The Venerable Bede med. illum MS, Engelberg |
from: A History
of the
English Church and
4, ch. 24)
How in the monastery (of the Abbess Hilda) there was a brother to whom the gift of singing was divinely given |
Quod in monasterio eius fuerit frater, cui donum canendi sit divinitus concessum |
In this monastery of Abbess [Hilda] there was a certain brother made notable by a grace of God specially given, that he was able to make songs fit for religion and piety; so much so that whatever of the Sacred Scriptures he learned from those who expounded them, he composed in poetic verse, put together with great sweetness and compunction of heart in his own, that is to say the English language. |
In huius monasterio abbatissae fuit frater quidam divina gratia specialiter insignis, quia carmina religioni et pietati apta facere solebat; ita ut quicquid ex divinis litteris per interpretes disceret, hoc ipse post pusillum verbis poeticis maxima suavitate et conpunctione conpositis in sua, id est, Anglorum lingua proferret. |
Through his songs the souls of many were often enkindled to contempt of [this present] age and a desire for the heavenly life. And indeed, others too among the English people after him attempted to make religious poems; but no one could match his skill. For he himself learned the art of singing without being taught by anyone or receiving anyone's help: rather, he received freely from God the gift of singing. And therefore he could never compose any frivolous or empty poem: only things pertaining to religion did his religous tongue proclaim. |
Cuius carminibus multorum saepe animi ad contemtum saeculi, et appetitum sunt vitae caelestis accensi. Et quidem et alii post illum in gente Anglorum religiosa poemata facere tentabant; sed nullus eum aequiparare potuit. Namque ipse non ab hominibus, neque per hominem institutus canendi artem didicit; sed divinitus adiutus gratis canendi donum accepit. Unde nihil unquam frivoli et super-vacui poematis facere potuit; sed ea tantummodo quae ad religionem pertinent, religiosam eius linguam decebant. |
He had been settled in secular life for a long time, until he was well advanced in age; and during this time he had learned no songs. |
Siquidem in habitu saeculari usque ad tempora provectioris aetatis constitutus nil carminum aliquando didicerat. |
And so it was that sometimes at the festive table, when all were set to be merry, and had agreed that each man should sing in turn; he, when he saw the harp coming near him, would rise in the midst of supper, leave, and return to his home. |
Unde nonnunquam in convivio, cum esset laetitiae causa decretum ut omnes per ordinem cantare deberent, ille ubi adpropinquare sibi citharam cernebat, surgebat, media coena et egressus ad suam domum repedabat |
And as he did so on a particular occasion, leaving the house of feasting, he went out to the stable of the beasts which he had been assigned to watch that night. |
Quod dum tempore quodam faceret, et relicta domo convivii egressus esset ad stabula iumentorum quorum ei custodia nocte illa erat delegata, |
And having laid his limbs to rest at the appropriate hour, there stood by him in a dream a certain man who greeted him and called him by name, saying: |
ibique hora competenti membra dedisset sopori, adstitit ei quidam per somnium, eumque salutans, ac suo appellans nomine : |
“Caedmon, sing something for me!” |
“Caedmon,” inquit, “canta mihi aliquid.” |
Whereupon he answered, saying, |
At ille respondens, |
“I do not know how to sing; that is the reason why I left the feast for this secluded place - because I cannot sing.” |
“Nescio,” inquit, “cantare; nam et ideo de convivio egressus huc secessi, quia cantare non poteram.” |
The man who addressed him then said: |
Rursum ille, qui cum eo loquebatur |
“But you shall sing to me.” |
“Attamen,” ait, “mihi cantare habes,” |
“What should I sing?” he replied. |
“Quid,” inquit, “debeo cantare?” |
“Sing of the beginning of all creatures,” the other answered. |
At ille, “Canta,” inquit, “principium creaturarum.” |
And he began to sing in praise of God the Creator, verses which he had never heard before, of which the sense is this: |
Quo accepto responso, statim ipse coepit cantare in laudem Dei Conditoris versus, quos nunquam audierat, quorum iste est sensus: |
ought we to praise |
Nunc laudare debemus auctorem regni caelestis, |
the power of the Creator and His counsel, |
potentiam Creatoris, et consilium illius, |
the acts of the Father of glory; |
facta Patris gloriae; |
how He, being God eternal, |
quomodo ille, cum sit aeternus Deus, |
was the author of all miracles; |
omnium miraculorum auctor exstitit; |
Who first created Heaven for the children of men, |
qui primo filiis hominum |
for the top of their dwelling; |
caelum pro culmine tecti, |
and thereafter the mighty keeper of humankind |
dehinc terram custos humana generis omnipotens creavit. |
This is the meaning, but not the exact order of the words he sang in his sleep. |
Hic est sensus, non autem ordo ipse verborum quae dormiens ille canebat: |
songs, however well they are made, cannot be easily translated into
another language without loss to their grace and dignity. |
neque enim possunt carmina, quamvis optime composita, ex alia in aliam linguam ad verbum sine detrimento sui decoris ac dignitatis transferri. |
Now on rising from sleep he remembered all the things he had sung
in his dream; and he slowly began to add to that song more words worthy of
God. |
Exsurgens autem a somno, cuncta quae dormiens cantaverat memoriter retinuit, et eis mox plura in eundem modum verba Deo digni carminis adiunxit. |
coming on the following day to his superior, the town sherrif, he told him
of the gift he had received. |
Veniensque mane ad villicum qui sibi praeerat, quid doni percepisset indicavit, |
And being taken before the Abbess (Hilda) he was commanded in the
presence of many learned men to tell his dream and repeat the song,
that by their judgement
the origin of it might be determined. |
atque ad abbatissam perductus, iussus est, multis doctoribus viris praesentibus, indicare somnium et dicere carmen, ut universorum iudicio quid vel unde esset quod referebat, probaretur. |
it seemed to them all that a heavenly grace had been granted to him by the
Lord. |
Visumque est omnibus, caelesem ei a Domino concessam esse gratiam. |
they explained to him a passage of scriptural history or doctrine, asking
him to render it into verse if he could. |
Exponebantque illi quendam sacrae historiae sive doctrinae sermonem, praecipientes eum, si posset, hunc in modulationem carminis transferre. |
promised to do this, and returned the next morning with excellent verses
as they had commanded him. |
At ille suscepto negotio abiit, et mane rediens, optimo carmine quod iubebatur, compositum reddidit. |
Thus the abbess came to embrace the grace of God in the man, and
advised him to abandon secular life and take the monastic habit. |
Unde mox abbatissa amplexata gratiam Dei in viro, saecularem illum habitum relinquere, et monachicum suscipere propositum docuit, |
he did so she placed him in the company of brothers who were with her; and
she ordered him to be instructed in the whole course of sacred history. |
susceptumque in monasterium cum omnibus suis fratrum cohorti adsociavit, iussitque illum seriem sacrae historiae doceri. |
So he, storing in his memory all he had learned,
upon it like one of the clean beasts, transfoming it into sweet song. |
At ipse cuncta quae audiendo discere poterat, rememorando secum et quasi mundum animal ruminando, in carmen dulcissimum convertebat; |
by melodiously singing it again, he would turn his instructors into
hearers. |
suaviusque resonando, doctores suos vicissim auditores sui faciebat. |
He sang of the creation of the world, of the beginnings of humankind; of all the stories of Genesis, of the Exodus of Israel from Egypt, and their entering into the land of promise; and of many other stories from the Holy Scriptures. |
Canebat autem de creatione mundi, et origine humani generis, et tota Genesis historia, de egressu Israel ex Aegypto et ingressu in terram repromissionis, de aliis plurimis sacrae Scripturae historiis, |
He sang of the Incarnation of the Lord, of his passion, resurrection, and ascension into Heaven, of the coming of the Holy Spirit, and the teaching of the Apostles. |
de incarnatione Dominica, passione, resurrectione, et ascensione in caelum, de Spiritus Sancti adventu, et apostolorum doctrina. |
Also he would compose songs of the dread judgement to come, of the terror of the pains of hell, and the sweetness of the kingdom of Heaven. |
Item de terrore futuri iudicii, et horrore poenae gehennalis, ac dulcedine regni caelestis multa carmina faciebat; |
In addition, he made many other songs concerning the divine benefits and judgements, by which he sought to turn his hearers from love of wickedness, and to inspire them to love and to be ready to do good. |
sed et alia perplura de beneficiis et iudiciis divinis, in quibus cunctis homines ab amore scelerum abstrahere, ad dilectionem vero et sollertiam bonae actionis excitare curabat. |
For he was a man very devout and humbly obedient to the discipline of the rules; zealous and ready to hotly rebuke those who sought to follow another course. And so he crowned his life with a happy end. |
Erat enim vir multum religiosus, et regularibus disciplinis humiliter subditus; adversum vero illos qui aliter facere volebant, zelo magni fervoris accensus: unde et pulchro vitam suam fine conclusit. |
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HEAVEN Bede (673-735),
Bede’s Ecclesiastical History of England A.M. Sellar (Tr.) London: George Bell and Sons, 1907 Latin :Historia Ecclesiastica Bedae: PL 95, 247-252,
CHAP. XII. How one in the province of the Northumbrians, rose from the dead, and related many things which he had seen, some to be greatly dreaded and some to be desired. [Circ. 696 A.D.] |
AT this time
AD) a memorable miracle, and like to those of former days, was wrought in
Britain; for, to the end that the living might be roused from the death of
the soul, a certain man, who had been some time dead, rose again to the
life of the body, and related many memorable things that he had seen; some
of which I have thought fit here briefly to describe. There was a certain
householder in that district of the Northumbrians which is called Incuneningum, who led a godly life, with all his house. This man fell
sick, and his sickness daily increasing, he was brought to extremity, and
died in the beginning of the night; but at dawn he came to life again, and
suddenly sat up, whereat all those that sat about the body weeping fled
away in great terror, only his wife, who loved him better, though
trembling and greatly afraid, remained with him. And he comforting her,
said, “Fear not, for I am now in very deed risen from death whereof I
was holden, and permitted again to live among men; nevertheless, hereafter
I must not live as I was wont, but after a very different manner.” Then
rising immediately, he went to the oratory of the little town, and
continuing in prayer till day, forthwith divided all his substance into
three parts; one whereof he gave to his wife, another to his children, and
the third, which he kept himself, he straightway distributed among the
poor. Not long after, being set free from the cares of this world, he came
to the monastery of Mailros, which is almost enclosed by the winding of
the river Tweed, and having received the tonsure, went apart into a place
of abode which the abbot had provided, and there he continued till the day
of his death, in so great contrition of mind and mortifying of the body,
that even if his tongue had been silent, his life would have declared that
he had seen many things either to be dreaded or coveted, which were hidden
from other men. |
temporibus [DCXCVI] miraculum memorabile, et antiquorum simile in
Brittania factum est. Namque ad [0247C] excitationem viventium
de morte animae, quidam aliquandiu mortuus ad vitam resurrexit corporis,
et multa memoratu digna quae viderat, narravit; e quibus hic aliqua
breviter perstringenda esse putavi. Erat ergo paterfamilias in regione
Nordanhymbrorum quae vocatur Incuneningum, religiosam cum domo sua gerens vitam; qui infirmitate
corporis tactus, et hac crescente per dies ad extrema perductus, primo
tempore noctis defunctus est; sed diluculo reviviscens ac repente residens,
omnes qui corpori flentes assederant, timore immenso perculsos in fugam
convertit: uxor tantum quae [Al. add. eum] amplius amabat,
quamvis multum tremens et pavida, remansit: quam ille consolatus: «Noli,
inquit, timere, quia jam vere resurrexi a morte qua tenebar, [0247D]
et apud homines sum iterum vivere permissus; non tamen ea mihi qua ante
consueram conversatione, sed multum dissimili ex hoc tempore vivendum est.»
Statimque surgens abiit ad villulae oratorium, et [0248A] usque
ad diem in oratione persistens, mox omnem quam possederat substantiam in
tres divisit portiones, e quibus unam conjugi, alteram filiis tradidit,
tertiam sibi ipse [Al., sibi ipsi] retentans, statim pauperibus
distribuit. Nec multo post saeculi curis absolutus ad monasterium Mailros, quod Tuidi fluminis
circumflexu maxima ex parte clauditur, pervenit; acceptaque tonsura, locum
secretae mansionis quam praeviderat abbas, intravit: et ibi usque ad diem
mortis in tanta mentis et corporis contritione duravit, ut multa illum,
quae alios laterent, vel horrenda, vel desideranda vidisse, etiamsi lingua
sileret, vita loqueretur. |
Thus he
related what he had seen. “He that led me had a countenance full of
light, and shining raiment, and we went in silence, as it seemed to me,
towards the rising of the summer sun. And as we walked we came to a broad
and deep valley of infinite length; it lay on our left, and one side of it
was exceeding terrible with raging flames, the other no less intolerable
for violent hail and cold snows drifting and sweeping through all the
place. Both sides were full of the souls of men which seemed to be tossed
from one side to the other as it were by a violent storm; for when they
could no longer endure the fervent heat, the hapless souls leaped into the
midst of the deadly cold; and finding no rest there, they leaped back
again to be burnt in the midst of the unquenchable flames. Now whereas an
innumerable multitude of misshapen spirits were thus tormented far and
near with this interchange of misery, as far as I could see, without any
interval of rest, I began to think that peradventure this might be Hell,
of whose intolerable torments I had often heard men talk. My guide, who
went before me, answered to my thought, saying, ‘Think not so, for this
is not the Hell you believe it to be.’ |
autem [Al., enim] hoc modo quod viderat: «Lucidus, inquiens,
aspectu, et clarus erat indumento [0248B] qui me ducebat.
Incedebamus autem tacentes, ut videbatur mihi, contra ortum solis
solstitialem; cumque ambularemus, devenimus ad vallem multae latitudinis
ac profunditatis, infinitae autem longitudinis; quae ad laevam nobis sita,
unum latus flammis ferventibus nimium terribile, alterum furenti grandine
ac frigore nivium [Al., nimium] omnia perflante atque verrente
non minus intolerabile praeferebat. Utrumque autem erat animabus hominum
plenum, quae vicissim hinc inde videbantur quasi tempestatis impetu
jactari. Cum enim vim fervoris immensi tolerare non possent, prosiliebant
miserae in medium frigoris infesti: et cum neque ibi quippiam requiei
invenire valerent, resiliebant rursus urendae in medium flammarum
inextinguibilium. [0248C] Cumque hac infelici vicissitudine
longe lateque, prout aspicere poteram, sine ulla quietis intercapedine
innumerabilis spirituum deformium multitudo torqueretur, cogitare coepi
quod hic fortasse esset infernus, de cujus tormentis intolerabilibus
narrare saepius audivi. Respondit cogitationi meae ductor qui me
praecedebat: Non hoc, inquiens, suspiceris; non enim hic infernus est ille
quem putas. |
“When he
had led me farther by degrees, sore dismayed by that dread sight, on a
sudden I saw the place before us begin to grow dark and filled with
shadows. When we entered into them, the shadows by degrees grew so thick,
that I could see nothing else, save only the darkness and the shape and
garment of him that led me. As we went on ‘through the shades in the
lone night,’ lo! on a sudden there appeared before us masses of foul
flame constantly rising as it were out of a great pit, and falling back
again into the same. When I had been led thither, my guide suddenly
vanished, and left me alone in the midst of darkness and these fearful
sights. As those same masses of fire, without intermission, at one time
flew up and at another fell back into the bottom of the abyss, I perceived
that the summits of all the flames, as they ascended were full of the
spirits of men, which, like sparks flying upwards with the smoke, were
sometimes thrown on high, and again, when the vapours of the fire fell,
dropped down into the depths below. Moreover, a stench, foul beyond
compare, burst forth with the vapours, and filled all those dark places. |
«At cum
me hoc spectaculo tam horrendo perterritum paulatim in ulteriora
produceret, vidi subito ante nos obscurari incipere loca, et tenebris
omnia repleri. Quas cum intraremus, in tantum paulisper condensatae sunt,
ut nihil praeter ipsas aspicerem, excepta dumtaxat specie et veste ejus
qui me ducebat. Et cum progrederemur sola sub nocte per umbras, [0248D]
ecce subito apparent ante nos crebri flammarum tetrarum globi, ascendentes
quasi de puteo magno, rursumque decidentes in eumdem. Quo cum perductus
essem, repente ductor meus disparuit, ac [0249A] me solum in
medio tenebrarum et horridae [Al., horrendae] visionis reliquit.
At cum iidem globi ignium sine intermissione modo alta peterent, modo ima
baratri repeterent, cerno omnia quae ascendebant fastigia flammarum plena
esse spiritibus hominum, qui instar favillarum cum fumo ascendentium nunc
ad sublimiora projicerentur, nunc retractis ignium vaporibus relaberentur
in profunda [Al., profundum]. |
stood there a long time in much dread, not knowing what to do, which way
to turn, or what end awaited me, on a sudden I heard behind me the sound
of a mighty and miserable lamentation, and at the same time noisy
laughter, as of a rude multitude insulting captured enemies. When that
noise, growing plainer, came up to me, I beheld a crowd of evil spirits
dragging five souls of men, wailing and shrieking, into the midst of the
darkness, whilst they themselves exulted and laughed. Among those human
souls, as I could discern, there was one shorn like a clerk, one a layman,
and one a woman. The evil spirits that dragged them went down into the
midst of the burning pit; and it came to pass that as they went down
deeper, I could no longer distinguish between the lamentation of the men
and the laughing of the devils, yet I still had a confused sound in my
ears. In the meantime, some of the dark spirits ascended from that flaming
abyss, and running forward, beset me on all sides, and with their flaming
eyes and the noisome fire which they breathed forth from their mouths and
nostrils, tried to choke me; and threatened to lay hold on me with fiery
tongs, which they had in their hands, yet they durst in no wise touch me,
though they assayed to terrify me. Being thus on all sides encompassed
with enemies and shades of darkness, and casting my eyes hither and
thither if haply anywhere help might be found whereby I might be saved,
there appeared behind me, on the way by which I had come, as it were, the
brightness of a star shining amidst the darkness; which waxing greater by
degrees, came rapidly towards me: and when it drew near, all those evil
spirits, that sought to carry me away with their tongs, dispersed and
fled. |
Sed et
foetor incomparabilis cum eisdem [Al., ejusdem] vaporibus
ebulliens, omnia illa tenebrarum loca replebat. Et cum diutius ibi pavidus
consisterem, utpote incertus quid agerem, quo verterem gressum, qui me [Al.,
qui mihi] finis maneret: audio subitum [Al., subito] post terga
sonitum immanissimi fletus ac miserrimi, simul et cachinnum [0249B]
crepitantem quasi vulgi indocti captis hostibus insultantis. Ut autem
sonitus idem clarior redditus ad me usque pervenit, considero turbam
malignorum spirituum, quae quinque [Al. om. quinque] animas
hominum moerentes ejulantesque, ipsa multum [Al., vero] exultans
et cachinnans medias illas trahebat in tenebras: e quibus videlicet
hominibus, ut dignoscere potui, quidam erat adtonsus ut clericus, quidam
laicus, quaedam femina. Trahentes autem eos maligni spiritus descenderunt
in medium [Al., medio] baratri illius ardentis; factumque est ut
cum longius subeuntibus eis, fletum hominum, et risum daemoniorum clare
discernere nequirem, sonum tamen adhuc promiscuum in auribus haberem.
Interea ascenderunt quidam spirituum obscurorum de abysso [0249C]
illa flammivoma, et adcurrentes circumdederunt me, atque oculis
flammantibus, et de ore ac naribus ignem putidum efflantes angebant,
forcipibus quoque igneis quos tenebant in manibus, minitabantur me
comprehendere, nec tamen me ullatenus contingere, tametsi terrere
praesumebant. Qui cum undiqueversum hostibus et caecitate tenebratum
conclusus huc illucque oculos circumferrem, si forte alicunde quid auxilii
quo salvarer, adveniret, apparuit retro via [Al., viam] qua
veneram quasi fulgor stellae meantis inter tenebras, qui paulatim crescens
et ad me ocius festinans ubi adpropinquavit, dispersi sunt et aufugerunt
omnes qui me forcipibus rapere quaerebant spiritus infesti. |
“Now he,
whose approach put them to flight, was the same that led me before; who,
then turning towards the right, began to lead me, as it were, towards the
rising of the winter sun, and having soon brought me out of the darkness,
led me forth into an atmosphere of clear light. While he thus led me in
open light, I saw a vast wall before us, the length on either side, and
the height whereof, seemed to be altogether boundless. I began to wonder
why we went up to the wall, seeing no door in it, nor window, nor any way
of ascent. But when we came to the wall, we were presently, I know not by
what means, on the top of it, and lo! there was a wide and pleasant plain
full of such fragrance of blooming flowers the the marvellous sweetness
of the scents immediately dispelled the foul stench of the dark furnace
which had filled my nostrils. So great was the light shed over all this
place that it seemed to exceed the brightness of the day, or the rays of
the noontide sun. In this field were innumerable companies of men clothed
in white, and many seats of rejoicing multitudes. As he led me through the
midst of bands of happy inhabitants, I began to think that this perchance
might be the kingdom of Heaven, of which I had often heard tell. He
answered to my thought, saying, ‘Nay, this is not the kingdom of Heaven,
as you think.’ |
autem qui adveniens eos fugavit erat ipse [0249D] qui me ante
ducebat: qui mox conversus ad dexterum iter, quasi contra ortum solis
brumalem me ducere coepit. Nec mora, exemptum tenebris in auras me serenae
lucis eduxit: cumque me in luce aperta duceret, vidi ante nos murum
permaximum, cujus neque longitudini hinc vel inde, neque altitudini ullus
esse terminus videretur. Coepi autem mirari quare ad murum accederemus,
cum in eo nullam januam vel fenestram vel ascensum alicubi conspicerem.
Cum ergo pervenissemus ad murum, statim nescio quo ordine fuimus in
summitate ejus. Et ecce ibi campus erat latissimus ac laetissimus,
tantaque fragrantia vernantium flosculorum plenus, ut omnem mox foetorem
tenebrosae fornacis, qui me pervaserat, [0250A] effugaret
admirandi hujus suavitas odoris. Tanta autem lux cuncta ea loca perfuderat,
ut omni splendore diei, sive solis meridiani radiis videretur esse
praeclarior. Erantque in hoc campo innumera hominum albatorum conventicula,
sedesque plurimae agminum laetantium. Cumque inter choros felicium
incolarum medios me duceret, cogitare coepi quod hoc fortasse esset regnum
caelorum, de quo praedicari saepius audivi. Respondit ille cogitatui meo:
Non, inquiens, non [Al. om. non] hoc est regnum caelorum quod
autumas. |
“When we
had also passed those mansions of blessed spirits, and gone farther on, I
saw before me a much more beautiful light than before, and therein heard
sweet sounds of singing, and so wonderful a fragrance was shed abroad from
the place, that the other which I had perceived before and thought so
great, then seemed to me but a small thing; even as that wondrous
brightness of the flowery field, compared with this which I now beheld,
appeared mean and feeble. When I began to hope that we should enter that
delightful place, my guide, on a sudden stood still; and straightway
turning, led me back by the way we came. |
procedentes transissemus, et has beatorum mansiones spirituum, aspicio
ante nos multo majorem luminis gratiam quam prius; in qua etiam vocem
cantantium dulcissimam audivi; sed et odoris [0250B] fragantia
miri tanta de loco effundebatur, ut is quem antea degustans quasi maximum
rebar, jam permodicus mihi odor videretur: sicut etiam lux illa campi
florentis eximia, in comparatione ejus quae nunc apparuit lucis,
tenuissima prorsus videbatur, et parva. In cujus amoenitatem loci cum nos
intraturos sperarem, repente ductor substitit; nec mora, gressum
retorquens, ipsa me qua venimus via reduxit. |
“In our
return, when we came to those joyous mansions of the white-robed spirits,
he said to me, ‘Do you know what all these things are which you have
seen?’ I answered, ‘No,’ and then he said, ‘That valley which you
beheld terrible with flaming fire and freezing cold, is the place in which
the souls of those are tried and punished, who, delaying to confess and
amend their crimes, at length have recourse to repentance at the point of
death, and so go forth from the body; but nevertheless because
they, even
at their death, confessed and repented, they shall all be received into
the kingdom of Heaven at the day of judgement; but many are succoured
before the day of judgement, by the prayers of the living and their alms
and fasting, and more especially by the celebration of Masses. Moreover
that foul flaming pit which you saw, is the mouth of Hell, into which
whosoever falls shall never be delivered to all eternity. |
reversi [Al., reversione] perveniremus ad mansiones illas laetas
spirituum candidatorum, dixit mihi: Scis quae sint ista omnia quae vidisti?
Respondi ego. Non. Et ait: Vallis illa quam aspexisti flammis ferventibus
et frigoribus horrenda rigidis, ipse est locus in quo examinandae et
castigandae sunt [0250C] animae illorum, qui differentes
confiteri et emendare scelera [Al. add. sua] quae fecerant, in
ipso tandem mortis articulo ad poenitentiam confugiunt, et sic de corpore
exeunt: qui tamen quia confessionem et poenitentiam vel in morte habuerunt,
omnes in die judicii ad regnum coelorum perveniunt [Al.,
pervenient). Multos autem preces viventium et eleemosynae et jejunia et
maxime celebratio missarum, ut etiam ante diem judicii liberentur,
adjuvant. Porro puteus ille flammivomus ac putidus quem vidisti, ipsum est
os gehennae, in quo quicumque semel inciderit nunquam inde liberabitur in
aevum. |
This flowery
place, in which you see this fair and youthful company, all bright and
joyous, is that into which the souls of those are received who, indeed,
when they leave the body have done good works, but who are not so perfect
as to deserve to be immediately admitted into the kingdom of Heaven; yet
they shall all, at the day of judgement, behold Christ, and enter into the
joys of His kingdom; for such as are perfect in every word and deed and
thought, as soon as they quit the body, forthwith enter into the kingdom
of Heaven; in the neighbourhood whereof that place is, where you heard the
sound of sweet singing amidst the savour of a sweet fragrance and
brightness of light. As for you, who must now return to the body, and
again live among men, if you will seek diligently to examine your actions,
and preserve your manner of living and your words in righteousness and
simplicity, you shall, after death, have a place of abode among these
joyful troops of blessed souls which you behold. For when I left you for
awhile, it was for this purpose, that I might learn what should become of
you.’ When he had said this to me, I much abhorred returning to the
body, being delighted with the sweetness and beauty of the place which I
beheld, and with the company of those I saw in it. Nevertheless, I durst
not ask my guide anything; but thereupon, on a sudden, I found myself, I
know not how, alive among men.” |
Locus vero
iste florifer, in quo pulcherrimam hanc juventutem jocundari ac fulgere
conspicis, ipse est in quo recipiuntur animae eorum qui in bonis [0250D]
quidem operibus de corpore exeunt, non tamen sunt tantae perfectionis, ut
in regnum caelorum statim mereantur introduci qui tamen omnes in die
judicii ad visionem Christi et gaudia regni caelestis intrabunt. Nam
quicumque in omni verbo et opere et cogitatione perfecti sunt, mox de
corpore egressi ad regnum caeleste perveniunt: ad cujus vicina (Al.,
vicinia) pertinet locus ille, ubi sonum cantilenae dulcis cum odore
suavitatis ac splendore lucis audisti. Tu autem quia nunc ad corpus
reverti et rursum inter homines vivere debes, si actus tuos curiosius
discutere, et mores sermonesque tuos in rectitudine ac simplicitate
servare studueris, accipies et ipse post mortem locum mansionis inter haec
[0251A] quae cernis agmina laetabunda spirituum beatorum.
Namque ego cum ad tempus abscessissem a te, ad hoc feci ut quid de te
fieri deberet agnoscerem. Haec mihi cum dixisset, multum detestatus sum
reverti ad corpus, delectatus nimirum suavitate ac decore loci illius quem
intuebar, simul et consortio eorum quos in illo [Al. add. esse]
videbam. Nec tamen aliquid ductorem meum rogare audebam: sed inter haec
nescio quo ordine repente me inter homines vivere cerno.» |
Now these
and other things which this man of God had seen, he would not relate to
slothful men, and such as lived negligently; but only to those who, being
terrified with the dread of torments, or ravished with the hope of
everlasting joys, would draw from his words the means to advance in piety.
In the neighbourhood of his cell lived one Haemgils, a monk, and eminent
in the priesthood, whose good works were worthy of his office: he is still
living, and leading a solitary life in Ireland, supporting his declining
age with coarse bread and cold water. He often went to that man, and by
repeated questioning, heard of him what manner of things he had seen when
out of the body; by whose account those few particulars which we have
briefly set down came also to our knowledge. And he related his visions to
king Aldfrid, a man most learned in all respects, and was by him so
willingly and attentively heard, that at his request he was admitted into
the monastery above-mentioned, and received the crown of the monastic
tonsure; and the said king, whensoever he came into those parts, very
often went to hear him. At that time the abbot and priest Ethelwald, a man
of godly and sober life, presided over that monastery. He now occupies the
episcopal see of the church of Lindisfarne, leading a life worthy of his
degree. |
Haec et
alia quae viderat idem vir Domini, non omnibus passim desidiosis ac vitae
suae incuriosis referre volebat, sed illis solummodo qui, vel tormentorum
metu perterriti, vel spe gaudiorum perennium delectati, profectum pietatis
ex ejus verbis [0251B] haurire volebant. Denique in vicinia
cellae illius habitabat quidam monachus, nomine Haemgils, presbyteratus
etiam quem bonis actibus adaequabat [Al., operibus adornabat],
gradu praeeminens, qui adhuc superest, et in Hibernia insula solitarius
ultimam vitae aetatem pane cibario et frigida aqua sustentat. Hic saepius
ad eumdem virum ingrediens, audivit ab eo repetita interrogatione, quae et
qualia essent quae exutus corpore videret [Al., viderat]: per
cujus relationem, ad nostram quoque agnitionem pervenere quae de his pauca
perstrinximus. Narrabat autem visiones suas etiam regi Aldfrido viro
undecumque doctissimo; et tam libenter, tamque studiose ab illo auditus
est, ut ejus rogatu [Al. add. in] monasterio [0251C]
supra memorato inditus, ac monachica sit tonsura coronatus, atque ad eum
audiendum saepissime cum illas in partes devenisset accederet. Cui
videlicet monasterio tempore illo religiosae ac modestae vitae abbas et
1Kb] Aediluald praeerat, qui nunc
episcopalem Lindisfarnensis Ecclesiae cathedram condignis gradu actibus
servat [Al., tenet]. |
He had a
place of abode assigned him apart in that monastery, where he might give
himself more freely to the service of his Creator in continual prayer. And
inasmuch as that place was on the banks of the river, he was wont often to
go into the same for the great desire he had to do penance in his body,
and oftentimes to plunge in it, and to continue saying psalms or prayers
in the same as long as he could endure it, standing still, while the waves
flowed over him, sometimes up to the middle, and sometimes even to the
neck in water; and when he went ashore, he never took off his cold, wet
garments till they grew warm and dry on his body. And when in the winter
the cracking pieces of ice were floating about him, which he had himself
sometimes broken, to make room to stand or plunge in the river, and those
who beheld it would say, “We marvel, brother Drythelm (for so he was
called), that you are able to endure such severe cold;” he answered
simply, for he was a simple and sober-spirited man, “I have seen greater
cold.” And when they said, “We marvel that you choose to observe so
hard a rule of continence,” he replied, “I have seen harder things.”
And so, until the day of his calling hence, in his unwearied desire of
heavenly bliss, he subdued his aged body with daily fasting, and forwarded
the salvation of many by his words and life. |
autem in eodem monasterio locum mansionis secretiorem, ubi liberius
continuis in orationibus famulatui sui Conditoris vacaret. Et quia locus
ipse super ripam fluminis erat situs, solebat hunc creber [Al.,
crebro] ob magnum castigandi corporis affectum ingredi, ac saepius in eo
supermeantibus undis immergi; sicque ibidem quamdiu sustinere posse
videbatur, psalmis vel precibus insistere, [0252A] fixusque
manere ascendente aqua fluminis [Al. add. et] usque ad lumbos,
aliquando usque ad collum; atque inde egrediens ad terram nunquam ipsa
vestimenta uda atque [Al., vel] algida deponere curabat, donec ex
suo corpore calefierent et siccarentur. Cumque tempore hiemali
defluentibus circa eum semifractarum crustis glacierum, quas et ipse
aliquando contriverat quo haberet locum standi sive immergendi [Al.
add. se] in fluvio, dicerent [Al., dicerentque] qui videbant:
«Mirum, frater Drycthelme (hoc enim erat viro nomen), quod tantam
frigoris asperitatem ulla ratione tolerare praevales!» Respondebat ille
simpliciter, erat namque homo simplicis ingenii ac moderatae naturae: «Frigidiora
ego vidi.» Et cum dicerent: «Mirum quod tam [0252B] austeram
tenere continentiam velis!» Respondebat: «Austeriora ego vidi.» Sicque
usque ad diem suae vocationis infatigabili caelestium bonorum desiderio
corpus senile inter quotidiana jejunia domabat, multisque et verbo et
conversatione saluti [Al., salutis causa] fuit. |
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990