

The following is adapted from the Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

ROMUALD, St. (c.950–1027), founder of the Camaldolese Order. A nobleman of Ravenna, he entered the abbey of Sant’Apollinare in Classe through horror at his father’s having killed a man in a duel. In 998 he was appointed abbot, but the life not proving sufficiently severe, he resigned in the next year and retired to the neighbouring marshes to practise rigid asceticism. In his later years he wandered round Italy, founding hermitages and monasteries, that at Campus Malduli becoming the centre of the Camaldolese Order. Feast day, formerly 7 Feb., now 19 June.  His biography was written by the Camaldolese church-reformer Cardinal St. Peter Damian.

Frag. of exposition on Ps. 68 attrib. to Romuald in J. P. Migne, PL 140. 1125–8. Life by St Peter Damian (c.1040); repr. from A. Mai’s edn. of Damian’s works in J. P. Migne, op. cit., 144. 953–1008; and ed. G. Tabacco (Fonti per la Storia d’Italia, 94; 1957). F. M. da Napoli, O. Camald., Delle notizie storiche della vita di San Romoaldo (Naples, 1716). B. Collina, Vita di San Romualdo, fondatore delta religione camaldolese (2 pts., Bologna, 1752). W. Franke, Quellen und Chronologie zur Geschichte Romualdo von Camaldoli und seiner Einsiedlergenossenschaften im Zeitalter Ottos III (Diss., Halle, 1910); id., Romuald von Camaldoli und seine Reformtätigkeit zur Zeit Ottos III (Historische Studien, 107; 1913). Modern Lives by A. Pagnani (Sassoferrato, 1927; 2nd edn., 1967) and T. Ciampelli (Ravenna, 1927). J. Leclercq, OSB, ‘Saint Romuald et le monachisme missionnaire’, R. Bén. 72 (1962), pp. 307–23. G. Tabacco, ‘Romualdo di Ravenna e gli inizi dell’eremitismo camaldolese’, L’eremitismo in occidente nei secoli XI e XII (Miscellanea del Centro di Studi Medioevali, 4; Pubblicazioni dell’Universitŕ Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Contributi, Serie Terza, Varia, 4 [1965]), pp. 73–119. L. A. St L. Toke in CE 13 (1912), p. 179. G. Tabacco and P. Cannata in Bibliotheca Sanctorum, 11 (1968), cols. 365–84, s.v.

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