected to intensive textual criticism, and it has been divided with great probability into a nucleus, the work of Stephen Harding, and successive additions, but controversy continues.

The official text ed. P. Guignard, Les Monuments primitifs de la Règle cistercienne (Dijon, 1878), pp. 76–84; crit. edn., with Eng. tr., by C. Waddell, OCSO, Narrative and Legislative Texts from Early Cîteaux (Cîteaux: Studia et Documenta, 9; 1999), pp. 441–52 and 498–505, with introd., pp. 261–97. J.–B. Auberger, OFM, L’Unanimité cistercienne primitive: Mythe ou réalité? (ibid. 3; 1986), pp. 21–41. Account of controversy to date in [M.] D. *Knowles, The Monastic Order in England (2nd edn., Cambridge, 1963), pp. 752 f. P. Zakar, O. Cist., in DIP 2 (1975), cols. 609–13, s.v.

Latin text and translation adapted from

1. That a Mother Church is Not to Require from a Daughter Church the Exaction of any Material Advantage

2. That the Rule is to be Understood and Kept by All in One Manner

3. That All are to have the Same Liturgical Books and Customs

4. Of the General Statute between Abbeys

5. That the Mother is to Visit the Daughter Once a Year

6. What Kind of Reverence is to be Shown the Daughter when she Comes to the Mother Church

7. Of the General Chapter of Abbots at Cîteaux

8. Of the Statute between Those who Issued from Cîteaux and Those whom they have Begotten; and that All are to Come to the General Chapter; and of the Punishment of Those who do not Come

9. Of Abbots who Show Contempt for the Rule or the Order

10. What the Law is to be between Abbeys of Different Filiations [literally: which did not Beget the Other]

11. Of the Death and Election of Abbots













BEFORE the Cistercian abbeys began to flourish, the abbot, Dom Stephen, and his brethren ordained that, in order to avoid any cause of conflict between bishop and monks, in no way would abbeys be founded in the diocese of any bishop before he had ratified and confirmed the decree drawn up and confirmed between the monastery of Cîteaux and the others which had issued from it. In this decree, then, the aforesaid brethren, taking precaution against future shipwreck of their mutual peace, elucidated and decreed and left for their posterity by what covenant, or in what manner, indeed, with what charity their monks throughout abbeys in various parts of the world, though separated in body, could be indissolubly knit together in mind. They considered that this decree should be called the Charter of Charity, because, averting the burdensome levying of all exactions, its statute pursues only charity and the advantage of souls in things human and divine

2 Antequam abbatiae cistercienses florere inciperent, domnus Stephanus abbas et fratres sui ordinaverunt, ut nullo modo abbatiae in alicuius antistitis dioecesi fundarentur, antequam ipse decretum inter cisterciense coenobium et cetera ex eo nata exaratum et confirmatum ratum haberet et confirmareta, propter scandalum inter pointficem et monachos devitandum. 3 In hoc ergo decreto praedicti fratres mutuae pacis futurum praecaventes naufragium, elucidaverunt et statuerunt suisque posteris reliquerunt, quo pacto quove modo, immo qua caritate monachi eorum per abbatias in diversis mundi partibus corporibus divisi animis indissolubiliter conglutinarentur.  4 Hoc etiam decretum cartam caritatis vocari censebant, quia ejus statutum omnis exactionis gravamen populsans, solam caritam et animarum utilitatem in divinis et humanis exequitur.

1 Here begins the Charter of Charity.

Incipit carta caritatis.






That a Mother Church is Not to Require from a Daughter the Exaction of any Material Advantage 3

Capitulum I.
Quod nullius commodi corporalis exactionem mater ecclesia a filia requirat.





BECAUSE we know full well that all of us are servants, albeit useless servants, of the one true King and Lord and Master, we therefore impose no exaction of earthly advantage or of temporal goods on our abbots and brother monks whom, through us, the most wretched of men, God in his loving kindness has established in divers places under the discipline of the 4 Rule. For, desiring to profit them and all the children of holy Church, we purpose to enact in their regard nothing which will burden them, nothing which will diminish their substance; lest, while wishing to gain abundance from their poverty, we be unable to avoid the evil of avarice 5 which is, as the Apostle attests, a “serving of idols”.

2 Quia unius veri regis et domini et magistri nos omnes servos licet inutiles esse cognoscimus, idcirco abbatibus et confratribus nostris monachis, quos per diversa loca Dei pietas per nos miserrimos hominum sub regulari disciplina ordinaverit, nullam terrenae commoditatis seu rerum temporalîum exactionem imponimus. 3 Prodesse enira illis omnibusque sanctae ecclesiae filiis cupientes, nil quod eos gravet, nil quod eorum substantiarn minuat, erga eos agere disponimus, ne dum nos habundantes de eorum paupertate esse cupimus, avariciae malum, quod secundurn apostolum ydolorum servitus esse comprobatur, evitare non possimus

We do wish, however, for the sake of charity, to retain the care of souls, so that should they ever attempt to turn aside ever so little — which God forbid! — from their holy resolve and the observance of the Holy Rule, they may be able to return, through our solicitude, to the straight path of life. 4 Curam tamen. animarum illorum gratia caritatis retinere volumus, ut si quando a sancto proposito et observantia sanctae regulaepaululum, quod absit, declinare temptaverint, per nostrarn sollicitudinem ad rectitudinem vitae redire possint.





1 That the Rule is to be understood and kept by all in one manner

Ut uno modo ab omnibus intelligatur regula et teneatur.





2 Now, however, we will and we command them, that they observe the Rule of the Blessed Benedict in everything 3 just as it is observed in the New Monastery. Let them not introduce a different meaning in the interpretation of the Holy Rule; but as our predecessors, the holy fathers—that is to say, the monks of the New Monastery—understood and kept it, and as we today understand and keep it, so let them too understand and keep it.

2 Nunc vero volumus illisque praecipimus, ut regulam. beati Benedicti per omnia observent sicuti in novo monasterio observatur. 3 Non alium. inducant sensum. in lectione sanctae regulae < sed > sicut antecessores nostri, sancti patres, monachi scilicet novi monasterii, intellexerunt et tenuerunt, et nos hodie intelligimus et tenemus, ita ipsi (et isti) intelligant et teneant.






1 All are to Have the Same Liturgical Books and Customs

Ut idem libri ecclesiastici et consuetudines sint omnibus.





2 And because we receive in our cloister all their monks who come to us, and they likewise receive our monks in their cloisters, it therefore seems to us opportune, and this also is our will, that they have the usages and chant and all the books necessary for the day and night Hours and for Mass according to the form of the usages and books of the New Monastery, so that there may be no discord in our conduct, but that we may live by one charity, one Rule, and like usages.

Et    quia omnes monachos ipsorum ad nos venientes in claustro nostro recipimus, et ipsi similiter nostros in claustris suis, ideo opportunum. nobis videtur et hoc etiam volumus, ut mores et cantum, et omnes libros ad horas diurnas et nocturnas et ad missas necessarios secundum formam morum et librorum novi monasterii possideant, quatinus in actibus nostris nulla sit discordia, sed una caritate, una regula similibusque vivamus moribus.






The General Statute between Abbeys

De generali statuto inter abbatias.





2 When, however, the abbot of the New Monastery comes to any of these monasteries to make a visit, the local abbot should give him precedence everywhere in the monastery, in token of the fact that the church of the New Monastery is mother of his church; and, as long as he remains there, the visiting abbot should take the place of the local abbot, except that he eats, not in the guest house, but with the brethren in the refectory in order to preserve discipline— unless the local abbot is absent. 3 Indeed, all visiting abbots of our Order should do likewise. But if several should be visiting, and the local abbot is absent, the senior of them should eat in the guest house. 4 This too is an exception: the local abbot should bless his own novices after the [period of] testing prescribed by the Rule, even in the presence of his abbatial superior.

2 Cum vero novi monasterii abbas ad aliquod horum coenobiorum visitandi gratia venerit, illius loci abbas, ut ecclesiam novi monasterii suae ecclesiae matrem esse recognoscat, cedat ei in omnibus locis monasterii, et ipse abbas adveniens locum illius loci abbatis, quamdiu ibi manserit, teneat, excepto quod non in hospicio sed in refectorio cum fratribus comedet, propter disciplinam servandam, nisi abbas loci defuerit. 3 Similiter et omnes supervenientes nostri ordinis abbates faciant. Quod si plures supervenerint et abbas loci illius defuerit, prior illorum in hospicio comedat. 4 Et hoc excipitur, quod abbas loci illius (etiam) in praesentia (illius) majoris abbatis novicios suos post regularem probationem benedicet.

5 Also, the abbot of the New Monastery should take care not to presume to deal with anything or to give orders about or handle anything concerning the material goods of the place to which he has come, against the will of the abbot 6 and the brethren. But if he realises that the precepts of the Rule or of our Order are being violated in that place, then, with the advice of the abbot and in his presence, he should charitably apply himself to making correction. But if the local abbot is absent, he should nonetheless correct what he finds amiss.

Abbas quoque novi monasterii caveat ne quicquam praesumat tractare aut ordinare aut contingere de rebus illius loci ad quem venerit, contra abbatis vel fratrumvoluntatem. 6 Si autem praecepta regulae vel nostri ordinis intellexerit in eodem loco praevaricari, cum consilio praesentis abbatis caritative studeat (fratres) corrigere. Si vero abbas loci non affuerit nichilominus quod sinistrum invenerit corrigat.






That the Mother is to Visit the Daughter 1 Once a Year

Ut semel per annum mater visitet filiam.





Let the abbot of the senior church visit once a year all the 2 monasteries he has founded; and should he visit more often, let them for that reason rejoice all the more.

2 Semel per annum visitet abbas majoris ecclesiae (per se vel per aliquem de coabbatibus suisa), omnia coenobia quae ipse fundaverit, et si < fratres > amplius visitaverit, inde magis gaudeant.






What Kind of Reverence is to be Shown the Daughter 1 when she Comes to the Mother Church

Qualis reverentia exhibeatur filiae cum ad matrem ecclesiam venerit.







Now when an abbot of any of these churches comes to the 2 New Monastery, let him be shown the proper reverence; let him occupy the abbot's stall, receive the guests, eat with them—but only if the abbot is absent. Should he be 3 present, however, let him do none of these things, but let him eat in the refectory. However, let the local prior 4 manage the affairs of the monastery.

2 Cum autem aliquis harum ecclesiarum (nostri ordinis) abbas ad novum monasterium venerit, reverentia congrua (abbati) ei exhibeatur, stallum abbatis (illius) teneat, hospites recipiat, cum eis comedet (in hospitio comedat), si tamen abbas defuerit. Si vero praesens fuerit, nichil horurn agat, sed in refectorio comedat. Prior autem loci negocia coenobii disponat.






Of the General Chapter of Abbots at Cîteaux

De generali capitulo abbatum apud Cistercium.





2 Let all the abbots of these churches come to the New Monastery once a year on the day they decide among themselves, and there let them treat of the salvation of their own souls; if something is to be emended or added to in the observance of the Holy Rule or of the Order, let them so ordain it, and let them reestablish among themselves the good of peace and charity

2a Harum ecclesiarum abbates omnes per annum semel illa die quam inter se constituent, ad novum monasterium veniant, 2b ibique (In quo capitulo) de salute animarum. suarum tractent, in observatione sanctae regulae vel ordinis, si quid emendandum est vel augendum, ordinent, bonum pacis et caritatis inter se reforment.

3 But if any abbot proves to have been less zealous for the Rule or too intent on things secular, or habitually prone to any vice, let him there be charitably proclaimed. Let the one proclaimed prostrate and fulfil the penance assigned him for the fault. But only abbots are to make this proclamation.

3 Si quis vero abbas minus in regula studiosus, vel secularibus rebus nimis intentus, vel in aliquibus vitiosus repertus fuerit, ibi caritative clametur. Clamatus veniam petat, paenitentiam pro culpa sibi indictam. adimpleat. Hanc vero clamationem non nisi abbates faciant.

4 But should any church fall into intolerable poverty, let the abbot of that monastery take care to make this matter known before the whole chapter. Then let the abbots, one and all, enkindled by the most intense fire of charity, hasten to relieve the penury of that church, according to their resources, from the goods bestowed on them by God.

Quod si aliqua ecclesia pauperiem intolerabilem incurrerit, abbas illius coenobii coram omni capitulo hanc causam intimare studeat. Tunc singuli abbates maximo caritatis igne succensi, illius ecclesiae penuriam rebus a Deo sibi collatis, prout habuerint, sustentare festinent.






1 Of the Statute between Those who Issued from Cîteaux and Those whom they have Begotten; and that All are to Come to the General Chapter, and the Punishment of Those who do not Come

De statuto inter egressos de Cistercio et suos quos generaverint, et quod omnes ad generale capitulum veniant et de venia et paenitentia non venientium.





2 But when any of our churches has grown by the grace of God to such an extent that it can construct another monastery, let them observe between themselves the same agreement we observe between ourselves and our brethren.

2a Cum vero aliqua ecclesiarum nostrarum Dei gratia adeo creverit ut aliud coenobium construere possit, illam diffinitionem quam nos inter nostros confratres tenemus, et ipsi inter se teneant,

This, however, we do will and do reserve to ourselves: that all the abbots from every region are to come to the New Monastery on the day they decide among themselves, and there they are to obey in everything the abbot of that same place and the Chapter in the correction of things amiss and in the observance of the Holy Rule and of the Order.

2b Illud tamen volumus nobisque retinemus, ut omnes abbates cunctarum partium illa die quam inter se constituerint, ad novum monasterium veniant, ibique abbati ejusdem loci et capitulo, in sinistris corrigendis, et in observantia sanctae regulae vel ordinis obediant per omnia.

3 But they do not have an annual chapter with those whom they have begotten. 4 However, should on occasion bodily infirmity or the blessing of novices prevent one of our abbots from being able to come to the aforesaid place of assembly on the appointed day, he should send his prior thither, who will take care to make known to the Chapter the reason for his staying away, and who will also, should we decree or change anything, bring this information back home to his abbot and brethren.

3 Ipsi vero cum his quos genuerint, annuum capitulum. non habebunt. 4 Si autem infirmitas corporis aut novitiorum consecratio aliquando prohibuerit ne aliquis de abbatibus nostris in constituta die ad praedictum locum conventionis nostrae occurrere valeat, priorem suum illuc dirigat, qui suae remorationis causam capitulo intimare procuret, quique etiam, si aliquid constituerimus aut permutaverimus, abbati suo et fratribus domi renuntiet.

But should anyone for any other 5 excuse ever presume to stay away from our General Chapter, let him prostrate for his fault at the Chapter of the following year, and make satisfaction by the penance for a less serious fault for as long as the master of the Chapter judges.

5 Quod si quis quacumque alia occasione quandoque remanere a nostro generali capitulo praesumpserit, <in > sequentis anni capitulo pro culpa veniam petat, et in leviori culpa, quamdiu magister capituli judicaverit satisfaciat.






Of Abbots who Show Contempt for the Rule 1 or the Order

De abbatibus qui regulae vel ordinis contemptores fuerint.





But if any of the abbots is found to show contempt for the 2 Holy Rule or for our Order or if he is found to be consenting to the vices of the brethren committed to his care, let the abbot of the New Monastery personally, or through the prior of his monastery, or else through letters, apply himself to warn him four times to emend.

2a Quod si aliquis (Si quis vero) abbatum contemptor sanctae regulae (aut) vel nostri ordinis (esse praevaricator vel) aut fratrum sibi commissorum vitiis consentiens repertus fuerit (innotuerit), abbas novi monasterii (matris ecclesiae) per se (ipsum) vel per priorem sui coenobii, aut per litteras eamdem personam ad emendationem ammonere quater studeat.

But if he show contempt for this, then the abbot of the senior church should take care to make his error openly known to the bishop in whose diocese he lives, and to the canons of his church. Upon summoning him, and upon diligently examining his case with the aforesaid abbot, let him either correct him or else remove him from the pastoral charge as incorrigible. But if the bishop and 3 clergy attach little importance to the violation of the Holy Rule in that monastery, and are unwilling to correct and depose that same abbot, then the abbot of the New Monastery and some abbots of our congregation whom he takes with him should go to that monastery and remove from office the transgressor against the Holy Rule; and the monks of that place, in the presence of the abbots, and with their advice, should elect as their abbot another who is worthy.

Quod si contempserit, 2b tunc abbas majoris ecclesiae errorem ejus episcopo in cujus diocesi degit et canonicis ejus ecclesiae propalare curet. Quem ipsi vocantes, causamque ej us cum abbate praedicto diligenter discutientes, aut illum emendent aut illum incorrigibilem existentem a pastorali cura submoveant. 3a Si vero episcopus et clerici praevaricationem sanctae regulae in illo coenobio parvipendentes, eumdem abbatem aut corrigere aut deponere noluerint, congregato aliquanto numero abbatum nostrae congregationis, transgressorem sanctae regulae ab officio suo amoveant ac deinceps alter, qui dignus sit, consilio et voluntate majoris abbatis a monachis illius ecclesiae simul et abbatibus, si qui ad earn pertinent, sicut supra dictum est, eligatur.

But should the abbot and monks of the local church be contemptuous of the abbots who come to them, or be 4 unwilling to emend in deference to them, let the be subjected to excommunication by the persons present, and from then on, should one of these wrongdoers come to himself and wish to flee the death of his soul, and desiring to change his life for the better, come to his mother, namely, the New Monastery, for permanent residence, let the monk be welcomed as a son of that church.

Quod si abbas et monachi loci ecclesiae ad se venientes abbates contempserint, nec propter illos emendare se voluerint, tunc a praesentibus personis excommunicationi subdantur. ab ipso abbate matris ecclesiae et a ceteris coabbatibus ejus excommunicationi subdantur ac deinceps ab eo coerceantur, prout potuerit et cognoverit expedire. Et ab hinc si quis horum perversorum ad se reversus mortem animae suae fugere voluerit, vitamque suam in melius mutare desiderans, ad matrem suam novum videlicet monasterium, ad habitandum venerit, sicut filius illius ecclesiae monachus suscipiatur.

When, however, this is not the case—and our brethren should 5 make every effort to avoid it!—we receive no monk of any of these churches for permanent residence without the consent of his abbot. For neither do they welcome our monks for permanent residence. We do not introduce our monks into their church for permanent residence against their will, nor do they introduce theirs into ours.

Qua causa multum nostris confratribus devitanda non existente, nullum monachum harum nostrarum. ecclesiarum recipimus ad habitandum. Sine consensu abbatis sui. Ipsi enim nostros non suscipiunt ad habitandum. Monachos nostros illis invitis in ecclesiam illorum non introducimus ad habitandum, nec ipsi suos in nostram.

But if the abbots of our churches see their mother, that is the say, the New Monastery, growing listless in her holy 6 resolve, and swerving from the most straight path of the Holy Rule or of our Order, let them, through three of their fellow-abbots, and in the name of the other abbots—that is to say, the abbots of la Ferté, Pontigny, and Clairvaux—admonish the abbot of that place up to four times to emend, and let them zealously carry out in his regard the other things which we have judged should be done in the case of other abbots if they stray from the Rule—except that, even if he does yield, they are not themselves to replace him with another; nor, if he resists, are they to impose an anathema upon him.

Si autem. abbates nostrarum ecclesiarum viderint matrem suam, novum scilicet monasterium, in sancto proposito languescere et a rectissima via sanctae regulae (ab observatione regulae) vel ordinis nostri exorbitare (cognoverint), ejusdem loci abbatem per tres (quatuor primos) coabbates suos, scilicet de Firmitate, de Pontiniaco et de Claris Vallibus (et de Morimundo), sub caeterorum. abbatum nominibus (nomine usque) quater, ut corrigatur (ipse et alios corrigere curet), ammoneant et caetera quae de aliis (dicta sunt) abbatibus, si a regula aberraverint (incorrigibiles apparuerint), fieri adjudicavimus circa eum studiose adimpleant, excepto quod nec cedenti per se alium substituent, nec resistenti anathema inpingent.

For if he does not acquiesce to their advice, let them not put off notifying the bishop and canons of the church of Chalon of his 7 contumacy, asking that they summon him into their presence, and that, after having examined the complaint, they either send him back utterly rebuked, or else expel him from his pastoral charge as incorrigible.

Nam si eorum consilio non acquieverit, episcopo et canonicis Cabilonensis ecclesiae ejus conturnaciam notificare non differant postulantes quatinus eum ad medium deducant et clamoris facta discussione aut ipsum per omnia correptum reddant, aut incorrigibilem a cura pastorali dejiciant.

Upon his expulsion, the brethren of the same place are to send three messengers—or as many as they like—to the 8 abbeys immediately founded by the New Monastery, and these are to convoke as many abbots as they can within a two-week period; and with their advice and assistance, let them elect for themselves an abbot, as God has foreordained. In the meantime, the Lord abbot of la Ferté should preside over the church until the shepherd, having 9 been converted from his error, has been restored to it through the mercy of God, or else has himself become subject to another chosen to replace him according to the Rule.

8 Quo dejecto fratres ejusdem loci tres aut quantos voluerint nuncios ad abbatias a novo monasterio specialiter fundatas dirigant, et quoscumque per quindecim dies potuerint abbates convocent eorumque consilio et auxilio, sicut Deus praeordinaverit, abbatem sibi eligant. 9 Domnus vero abbas de Firmitate interim ipsi ecclesiae praesideat donec aut eidem pastori ab errore suo converso Deo miserante restituatur, aut, alii in loco ejus subrogato regulariter subjiciatur.

But if the bishop and the clergy of the aforesaid city neglect to examine the person committing the violation in 10 the manner we have said, then all the abbots [of those houses] which have originated directly from the New Monastery are to come to the place where the transgression has occurred, and depose that transgressor from office; and straightaway, in their presence, and with their advice, the monks of that church are to set an abbot over themselves. But should that abbot and his monks be unwilling to receive our abbots and obey them, let these not fear to strike them with the sword of 11 excommunication, and cut them off from the body of the Church catholic.

l0a Si autem praefatae civitatis episcopus et clerici praevaricantem personam eo modo quo diximus examinare neglexerint, donec aut in generali capitulo aut, si illud forte jam visum fuerit exspectari non posse, in conventu alio convocatis 10b tunc omnes abbates a novo monasterio proprie exorti, ad locum trangressionis venientes, ipsum transgressorem sanctae regulae ab officio suo deponant, moxque ipsius ecclesiae monachi in praesentia et consilio eorum abbatem. sibi praeficiant. 11 Quod si abbas illeejusque monachi abbates nostros recipere et eis obedire noluerint, gladio excommunicationis < eos > ferire, atque a catholicae ecclesiae corpore praecidere non metuant.

But afterwards, should any of those who have committed such violations, recover his senses at last and, wishing to save his soul, flee for refuge to any of our 12 three churches—la Ferté or Pontigny or Clairvaux—let him be received as a member of the household and fellow-heir of the church, until eventually his own church has been reconciled, and he can be restored to it, as is only just. In the meantime, however, the annual Chapter of abbots will not be celebrated at the New Monastery, but wherever it shall be provided for by the above named three abbots.

12 Posteavero si quis horum praevaricatorum (praevaricator) tandem resipiscens et animam suam salvare cupiens, ad quamlibet trium (quatuor) nostrarum ecclesiarum sive ad Firmitatem seu (sive) ad Pontiniacum, aut (sive) ad Claram Vallem (sive ad Morimundum) confugerit sicut domesticus et coheres ecclesiae (cum regulari satisfactione) recipiatur, quoadusque propriae ecclesiae, sicut justum fuerit, reconciliatae quandoque reddatur. Interim autera annuum abbatum capitulum non apud novum monasterium (Cistercium), sed ubi a tribus (quatuor) supra nominatis abbatibus praevisum fuerit celebrabitur.






What the Law is to be between Abbeys of Different Filiations

Quae lex sit inter abbatias quae se alterutras non genuerunt.





1 This will be the law between those abbeys of different filiations. Each abbot is to give precedence everywhere in 2 the monastery to any of his fellow-abbots who come there, so that the text may be fulfilled: In honour outdoing one another. Should two or more come at the same time, the senior of those arriving will take the higher place. All except the local abbot shall eat in the refectory, however, 3 as we have said above. Otherwise, wherever they assemble they will take their rank according to the date of the abbeys, so that the one whose church is older will be the senior, but with this exception: that should one of them be vested in alb, he will carry out the function of the senior in its entirety, standing ahead of them all in the left-hand choir, even should he be junior to all. Wherever they sit down together, however, they make a bow to each other.

2 Inter abbatias illas quae se alterutras non genuerunt, ista erit lex. Omnis abbas in omnibus locis sui monasterii coabbati suo cedat advenienti, ut adimpleatur: honore invicern praevenientes. Si duo aut eo amplius convenerint, qui prior erit de advenientibus locum superiorern tenebit. 3 Omnes tamen praeter abbatem praesentis loci in refectorio comedent ut supra diximus. Alias autern ubicumque convenerint, secundum tempus abbatiarum ordinem. suum tenebunt, ut cujus ecclesia fuerit antiquior, ille sit prior, excepto quod si aliquis eorum alba indutus fuerit, stans ante omnes prioris in sinistro choro officium per omnia complebit, licet sit junior omnium. Ubicumque vero consederint, humilient se (sibi) mutuo.






Of the Death and Election of Abbots

De morte et electione abbatum.





Upon the death of their father, the brethren of the New Monastery are to send three messengers to the abbots, as 1 we have said above—or more should they so wish—and are to gather there as many as they can summon within 2 two weeks; and with their consent, let them appoint as their shepherd one whom God has foreseen. In the meantime, however, the Lord Abbot of la Ferté is to take the place of the deceased abbot in everything, as we said earlier regarding a different matter, until another abbot 3 may, upon being elected, receive with the help of God both the place and its pastoral care. Also in the rest of the monasteries widowed in whatever manner of their own pastor, let the brethren of that place convoke the abbot of that church which gave them birth, and in his presence and 4 with his advice let them elect for themselves an abbot from among their own brethren or those of the New Monastery or from the other churches. For Cistercians are not allowed to take to themselves an abbot from churches outside [the Order], or to give their own monks for the same purpose. But whatever person the monks elect from whatever monastery of our Order, let them receive him 5 without opposition.

2 Fratres novi monasterii defuncto patre suo, tres sicut supra diximus, aut plures si voluerint, nuncios ad abbates transmittant, et quotquot infra quindecim dies advocare potuerint congregent, et eorurn consensu, quem Deus praeviderit sibi pastorem constituant. 3 Interim vero domnus abbas de Firmitate, ut sub alio negocio praefati sumus, locum defuncti abbatis per omnia teneat, usquequo alius abbas electus, et locum et curarn ejusdem loci Deo adjuvante, suscipiat. 4a In ceteris quoque coenobiis quolibet casu proprio pastore viduatis, fratres illius loci convocent illius ecclesiae abbatem quae eos genuit, et in ejus praesentia eiusque consilio, de suis vel de novi monasterii fratribus vel de aliis nostris ecclesiis eligant sibi abbatem 5a Nam de extrancis ecclesiis abbatem sibi surnere, aut suos aliis ad hoc ipsum monachos dare, cisterciensibus non licet. b.Quamcumque autem personam de quovis coenobiorum nostri ordinis monachi elegerint, sine refragatione recipiant. 
















Anselmus Cantuariensis PROSLOGION

















AFTER I had published,

Postquam opusculum quoddam velut exemplum



xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....   “”.