St. Martin Dividing his Cloak |
Preface to Desiderius |
Praefatio |
Severus to his dearest brother Desiderius sendeth greeting. I had determined, my like-minded brother, to keep private, and confine within the walls of my own house, the little treatise which I had written concerning the life of St. Martin. I did so, as I am not gifted with much talent, and shrank from the criticisms of the world, lest (as I think will be the case) my somewhat unpolished style should displease my readers, and I should be deemed highly worthy of general reprehension for having too boldly laid hold of a subject which ought to have been reserved for truly eloquent writers. But I have not been able to refuse your request again and again presented. For what could there be which I would not grant in deference to your love, even at the expense of my own modesty? However, I have submitted the work to you on the sure understanding that you will reveal it to no other, having received your promise to that effect. Nevertheless, I have my fears that you will become the means of its publication to the world; and I well know that, once issued, it can never[1] be recalled. If this shall happen, and you come to know that it is read by some others, you will, I trust, kindly ask the readers to attend to the facts related, rather than the language in which they are set forth. You will beg them not to be offended if the style chances unpleasantly to affect their ears, because the kingdom of God consists not of eloquence, but faith. Let them also bear in mind that salvation was preached to the world, not by orators, but by fishermen, although God could certainly have adopted the other course, had it been advantageous. For my part, indeed, when I first applied my mind to writing what follows, because I thought it disgraceful that the excellences of so great a man should remain concealed, I resolved with myself not to feel ashamed on account of solecisms of language. This I did because I had never attained to any great knowledge of such things; or, if I had formerly some taste of studies of the kind, I had lost the whole of that, through having neglected these matters for so long a course of time. But, after all, that I may not have in future to adopt such an irksome mode of self-defense, the best way will be that the book should be published, if you think right, with the author’s name suppressed. In order that this may be done, kindly erase the title which the book bears on its front, so that the page may be silent; and (what is quite enough) let the book proclaim its subject-matter, while it tells nothing of the author. |
[1] Severus Desiderio fratri carissimo. Ego quidem, frater unanimis, libellum quem de vita sancti Martini scripseram, scheda sua premere et intra domesticos parietes cohibere decreveram, quia, ut sum natura infirmissimus, iudicia humana vitabam, ne, quod fore arbitror, sermo incultior legentibus displiceret omniumque reprehensionis dignissimus iudicarer, qui materiem disertis merito scriptoribus reservandam impudens occupassem: sed petenti tibi saepius negare non potui. quid enim esset, quod non amori tuo vel cum detrimento mei pudoris impenderem? [2] verumtamen ea tibi fiducia libellum edidi, qua nulli a te prodendum reor, quia id spopondisti. sed vereor, ne tu, ei ianua sis futurus, et emissus semel revocari non queat. [3] quod si acciderit et ab aliquibus, eum legi videris, bona venia id a lectoribus postulabis, ut res potius quam verba perpendant et aequo animo ferant, si is aures eorum vitiosus forsitan sermo perculerit, quia regnum Dei non in eloquentia, sed in fide constat. [4] meminerint etiam, salutem saeculo non ab oratoribus, cum utique, si utile fuisset, id quoque Dominus praestare potuisset, sed a piscatoribus praedicatam esse. [5] ego enim, cum primum animum ad scribendum appuli, quia nefas putarem tanti viri latere virtutes, apud me ipse decidi, ut soloecismis non erubescerem: quia nec magnam istarum umquam rerum scientiam contigissem, et si quid ex his studiis olim fortasse libassem; totum id desuetudine tanti temporis perdidissem. [6] sed tamen ne nos maneat tam molesta defensio, suppresso, si tibi videtur, nomine libellus edatur. quod ut fieri valeat, titulum frontis erade, ut muta sit pagina et, quod sufficit, loquatur materiam, non loquatur auctorem. |
Chapter I. |
Reasons for writing the Life of St. Martin. |
Most men being vainly devoted to the pursuit of worldly glory, have, as they imagined, acquired a memorial of their own names from this source; viz. devoting their pens to the embellishment of the lives of famous men. This course, although it did not secure for them a lasting reputation, still has undoubtedly brought them some fulfilment of the hope they cherished. It has done so, both by preserving their own memory, though to no purpose, and because, through their having presented to the world the examples of great men, no small emulation has been excited in the bosoms of their readers. Yet, notwithstanding these things, their labors have in no degree borne upon the blessed and never-ending life to which we look forward. For what has a glory, destined to perish with the world, profited those men themselves who have written on mere secular matters? Or what benefit has posterity derived from reading of Hector as a warrior, or Socrates as an expounder of philosophy? There can be no profit in such things, since it is not only folly to imitate the persons referred to, but absolute madness not to assail them with the utmost severity. For, in truth, those persons who estimate human life only by present actions, have consigned their hopes to fables, and their souls to the tomb. In fact, they gave themselves up to be perpetuated simply in the memory of mortals, whereas it is the duty of man rather to seek after eternal life than an eternal memorial and that, not by writing, or fighting, or philosophizing, but by living a pious, holy, and religious life. This erroneous conduct of mankind, being enshrined in literature, has prevailed to such an extent that it has found many who have been emulous either of the vain philosophy or the foolish excellence which has been celebrated. For this reason, I think I will accomplish something well worth the necessary pains, if I write the life of a most holy man, which shall serve in future as an example to others; by which, indeed, the readers shall be roused to the pursuit of true knowledge, and heavenly warfare, and divine virtue. In so doing, we have regard also to our own advantage, so that we may look for, not a vain remembrance among men, but an eternal reward from God. For, although we ourselves have not lived in such a manner that we can serve for an example to others, nevertheless, we have made it our endeavor that he should not remain unknown who was a man worthy of imitation. I shall therefore set about writing the life of St. Martin, and shall narrate both what he did previous to his episcopate, and what he performed as a bishop. At the same time, I cannot hope to set forth all that he was or did. Those excellences of which he alone was conscious are completely unknown, because, as he did not seek for honor from men, he desired, as much as he could accomplish it, that his virtues should be concealed. And even of those which had become known to us, we have omitted a great number, because we have judged it enough if only the more striking and eminent should be recorded. At the same time, I had in the interests of readers to see to it that, no undue amount of instances being set before them should make them weary of the subject. But I implore those who are to read what follows to give full faith to the things narrated, and to believe that I have written nothing of which I had not certain knowledge and evidence. I should, in fact, have preferred to be silent rather than to narrate things which are false. |
1 [1] Plerique mortales studio et gloriae saeculari inaniter dediti exinde perennem, ut putabant, memoriam nominis sui quaesierunt, si vitas clarorum virorum stilo illustrassent. [2] quae res utique non perennem quidem, sed aliquantulum tamen conceptae spei fructum afferebat, quia et suam memoriam, licet incassum, propagabant, et propositis magnorum virorum exemplis non is parva aemulatio legentibus excitabatur. sed tamen nihil ad beatam illam aeternamque vitam haec eorum cura pertinuit. [3] quid enim aut ipsis occasura cum saeculo scriptorum suorum gloria profuit? aut quid posteritas emolumenti tulit legendo Hectorem pugnantem aut Socraten philosophantem? cum eos non solum imitari stultitia sit, sed non acerrime etiam impugnare dementia: quippe qui humanam vitam praesentibus tantum actibus aestimantes spes suas fabulis, animas sepulcris dederint: [4] siquidem ad solam hominum memoriam se perpetuandos crediderunt, cum hominis officium sit, perennem potius vitam quam perennem memoriam quaerere, non scribendo aut pugnando vel philosophando, sed pie sancte religioseque vivendo. [5] qui quidem error humanus litteris traditus in tantum valuit, ut multos plane aemulos vel inanis philosophiae vel stultae illius virtutis invenerit. [6] unde facturus mihi operae pretium videor, si vitam sanctissimi viri, exemplo aliis mox futuram, perscripsero: quo utique ad veram sapientiam et caelestem militiam divinamque virtutem legentes incitabuntur. in quo ita nostri quoque rationem commodi ducimus, ut non inanem ab hominibus memoriam, sed aeternum a Deo praemium exspectemus, quia etsi ipsi non ita viximus, ut exemplo aliis esse possimus, dedimus tamen operam, ne is lateret qui esset imitandus. [7] igitur sancti Martini vitam scribere exordiar, ut se vel ante episcopatum vel in episcopatu gesserit, quamvis nequaquam ad omnia illius potuerim pervenire: adeo ea, in quibus ipse tantum sibi conscius fuit, nesciuntur, quia laudem ab hominibus non requirens, quantum in ipso fuit, omnes virtutes suas latere voluisset. [8] quamquam etiam ex his, quas comperta nobis erant, plura omisimus, quia sufficere credidimus, si tantum excellentia notarentur: simul et legentibus consulendum fuit, ne quod his pareret copia congesta fastidium. [9] obsecro autem eos qui lecturi sunt, ut fidem dictis adhibeant, neque me quicquam nisi compertum et probatum scripsisse arbitrentur: alioquin tacere quam falsa dicere maluissem. |
Chapter II. |
Military Service of St. Martin. |
Martin, then, was born at Sabaria in Pannonia, but was brought up at Ticinum, which is situated in Italy. His parents were, according to the judgment of the world, of no mean rank, but were heathens. His father was at first simply a soldier, but afterwards a military tribune. He himself in his youth following military pursuits was enrolled in the imperial guard, first under king Constantine, and then under Julian Cæsar. This, however, was not done of his own free will, for, almost from his earliest years, the holy infancy of the illustrious boy aspired rather to the service of God.[2] For, when he was of the age of ten years, he betook himself, against the wish of his parents, to the Church, and begged that he might become a catechumen. Soon afterwards, becoming in a wonderful manner completely devoted to the service of God, when he was twelve years old, he desired to enter on the life of a hermit; and he would have followed up that desire with the necessary vows, had not his as yet too youthful age prevented. His mind, however, being always engaged on matters pertaining to the monasteries or the Church, already meditated in his boyish years what he afterwards, as a professed servant of Christ, fulfilled. But when an edict was issued by the ruling powers[3] in the state, that the sons of veterans should be enrolled for military service, and he, on the information furnished by his father, (who looked with an evil eye on his blessed actions) having been seized and put in chains, when he was fifteen years old, was compelled to take the military oath, then showed himself content with only one servant as his attendant. And even to him, changing places as it were, he often acted as though, while really master, he had been inferior; to such a degree that, for the most part, he drew off his [servant’s] boots and cleaned them with his own hand; while they took their meals together, the real master, however, generally acting the part of servant. During nearly three years before his baptism, he was engaged in the profession of arms, but he kept completely free from those vices in which that class of men become too frequently involved. He showed exceeding kindness towards his fellow-soldiers, and held them in wonderful affection; while his patience and humility surpassed what seemed possible to human nature. There is no need to praise the self-denial which he displayed: it was so great that, even at that date, he was regarded not so much as being a soldier as a monk. By all these qualities he had so endeared himself to the whole body of his comrades, that they esteemed him while they marvelously loved him. Although not yet made a new creature[4] in Christ, he, by his good works, acted the part of a candidate for baptism. This he did, for instance, by aiding those who were in trouble, by furnishing assistance to the wretched, by supporting the needy, by clothing the naked, while he reserved nothing for himself from his military pay except what was necessary for his daily sustenance. Even then, far from being a senseless hearer of the Gospel, he so far complied with its precepts as to take no thought about the morrow. |
2 [1] Igitur Martinus Sabaria Pannoniarum oppido oriundus fuit, sed intra Italiam Ticini altus est, parentibus secundum saeculi dignitatem non infimis, gentilibus tamen. [2] pater eius miles primum, post tribunus militum fuit. ipse armatam militiam in adulescentia secutus inter scolares alas sub rege Constantio, deinde sub Iuliano Caesare militavit: non tamen sponte, quia a primis fere annis divinam potius servitutem sacra illustris pueri spiravit infantia. [3] nam cum esset annorum decem, invitis parentibus ad ecclesiam confugit seque catechumenum fieri postulavit. [4] mox mirum in modum totus in Dei opere conversus, cum esset annorum duodecim, eremum concupivit, fecissetque votis satis, si aetatis infirmitas non obstitisset. animus tamen aut circa monasteria aut circa ecclesiam semper intentus meditabatur adhuc in aetate puerili, quod postea devotus implevit. [5] sed cum edictum esset a regibus, ut veteranorum filii ad militiam scriberentur, prodente patre, qui felicibus eius actibus invidebat, cum esset annorum quindecim, captus et catenatus sacramentis militaribus implicatus est, uno tantum servo comite contentus, cui tamen versa vice dominus serviebat, adeo ut plerumque ei et calciamenta ipse detraheret et ipse detergeret, cibum una caperent, hic tamen saepius ministraret. [6] triennium fere ante baptismum in armis fuit, integer tamen ab iis vitiis, quibus illud hominum genus implicari solet. [7] multa illius circa commilitones benignitas, mira caritas, patientia vero atque humilitas ultra humanum modum. nam frugalitatem in eo laudari non est necesse, qua ita usus est, ut iam illo tempore non miles, sed monachus putaretur. pro quibus rebus ita sibi omnes commilitones devinxerat, ut eum miro affectu venerarentur. [8] necdum tamen regeneratus in Christo agebat quendam bonis operibus baptismi candidatum assistere scilicet laborantibus, opem ferre miseris, alere egentes, vestire nudos, nihil sibi ex militiae stipendiis praeter cotidianum victum reservare: iam tum evangelii non surdus auditor de crastino non cogitabat. |
Chapter III. |
Christ appears to St. Martin. |
Accordingly, at a certain period, when he had nothing except his arms and his simple military dress, in the middle of winter, a winter which had shown itself more severe than ordinary, so that the extreme cold was proving fatal to many, he happened to meet at the gate of the city of Amiens[5] a poor man destitute of clothing. He was entreating those that passed by to have compassion upon him, but all passed the wretched man without notice, when Martin, that man full of God, recognized that a being to whom others showed no pity, was, in that respect, left to him. Yet, what should he do? He had nothing except the cloak in which he was clad, for he had already parted with the rest of his garments for similar purposes. Taking, therefore, his sword with which he was girt, he divided his cloak into two equal parts, and gave one part to the poor man, while he again clothed himself with the remainder. Upon this, some of the by-standers laughed, because he was now an unsightly object, and stood out as but partly dressed. Many, however, who were of sounder understanding, groaned deeply because they themselves had done nothing similar. They especially felt this, because, being possessed of more than Martin, they could have clothed the poor man without reducing themselves to nakedness. In the following night, when Martin had resigned himself to sleep, he had a vision of Christ arrayed in that part of his cloak with which he had clothed the poor man. He contemplated the Lord with the greatest attention, and was told to own as his the robe which he had given. Ere long, he heard Jesus saying with a clear voice to the multitude of angels standing round—“Martin, who is still but a catechumen, clothed[6] me with this robe.” The Lord, truly mindful of his own words (who had said when on earth—“Inasmuch[7] as ye have done these things to one of the least of these, ye have done them unto me), declared that he himself had been clothed in that poor man; and to confirm the testimony he bore to so good a deed, he condescended to show him himself in that very dress which the poor man had received. After this vision the sainted man was not puffed up with human glory, but, acknowledging the goodness of God in what had been done, and being now of the age of twenty years, he hastened to receive baptism. He did not, however, all at once, retire from military service, yielding to the entreaties of his tribune, whom he admitted to be his familiar tent-companion.[8] For the tribune promised that, after the period of his office had expired, he too would retire from the world. Martin, kept back by the expectation of this event, continued, although but in name, to act the part of a soldier, for nearly two years after he had received baptism. |
3 [1] Quodam itaque tempore, cum iam nihil praeter arma et simplicem militiae vestem haberet, media hieme, quae solito asperior inhorruerat, adeo ut plerosque vis algoris exstingueret, obvium habet in porta Ambianensium civitatis pauperem nudum: qui cum praetereuntes ut sui misererentur oraret omnesque miserum praeterirent, intellegit vir Deo plenus sibi illum, aliis misericordiam non praestantibus, reservari. [2] quid tamen ageret? nihil praeter chlamydem, qua indutus erat, habebat: iam enim reliqua in opus simile consumpserat. arrepto itaque ferro, quo accinctus erat, mediam dividit partemque eius pauperi tribuit, reliqua rursus induitur. interea de circumstantibus ridere nonnulli, quia deformis esse truncatus habitu videretur: multi tamen, quibus erat mens sanior, altius gemere, quod nihil simile fecissent, cum utique plus habentes vestire pauperem sine sui nuditate potuissent. [3] nocte igitur insecuta, cum se sopori dedisset, vidit Christum chlamydis suae, qua pauperem texerat, parte vestitum. intueri diligentissime Dominum vestemque, quam dederat, iubetur agnoscere. mox ad angelorum circumstantium multitudinem audit Iesum clara voce dicentem: Martinus adhuc catechumenus hic me veste contexit. [4] vere memor Dominus dictorum suorum, qui ante praedixerat: quamdiu fecistis uni ex minimis istis, mihi fecistis, se in paupere professus est fuisse vestitum: et ad confirmandum tam boni operis testimonium in eodem se habitu, quem pauper acceperat, est dignatus ostendere. [5] quo viso vir beatissimus non in gloriam est elatus humanam, sed bonitatem Dei in suo opere cognoscens, cum esset annorum duodeviginti, ad baptismum convolavit. nec tamen statim militiae renuntiavit, tribuni sui precibus evictus, cui contubernium familiare praestabat: etenim transacto tribunatus sui tempore renuntiaturum se saeculo pollicebatur. qua Martinus exspectatione suspensus per biennium fere posteaquam est baptismum consecutus, solo licet nomine, militavit. |
Chapter IV. |
Martin retires from Military Service. |
In the meantime, as the barbarians were rushing within the two divisions of Gaul, Julian Cæsar,[9] bringing an army together at the city[10] of the Vaugiones, began to distribute a donative to the soldiers. As was the custom in such a case, they were called forward, one by one, until it came to the turn of Martin. Then, indeed, judging it a suitable opportunity for seeking his discharge—for he did not think it would be proper for him, if he were not to continue in the service, to receive a donative—he said to Cæsar, “Hitherto I have served you as a soldier: allow me now to become a soldier to God: let the man who is to serve thee receive thy donative: I am the soldier of Christ: it is not lawful for me to fight.” Then truly the tyrant stormed on hearing such words, declaring that, from fear of the battle, which was to take place on the morrow, and not from any religious feeling, Martin withdrew from the service. But Martin, full of courage, yea all the more resolute from the danger that had been set before him, exclaims, “If this conduct of mine is ascribed to cowardice, and not to faith, I will take my stand unarmed before the line of battle tomorrow, and in the name of the Lord Jesus, protected by the sign of the cross, and not by shield or helmet, I will safely penetrate the ranks of the enemy.” He is ordered, therefore, to be thrust back into prison, determined on proving his words true by exposing himself unarmed to the barbarians. But, on the following day, the enemy sent ambassadors to treat about peace and surrendered both themselves and all their possessions. In these circumstances who can doubt that this victory was due to the saintly man? It was granted him that he should not be sent unarmed to the fight. And although the good Lord could have preserved his own soldier, even amid the swords and darts of the enemy, yet that his blessed eyes might not be pained by witnessing the death of others, he removed all necessity for fighting. For Christ did not require to secure any other victory in behalf of his own soldier, than that, the enemy being subdued without bloodshed, no one should suffer death. |
4 [1] Interea irruentibus intra Gallias barbaris Iulianus Caesar coacto in unum exercitu apud Vangionum civitatem donativum coepit erogare militibus, et, ut est consuetudinis, singuli citabantur, donec ad Martinum ventum est. [2] tum vero oportunum tempus existimans, quo peteret missionem - neque enim integrum sibi fore arbitrabatur, si donativum non militaturus acciperet -, hactenus, inquit ad Caesarem, militavi tibi: [3] patere ut nunc militem Deo: donativum tuum pugnaturus accipiat, Christi ego miles sum: pugnare mihi non licet. [4] tum vero adversus hanc vocem tyrannus infremuit dicens, eum metu pugnae, quas postero die erat futura, non religionis gratia detractare militiam. [5] at Martinus intrepidus, immo illato sibi terrore constantior, si hoc, inquit, ignaviae adscribitur, non fidei, crastina die ante aciem inermis adstabo et in nomine Domini Iesu, signo crucis, non clipeo protectus aut galea, hostium cuneos penetrabo securus. [6] retrudi ergo in custodiam iubetur, facturus fidem dictis, ut inermis barbaris obiceretur. [7] postero die hostes legatos de pace miserunt, sua omnia seque dedentes. unde quis dubitet hanc vere beati viri fuisse victoriam, cui praestitum sit, ne inermis ad proelium mitteretur. [8] et quamvis pius Dominus servare militem suum licet inter hostium gladios et tela potuisset, tamen ne vel aliorum mortibus sancti violarentur obtutus, exemit pugnae necessitatem. [9] neque enim aliam pro milite suo Christus debuit praestare victoriam, quam ut subactis sine sanguine hostibus nemo moreretur. |
Chapter V. |
Martin converts a Robber to the Faith. |
From that time quitting military service, Martin earnestly sought after the society of Hilarius, bishop of the city Pictava,[11] whose faith in the things of God was then regarded as of high renown, and in universal esteem. For some time Martin made his abode with him. Now, this same Hilarius, having instituted him in the office of the diaconate, endeavored still more closely to attach him to himself, and to bind him by leading him to take part in Divine service. But when he constantly refused, crying out that he was unworthy, Hilarius, as being a man of deep penetration, perceived that he could only be constrained in this way, if he should lay that sort of office upon him, in discharging which there should seem to be a kind of injury done him. He therefore appointed him to be an exorcist. Martin did not refuse this appointment, from the fear that he might seem to have looked down upon it as somewhat humble. Not long after this, he was warned in a dream that he should visit his native land, and more particularly his parents, who were still involved in heathenism, with a regard for their religious interests. He set forth in accordance with the expressed wish of the holy Hilarius, and, after being adjured by him with many prayers and tears, that he would in due time return. According to report Martin entered on that journey in a melancholy frame of mind, after calling the brethren to witness that many sufferings lay before him. The result fully justified this prediction. For, first of all, having followed some devious paths among the Alps, he fell into the hands of robbers. And when one of them lifted up his axe and poised it above Martin’s head, another of them met with his right hand the blow as it fell; nevertheless, having had his hands bound behind his back, he was handed over to one of them to be guarded and stripped. The robber, having led him to a private place apart from the rest, began to enquire of him who he was. Upon this, Martin replied that he was a Christian. The robber next asked him whether he was afraid. Then indeed Martin most courageously replied that he never before had felt so safe, because he knew that the mercy of the Lord would be especially present with him in the midst of trials. He added that he grieved rather for the man in whose hands he was, because, by living a life of robbery, he was showing himself unworthy of the mercy of Christ. And then entering on a discourse concerning Evangelical truth, he preached the word of God to the robber. Why should I delay stating the result? The robber believed; and, after expressing his respect for Martin, he restored him to the way, entreating him to pray the Lord for him. That same robber was afterwards seen leading a religious life; so that, in fact, the narrative I have given above is based upon an account furnished by himself. |
5 [1] Exinde relicta militia sanctum Hilarium Pictavae episcopum civitatis, cuius tunc in Dei rebus spectata et cognita fides habebatur, expetiit et aliquamdiu apud eum commoratus est. [2] temptavit autem idem Hilarius imposito diaconatus officio sibi eum artius implicare et ministerio vincire divino. sed cum saepissime restitisset, indignum se esse vociferans, intellexit vir altioris ingenii, uno eum modo posse constringi, si id ei officii imponeret, in quo quidam locus iniuriae videretur: itaque exorcistam eum esse praecepit. quam ille ordinationem, ne despexisse tamquam humiliorem videretur, non repudiavit. [3] nec multo post admonitus per soporem, ut patriam parentesque, quos adhuc gentilitas detinebat, religiosa sollicitudine visitaret, ex voluntate sancti Hilari profectus est, multis ab eo obstrictus precibus et lacrimis ut rediret. maestus, ut ferunt, peregrinationem illam ingressus est, contestatus fratribus, multa se adversa passurum: quod postea probavit eventus. [4] ac primum inter Alpes devia secutus incidit in latrones. cumque unus securi elevata in caput eius librasset ictum, ferientis dexteram sustinuit alter: vinctis tamen post tergum manibus uni asservandus et spoliandus traditur. qui cum eum ad remotiora duxisset, percontari ab eo coepit, quisnam esset. [5] respondit Christianum se esse. quaerebat etiam ab eo an timeret. tum vero constantissime profitetur, numquam se tam fuisse securum, quia sciret misericordiam Domini maxime in temptationibus adfuturam: se magis illi dolere, qui Christi misericordia utpote latrocinia exercens esset indignus. [6] ingressusque evangelicam disputationem verbum Dei latroni praedicabat. quid longius morer? latro credidit prosecutusque Martinum viae reddidit, orans ut pro se Dominum precaretur. idemque postea religiosam agens vitam visus est, adeo ut haec, quae supra rettulimus, ex ipso audita dicantur. |
Chapter VI. |
The Devil throws himself in the Way of Martin. |
Martin, then, having gone on from thence, after he had passed Milan, the devil met him in the way, having assumed the form of a man. The devil first asked him to what place he was going. Martin having answered him to the effect that he was minded to go whithersoever the Lord called him, the devil said to him, “Wherever you go, or whatever you attempt, the devil will resist you.” Then Martin, replying to him in the prophetical word, said, “The Lord is my helper; I will not fear what man can do unto me.”[12] Upon this, his enemy immediately vanished out of his sight; and thus, as he had intended in his heart and mind, he set free his mother from the errors of heathenism, though his father continued to cleave to its evils. However, he saved many by his example. |
6 [1] Igitur Martinus inde progressus cum Mediolanum praeterisset, diabolus in itinere, humana specie assumpta, se ei obvium tulit, quo tenderet quaerens. cumque id a Martino responsi accepisset, se quo Dominus vocaret intendere, ait ad eum: [2] quocumque ieris vel quaecumque temptaveris, diabolus tibi adversabitur. tunc ei prophetica voce respondens, Dominus mihi, inquit, adiutor est: non timebo, quid faciat mihi homo. statimque de conspectu eius inimicus evanuit. [3] itaque ut animo ac mente conceperat, matrem a gentilitatis absolvit errore, patre in malis perseverante: plures tamen suo salvavit exemplo. |
After this, when the Arian heresy had spread through the whole world, and was especially powerful in Illyria, and when he, almost single-handed, was fighting most strenuously against the treachery of the priests, and had been subjected to many punishments (for he was publicly scourged, and at last was compelled to leave the city), again betaking himself to Italy, and having found the Church in the two divisions of Gaul in a distracted condition through the departure also of the holy Hilarius, whom the violence of the heretics had driven into exile, he established a monastery for himself at Milan. There, too, Auxentius, the originator and leader of the Arians, bitterly persecuted him; and, after he had assailed him with many injuries, violently expelled him from the city. Thinking, therefore, that it was necessary to yield to circumstances, he withdrew to the island Gallinaria,[13] with a certain presbyter as his companion, a man of distinguished excellences. Here he subsisted for some time on the roots of plants; and, while doing so, he took for food hellebore, which is, as people say, a poisonous kind of grass. But when he perceived the strength of the poison increasing within him, and death now nearly at hand, he warded off the imminent danger by means of prayer, and immediately all his pains were put to flight. And not long after having discovered that, through penitence on the part of the king, permission to return had been granted to holy Hilarius, he made an effort to meet him at Rome, and, with this view, set out for that city. |
[4] Dehinc cum haeresis Arriana per totum orbem et maxime intra Illyricum pullulasset, cum adversus perfidiam sacerdotum solus paene acerrime repugnaret multisque suppliciis esset affectus - nam et publice virgis caesus est et ad extremum de civitate exire compulsus - Italiam repetens, cum intra Gallias quoque discessu sancti Hilari, quem ad exsilium haereticorum vis coegerat, turbatam ecclesiam comperisset, Mediolani sibi monasterium statuit. ibi quoque eum Auxentius, auctor et princeps Arrianorum, gravissime insectatus est, multisque affectum iniuriis de civitate exturbavit. [5] cedendum itaque tempori arbitratus ad insulam, cui Gallinaria nomen est, secessit comite quodam presbytero, magnarum virtutum viro. hic aliquamdiu radicibus vixit herbarum: quo tempore helleborum, uenenatum, ut ferunt, gramen, in cibum sumpsit. [6] sed cum vim veneni in se grassantis vicina iam morte sensisset, imminens periculum oratione repulit statimque omnis dolor fugatus est. [7] nec multo post, cum sancto Hilario comperisset regis paenitentia potestatem indultam fuisse redeundi, Romae ei temptavit occurrere profectusque ad urbem est. |
Chapter VII. |
Martin restores a Catechumen to Life. |
As Hilarius had already gone away, so Martin followed in his footsteps; and having been most joyously welcomed by him, he established for himself a monastery not far from the town. At this time a certain catechumen joined him, being desirous of becoming instructed in the doctrines[14] and habits of the most holy man. But, after the lapse only of a few days, the catechumen, seized with a languor, began to suffer from a violent fever. It so happened that Martin had then left home, and having remained away three days, he found on his return that life had departed from the catechumen; and so suddenly had death occurred, that he had left this world without receiving baptism. The body being laid out in public was being honored by the last sad offices on the part of the mourning brethren, when Martin hurries up to them with tears and lamentations. But then laying hold, as it were, of the Holy Spirit, with the whole powers of his mind, he orders the others to quit the cell in which the body was lying; and bolting the door, he stretches himself at full length on the dead limbs of the departed brother. Having given himself for some time to earnest prayer, and perceiving by means of the Spirit of God that power was present,[15] he then rose up for a little, and gazing on the countenance of the deceased, he waited without misgiving for the result of his prayer and of the mercy of the Lord. And scarcely had the space of two hours elapsed, when he saw the dead man begin to move a little in all his members, and to tremble with his eyes opened for the practice of sight. Then indeed, turning to the Lord with a loud voice and giving thanks, he filled the cell with his ejaculations. Hearing the noise, those who had been standing at the door immediately rush inside. And truly a marvelous spectacle met them, for they beheld the man alive whom they had formerly left dead. Thus being restored to life, and having immediately obtained baptism, he lived for many years afterwards; and he was the first who offered himself to us both as a subject that had experienced the virtues[16] of Martin, and as a witness to their existence. The same man was wont to relate that, when he left the body, he was brought before the tribunal of the Judge, and being assigned to gloomy regions and vulgar crowds, he received a severe[17] sentence. Then, however, he added, it was suggested by two angels of the Judge that he was the man for whom Martin was praying; and that, on this account, he was ordered to be led back by the same angels, and given up to Martin, and restored to his former life. From this time forward, the name of the sainted man became illustrious, so that, as being reckoned holy by all, he was also deemed powerful and truly apostolical. |
7 [1] Cum iam Hilarius praeterisset, ita eum est vestigiis prosecutus: cumque ab eo gratissime fuisset susceptus, haud longe sibi ab oppido monasterium collocavit, quo tempore se ei quidam catechumenus iunxit, cupiens sanctissimi viri institui disciplinis: paucisque interpositis diebus languore correptus vi febrium laborabat. [2] ac tum Martinus forte discesserat: et cum per triduum defuisset, regressus exanime corpus invenit: ita subita mors fuerat, ut absque baptismate humanis rebus excederet. corpus in medio positum tristi maerentium fratrum frequentabatur officio, cum Martinus flens et eiulans accurrit. [3] tum vero tota sanctum spiritum mente concipiens egredi cellulam, in qua corpus iacebat, ceteros iubet, ac foribus obseratis super exanimata defuncti fratris membra prosternitur. et cum aliquamdiu orationi incubuisset sensissetque per spiritum Domini adesse virtutem, erectus paululum et in defuncti ora defixus, orationis suae ac misericordiae Domini intrepidus exspectabat eventum: vixque duarum fere horarum spatium intercesserat, videt defunctum paulatim membris omnibus commoveri et laxatis in usum videndi palpitare luminibus. [4] tum vero magna ad Dominum voce conversus gratias agens cellulam clamore compleverat: quo audito qui pro foribus adstiterant statim irruunt. mirum spectaculum, quod videbant vivere, quem mortuum reliquissent. [5] ita redditus vitae, statim baptismum consecutus plures postea vixit annos, primusque apud nos Martini virtutum vel materia vel testimonium fuit. [6] idem tamen referre erat solitus, se corpore exutum ad tribunal iudicis ductum deputandumque obscuris locis et vulgaribus turbis tristem excepisse sententiam: tum per duos angelos iudici fuisse suggestum, hunc esse pro quo Martinus oraret: ita per eosdem angelos se iussum reduci, et Martino redditum vitaeque pristinae restitutum. [7] ab hoc primum tempore beati viri nomen enituit, ut qui sanctus iam ab omnibus habebatur, potens etiam et vere apostolicus haberetur. |
Chapter VIII. |
Martin restores one that had been strangled. |
Not long after these events, while Martin was passing by the estate of a certain man named Lupicinus, who was held in high esteem according to the judgment of the world, he was received with shouting and the lamentations of a wailing crowd. Having, in an anxious state of mind gone up to that multitude, and enquired what such weeping meant, he was told that one of the slaves of the family had put an end to his life by hanging. Hearing this, Martin entered the cell in which the body was lying, and, excluding all the multitude, he stretched himself upon the body, and spent some little time in prayer. Ere long, the deceased, with life beaming in his countenance, and with his drooping eyes fixed on Martin’s face, is aroused; and with a gentle effort attempting to rise, he laid hold of the right hand of the saintly man, and by this means stood upon his feet. In this manner, while the whole multitude looked on, he walked along with Martin to the porch of the house. |
8 [1] Nec multo post, dum agrum Lupicini cuiusdam honorati secundum saeculum viri praeteriret, clamore et luctu turbae plangentis excipitur, [2] ad quam cum sollicitus adstitisset et quis esset hic fletus inquireret, indicatur unum ex familia servulum laqueo sibi vitam extorsisse. quo cognito cellulam, in qua corpus iacebat, ingreditur, exclusisque omnibus turbis superstratus corpori aliquantisper oravit. [3] mox vivescente vultu, marcescentibus oculis in ora illius defunctus erigitur: lentoque conamine enisus adsurgere, apprehensa beati viri dextera in pedes constitit: atque ita cum eo usque ad vestibulum domus, turba omni inspectante, processit. |
Chapter IX. |
High Esteem in which Martin was held. |
Nearly about the same time, Martin was called upon to undertake the episcopate of the church at Tours;[18] but when he could not easily be drawn forth from his monastery, a certain Ruricius, one of the citizens, pretending that his wife was ill, and casting himself down at his knees, prevailed on him to go forth. Multitudes of the citizens having previously been posted by the road on which he traveled, he is thus under a kind of guard escorted to the city. An incredible number of people not only from that town, but also from the neighboring cities, had, in a wonderful manner, assembled to give their votes.[19] There was but one wish among all, there were the same prayers, and there was the same fixed opinion to the effect that Martin was most worthy of the episcopate, and that the church would be happy with such a priest. A few persons, however, and among these some of the bishops, who had been summoned to appoint a chief priest, were impiously offering resistance, asserting forsooth that Martin’s person was contemptible, that he was unworthy of the episcopate, that he was a man despicable in countenance, that his clothing was mean, and his hair disgusting. This madness of theirs was ridiculed by the people of sounder judgment, inasmuch as such objectors only proclaimed the illustrious character of the man, while they sought to slander him. Nor truly was it allowed them to do anything else, than what the people, following the Divine will, desired[20] to be accomplished. Among the bishops, however, who had been present, a certain one of the name Defensor is said to have specially offered opposition; and on this account it was observed that he was at the time severely censured in the reading from the prophets. For when it so happened that the reader, whose duty it was to read in public that day, being blocked out by the people, failed to appear, the officials falling into confusion, while they waited for him who never came, one of those standing by, laying hold of the Psalter, seized upon the first verse which presented itself to him. Now, the Psalm ran thus: “Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise because of thine enemies, that thou mightest destroy the enemy and the avenger.”[21] On these words being read, a shout was raised by the people, and the opposite party were confounded. It was believed that this Psalm had been chosen by Divine ordination, that Defensor[22] might hear a testimony to his own work, because the praise of the Lord was perfected out of the mouth of babes and sucklings in the case of Martin, while the enemy was at the same time both pointed out and destroyed. |
9 [1] Sub idem fere tempus ad episcopatum Turonicae ecclesiae petebatur: sed cum erui monasterio suo non facile posset, Rusticius quidam, unus e civibus, uxoris languore simulato ad genua illius provolutus ut egrederetur obtinuit. [2] ita dispositis iam in itinere civium turbis, sub quadam custodia ad civitatem usque deducitur. mirum in modum incredibilis multitudo non solum ex illo oppido, sed etiam ex vicinis urbibus ad suffragia ferenda convenerat. [3] una omnium voluntas, eadem vota eademque sententia, Martinum episcopatus esse dignissimum: felicem fore tali ecclesiam sacerdote. pauci tamen et nonnulli ex episcopis, qui ad constituendum antistitem fuerant evocati, impie repugnabant, dicentes scilicet, contemptibilem esse personam, indignum esse episcopatu hominem vultu despicabilem, veste sordidum, crine deformem. [4] ita a populo sententiae sanioris haec illorum irrisa dementia est, qui illustrem virum dum vituperare cupiunt praedicabant. nec vero aliud his facere licuit, quam quod populus Domino volente cogitabat. inter episcopos tamen qui adfuerant praecipue Defensor quidam dicitur restitisse: unde animadversum est graviter illum lectione prophetica tum notatum. [5] nam cum fortuito lector, sui legendi eo die officium erat, interclusus a populo defuisset, turbatis ministris, dum exspectatur qui non aderat, unus e circumstantibus sumpto psalterio, quem primum versum invenit, arripuit. [6] psalmus autem hic erat: ex ore infantium et lactantium perfecisti laudem propter inimicos tuos, ut destruas inimicum et defensorem. quo lecto clamor populi tollitur, pars diversa confunditur. [7] atque ita habitum est, divino nutu psalmum hunc lectum fuisse, ut testimonium operis sui Defensor audiret, qui ex ore infantium atque lactantium, in Martino Domini laude perfecta, et ostensus pariter et destructus esset inimicus. |
Chapter X. |
Martin as Bishop of Tours. |
And now having entered on the episcopal office, it is beyond my power fully to set forth how Martin distinguished himself in the discharge of its duties. For he remained with the utmost constancy, the same as he had been before. There was the same humility in his heart, and the same homeliness in his garments. Full alike of dignity and courtesy, he kept up the position of a bishop properly, yet in such a way as not to lay aside the objects and virtues of a monk. Accordingly he made use, for some time, of the cell connected with the church; but afterwards, when he felt it impossible to tolerate the disturbance caused by the numbers of those visiting it, he established a monastery for himself about two miles outside the city. This spot was so secret and retired that he enjoyed in it the solitude of a hermit. For, on one side, it was surrounded by a precipitous rock of a lofty mountain, while the river Loire had shut in the rest of the plain by a bay extending back for a little distance; and the place could be approached only by one, and that a very narrow passage. Here, then, he possessed a cell constructed of wood. Many also of the brethren had, in the same manner, fashioned retreats for themselves, but most of them had formed these out of the rock of the overhanging mountain, hollowed into caves. There were altogether eighty disciples, who were being disciplined after the example of the saintly master. No one there had anything which was called his own; all things were possessed in common. It was not allowed either to buy or to sell anything, as is the custom among most monks. No art was practiced there, except that of transcribers, and even this was assigned to the brethren of younger years, while the elders spent their time in prayer. Rarely did any one of them go beyond the cell, unless when they assembled at the place of prayer. They all took their food together, after the hour of fasting was past. No one used wine, except when illness compelled them to do so. Most of them were clothed in garments of camels’ hair.[23] Any dress approaching to softness[24] was there deemed criminal, and this must be thought the more remarkable, because many among them were such as are deemed of noble rank. These, though far differently brought up, had forced themselves down to this degree of humility and patient endurance, and we have seen numbers of these afterwards made bishops. For what city or church would there be that would not desire to have its priests from among those in the monastery of Martin? |
10 [1] Iam vero sumpto episcopatu qualem se quantumque praestiterit, non est nostrae facultatis evolvere. idem enim constantissime perseverabat qui prius fuerat. [2] eadem in corde eius humilitas, eadem in vestitu eius vilitas erat: atque ita, plenus auctoritatis et gratiae, implebat episcopi dignitatem, ut non tamen propositum monachi virtutemque desereret. [3] aliquamdiu ergo adhaerenti ad ecclesiam cellula usus est: dein cum inquietudinem se frequentantium ferre non posset, duobus fere extra civitatem milibus monasterium sibi statuit. [4] qui locus tam secretus et remotus erat, ut eremi solitudinem non desideraret. ex uno enim latere praecisa montis excelsi rupe ambiebatur, reliquam planitiem Liger fluvius reducto paululum sinu clauserat: una tantum eademque arta admodum via adiri poterat. ipse ex lignis contextam cellulam habebat, multique ex fratribus in eundem modum: [5] plerique saxo superiecti montis cavato receptacula sibi fecerant. discipuli fere octoginta erant, qui ad exemplum beati magistri instituebantur. [6] nemo ibi quicquam proprium habebat, omnia in medium conferebantur. non emere aut vendere, ut plerisque monachis moris est, quicquam licebat, ars ibi exceptis scriptoribus nulla habebatur, cui tamen operi minor aetas deputabatur: maiores orationi vacabant. [7] rarus cuiquam extra cellulam suam egressus, nisi cum ad locum orationis conveniebant. cibum una omnes post horam ieiunii accipiebant. vinum nemo noverat, nisi quem infirmitas coegisset. [8] plerique camelorum saetis vestiebantur: mollior ibi habitus pro crimine erat. quod eo magis sit mirum necesse est, quod multi inter eos nobiles habebantur, qui longe aliter educati ad hanc se humilitatem et patientiam coegerant: pluresque ex eis postea episcopos vidimus. [9] quae enim esset civitas aut ecclesia, quae non sibi de Martini monasterio cuperet sacerdotem? |
Chapter XI. |
Martin demolishes an Altar consecrated to a Robber. |
But let me proceed to a description of other excellences which Martin displayed as a bishop. There was, not far from the town, a place very close to the monastery, which a false human opinion had consecrated, on the supposition that some martyrs had been buried together there. For it was also believed that an altar had been placed there by former bishops. But Martin, not inclined to give a hasty belief to things uncertain, often asked from those who were his elders, whether among the presbyters or clerics, that the name of the martyr, or the time when he suffered, should be made known to him. He did so, he said, because he had great scruples on these points, inasmuch as no steady tradition respecting them had come down from antiquity. Having, therefore, for a time kept away from the place, by no means wishing to lessen the religious veneration with which it was regarded, because he was as yet uncertain, but, at the same time not lending his authority to the opinion of the multitude, lest a mere superstition should obtain a firmer footing, he one day went out to the place, taking a few brethren with him as companions. There standing above the very sepulchre, Martin prayed to the Lord that he would reveal, who the man in question was, and what was his character or desert. Next turning to the left-hand side, he sees standing very near a shade of a mean and cruel appearance. Martin commands him to tell his name and character. Upon this, he declares his name, and confesses his guilt. He says that he had been a robber, and that he was beheaded on account of his crimes; that he had been honored simply by an error of the multitude; that he had nothing in common with the martyrs, since glory was their portion, while punishment exacted its penalties from him. Those who stood by heard, in a wonderful way, the voice of the speaker, but they beheld no person. Then Martin made known what he had seen, and ordered the altar which had been there to be removed, and thus he delivered the people from the error of that superstition. |
11 [1] Sed ut reliquas virtutes eius, quas in episcopatu egit, aggrediar; erat haud longe ab oppido proximus monasterio locus, quem falsa hominum opinio, velut consepultis ibi martyribus, sacraverat: [2] nam et altare ibi a superioribus episcopis constitutum habebatur. sed Martinus non temere adhibens incertis fidem, ab his, qui maiores natu erant, presbyteris vel clericis flagitabat nomen sibi martyris, tempus passionis ostendi: grandi se scrupulo permoveri, quod nihil certi constans sibi maiorum memoria tradidisset. [3] cum aliquamdiu ergo a loco illo se abstinuisset, nec derogans religioni, quia incertus erat, nec auctoritatem suam vulgo accommodans, ne superstitio convalesceret, quodam die paucis secum adhibitis fratribus ad locum pergit. [4] dehinc super sepulcrum ipsum adstans oravit ad Dominum, ut quis esset vel cuius meriti esset sepultus ostenderet. tum conversus ad laevam videt prope adsistere umbram sordidam, trucem: imperat, nomen meritumque loqueretur. nomen edicit, de crimine confitetur: latronem se fuisse, ob scelera percussum, vulgi errore celebratum: sibi nihil cum martyribus esse commune, cum illos gloria, se poena retineret. [5] mirum in modum vocem loquentis qui aderant audiebant, personam tamen non videbant. tum Martinus quid vidisset exposuit iussitque ex eo loco altare, quod ibi fuerat, submoveri, atque ita populum superstitionis illius absolvit errore. |
Chapter XII. |
Martin causes the Bearers of a Dead Body to stop. |
Now, it came to pass some time after the above, that while Martin was going a journey, he met the body of a certain heathen, which was being carried to the tomb with superstitious funeral rites. Perceiving from a distance the crowd that was approaching, and being ignorant as to what was going on, he stood still for a little while. For there was a distance of nearly half a mile between him and the crowd, so that it was difficult to discover what the spectacle he beheld really was. Nevertheless, because he saw it was a rustic gathering, and when the linen clothes spread over the body were blown about by the action of the wind, he believed that some profane rites of sacrifice were being performed. This thought occurred to him, because it was the custom of the Gallic rustics in their wretched folly to carry about through the fields the images of demons veiled with a white covering. Lifting up, therefore, the sign of the cross opposite to them, he commanded the crowd not to move from the place in which they were, and to set down the burden. Upon this, the miserable creatures might have been seen at first to become stiff like rocks. Next, as they endeavored, with every possible effort, to move forward, but were not able to take a step farther, they began to whirl themselves about in the most ridiculous fashion, until, not able any longer to sustain the weight, they set down the dead body. Thunderstruck, and gazing in bewilderment at each other as not knowing what had happened to them they remained sunk in silent thought. But when the saintly man discovered that they were simply a band of peasants celebrating funeral rites, and not sacrifices to the gods, again raising his hand, he gave them the power of going away, and of lifting up the body. Thus he both compelled them to stand when he pleased, and permitted them to depart when he thought good.
12 [1] Accidit autem insequenti tempore, dum iter ageret, ut gentilis cuiusdam corpus, quod ad sepulcrum cum superstitioso funere deferebatur, obvium haberet: conspicatusque eminus venientium turbam, quidnam id esset ignarus, paululum stetit: nam fere quingentorum passuum intervallum erat, ut difficile fuerit dinoscere quid videret. [2] tamen quia rusticam manum cerneret et agente vento lintea corpori superiecta volitarent, profanos sacrificiorum ritus agi credidit: quia esset haec Gallorum rusticis consuetudo, simulacra daemonum candido, tecta velamine misera per agros suos circumferre dementia. [3] levato ergo in adversos signo crucis imperat turbae non moveri loco onusque deponere. hic vero mirum in modum videres miseros primum velut saxa riguisse. [4] dein, cum promovere se summo conamine niterentur, ultra accedere non valentes ridiculam in vertiginem rotabantur, donec victi corporis onus ponunt: attoniti et semet invicem aspicientes, quidnam sibi accidisset, taciti cogitabant. [5] sed cum beatus vir comperisset exsequiarum esse illam frequentiam, non sacrorum, elevata rursum manu dat eis abeundi et tollendi corporis potestatem. ita eos et cum voluit, stare compulit, et cum libuit, abire permisit.
Chapter XIII. |
Martin escapes from a Falling Pine-tree. |
Again, when in a certain village he had demolished a very ancient temple, and had set about cutting down a pine-tree, which stood close to the temple, the chief priest of that place, and a crowd of other heathens began to oppose him. And these people, though, under the influence of the Lord, they had been quiet while the temple was being overthrown, could not patiently allow the tree to be cut down. Martin carefully instructed them that there was nothing sacred in the trunk of a tree, and urged them rather to honor God whom he himself served. He added that there was a moral necessity why that tree should be cut down, because it had been dedicated to a demon. Then one of them who was bolder than the others says, “If you have any trust in thy God, whom you say you worship, we ourselves will cut down this tree, and be it your part to receive it when falling; for if, as you declare, your Lord is with you, you will escape all injury.” Then Martin, courageously trusting in the Lord, promises that he would do what had been asked. Upon this, all that crowd of heathen agreed to the condition named; for they held the loss of their tree a small matter, if only they got the enemy of their religion buried beneath its fall. Accordingly, since that pine-tree was hanging over in one direction, so that there was no doubt to what side it would fall on being cut, Martin, having been bound, is, in accordance with the decision of these pagans, placed in that spot where, as no one doubted, the tree was about to fall. They began, therefore, to cut down their own tree, with great glee and joyfulness, while there was at some distance a great multitude of wondering spectators. And now the pine-tree began to totter, and to threaten its[25] own ruin by falling. The monks at a distance grew pale, and, terrified by the danger ever coming nearer, had lost all hope and confidence, expecting only the death of Martin. But he, trusting in the Lord, and waiting courageously, when now the falling pine had uttered its expiring crash, while it was now falling, while it was just rushing upon him, simply holding up his hand against it, he put in its way the sign of salvation. Then, indeed, after the manner of a spinning-top (one might have thought it driven[26] back), it swept round to the opposite side, to such a degree that it almost crushed the rustics, who had taken their places there in what was deemed a safe spot. Then truly, a shout being raised to heaven, the heathen were amazed by the miracle, while the monks wept for joy; and the name of Christ was in common extolled by all. The well-known result was that on that day salvation came to that region. For there was hardly one of that immense multitude of heathens who did not express a desire for the imposition of hands, and abandoning his impious errors, made a profession of faith in the Lord Jesus. Certainly, before the times of Martin, very few, nay, almost none, in those regions had received the name of Christ; but through his virtues and example that name has prevailed to such an extent, that now there is no place thereabouts which is not filled either with very crowded churches or monasteries. For wherever he destroyed heathen temples, there he used immediately to build either churches or monasteries. |
13 [1] Item, cum in viro quodam templum antiquissimum diruisset et arborem pinum, quae fano erat proxima, esset aggressus excidere, tum vero antistes loci illius ceteraque gentilium turba coepit obsistere. [2] et cum idem illi, dum templum evertitur, imperante Domino quievissent, succidi arborem non patiebantur. ille eos sedulo commonere, nihil esse religionis in stipite: Deum potius, cui serviret ipse, sequerentur: arborem illam succidi oportere, quia esset daemoni dedicata. [3] tum unus ex illis qui erat audacior ceteris: si habes, inquit, aliquam de Deo tuo, quem dicis te colere, fiduciam, nosmet ipsi succidemus hanc arborem, tu ruentem excipe: et si tecum est tuus, ut dicis, Dominus, evades. [4] tum ille intrepide confisus in Domino facturum se pollicetur. hic vero ad istius modi condicionem omnis illa gentilium turba consensit, facilemque arboris suae habuere iacturam, si inimicum sacrorum suorum casu illius obruissent. [5] itaque cum unam in partem pinus illa esset acclinis, ut non esset dubium, quam in partem succisa corrueret, eo loci vinctus statuitur pro arbitrio rusticorum, quo arborem esse casuram nemo dubitabat. [6] succidere igitur ipsi suam pinum cum ingenti gaudio laetitiaque coeperunt. aderat eminus turba mirantium. iamque paulatim nutare pinus et ruinam suam casura imitari. [7] pallebant eminus monachi et periculo iam propiore conterriti spem omnem fidemque perdiderant, solam Martini mortem exspectantes. [8] at ille confisus in Domino intrepidus opperiens, cum iam fragorem sui pinus concidens edidisset, iam cadenti, iam super se ruenti, elevata obviam manu, signum salutis opponit. tum vero - velut turbinis modo retro actam putares - diversam in partem ruit, adeo ut rusticos, qui toto in loco steterant, paene prostraverit. [9] tum vero in caelum clamore sublato gentiles stupere miraculo, monachi flere prae gaudio, Christi nomen in commune ab omnibus praedicari: satisque constitit eo die salutem illi venisse regioni. nam nemo fere ex immani illa multitudine gentilium fuit, qui non impositione manus desiderata Dominum Iesum, relicto impietatis errore, crediderit. et vere ante Martinum pauci admodum, immo paene nulli in illis regionibus Christi nomen receperant: quod adeo virtutibus illius exemploque convaluit, ut iam ibi nullos locus sit, qui non aut ecclesiis frequentissimis aut monasteriis sit repletus. nam ubi fana destruxerat, statim ibi aut ecclesias aut monasteria construebat. |
Chapter XIV. |
Martin destroys Heathen Temples and Altars. |
Nor did he show less eminence, much about the same time, in other transactions of a like kind. For, having in a certain village set fire to a very ancient and celebrated temple, the circle of flames was carried by the action of the wind upon a house which was very close to, yea, connected with, the temple. When Martin perceived this, he climbed by rapid ascent to the roof of the house, presenting himself in front of the advancing flames. Then indeed might the fire have been seen thrust back in a wonderful manner against the force of the wind, so that there appeared a sort of conflict of the two elements fighting together. Thus, by the influence of Martin, the fire only acted in the place where it was ordered to do so. But in a village which was named Leprosum, when he too wished to overthrow a temple which had acquired great wealth through the superstitious ideas entertained of its sanctity, a multitude of the heathen resisted him to such a degree that he was driven back not without bodily injury. He, therefore, withdrew to a place in the vicinity, and there for three days, clothed in sackcloth[27] and ashes fasting and praying the whole time, he besought the Lord, that, as he had not been able to overthrow that temple by human effort, Divine power might be exerted to destroy it. Then two angels, with spears and shields after the manner of heavenly warriors, suddenly presented themselves to him, saying that they were sent by the Lord to put to flight the rustic multitude, and to furnish protection to Martin, lest, while the temple was being destroyed, any one should offer resistance. They told him therefore to return, and complete the blessed work which he had begun. Accordingly Martin returned to the village; and while the crowds of heathen looked on in perfect quiet as he razed the pagan temple even to the foundations, he also reduced all the altars and images to dust. At this sight the rustics, when they perceived that they had been so astounded and terrified by an intervention of the Divine will, that they might not be found fighting against the bishop, almost all believed in the Lord Jesus. They then began to cry out openly and to confess that the God of Martin ought to be worshiped, and that the idols should be despised, which were not able to help them. |
14 [1] Nec minorem sub idem fere tempus eodem in opere virtutem edidit. nam cum in viro quodam fano antiquissimo et celeberrimo ignem immisisset, in proximam, immo adhaerentem domum agente vento flammarum globi ferebantur. [2] quod ubi Martinus advertit, rapido cursu tectum domus scandit, obvium se advenientibus flammis inferens. tum vero mirum in modum cerneres contra vim venti ignem retorqueri, ut compugnantium inter se elementorum quidam conflictus videretur. ita virtute Martini ibi tantum ignis est operatus, ubi iussus est. [3] In vico autem, cui Leprosum nomen est, cum itidem templum opulentissimum superstitione religionis voluisset evertere, restitit ei multitudo gentilium, adeo ut non absque iniuria sit repulsus. [4] itaque secessit ad proxima loca, ibique per triduum cilicio tectus et cinere, ieiunans semper atque orans, precabatur ad Dominum, ut, quia templum illud evertere humana manus non potuisset, virtus illud divina dirueret. [5] tum subito ei duo angeli hastati atque scutati instar militiae caelestis se obtulerunt, dicentes missos se a Domino, ut rusticam multitudinem fugarent praesidiumque Martino ferrent, ne quis, dum templum dirueretur, obsisteret: rediret ergo et opus coeptum devotus impleret. [6] ita regressus ad vicum, inspectantibus gentilium turbis et quiescentibus, dum profanam aedem usque ad fundamenta dirueret, aras omnes atque simulacra redegit in pulverem. [7] quo viso rustici, cum se intellegerent divino nutu obstupefactos atque perterritos, ne episcopo repugnarent, omnes fere Iesum Dominum crediderunt, clamantes palam et confitentes, Deum Martini colendum, idola autem neglegenda, quae nec sibi nec aliis adesse possent. |
Chapter XV. |
Martin offers his Neck to an Assassin. |
I shall also relate what took place in the village of the Ædui. When Martin was there overthrowing a temple, a multitude of rustic heathen rushed upon him in a frenzy of rage. And when one of them, bolder than the rest, made an attack upon him with a drawn sword, Martin, throwing back his cloak, offered his bare neck to the assassin. Nor did the heathen delay to strike, but in the very act of lifting up his right arm, he fell to the ground on his back, and being overwhelmed by the fear of God, he entreated for pardon. Not unlike this was that other event which happened to Martin, that when a certain man had resolved to wound him with a knife as he was destroying some idols, at the very moment of fetching the blow, the weapon was struck out of his hands and disappeared. Very frequently, too, when the pagans were addressing him to the effect that he would not overthrow their temples, he so soothed and conciliated the minds of the heathen by his holy discourse that, the light of truth having been revealed to them, they themselves overthrew their own temples. |
15 [1] Quid etiam in pago Aeduorum gestum sit, referam. ubi dum templum itidem everteret, furens gentilium rusticorum in eum irruit multitudo. cumque unus audacior ceteris stricto eum gladio peteret, reiecto pallio nudam cervicem percussuro praebuit. [2] nec cunctatus ferire gentilis, sed cum dexteram altius extulisset, resupinus ruit, consternatusque divino metu veniam precabatur. [3] nec dissimile huic fuit illud. cum eum idola destruentem cultro quidam ferire voluisset, in ipso ictu ferrum ei de manibus excussum non comparuit. [4] plerumque autem contra dicentibus sibi rusticis, ne eorum fana destrueret, ita praedicatione sancta gentiles animos mitigabat, ut luce eis veritatis ostensa ipsi sua templa subverterent. |
Chapter XVI. |
Cures effected by St. Martin. |
Moreover, the gift[28] of accomplishing cures was so largely possessed by Martin, that scarcely any sick person came to him for assistance without being at once restored to health. This will clearly appear from the following example. A certain girl at Treves[29] was so completely prostrated by a terrible paralysis that for a long time she had been quite unable to make use of her body for any purpose, and being, as it were, already dead, only the smallest breath of life seemed still to remain in her. Her afflicted relatives were standing by, expecting nothing but her death, when it was suddenly announced that Martin had come to that city. When the father of the girl found that such was the case, he ran to make a request in behalf of his all but lifeless child. It happened that Martin had already entered the church. There, while the people were looking on, and in the presence of many other bishops, the old man, uttering a cry of grief, embraced the saint’s knees and said: “My daughter is dying of a miserable kind of infirmity; and, what is more dreadful than death itself, she is now alive only in the spirit, her flesh being already dead before the time. I beseech thee to go to her, and give her thy blessing; for I believe that through you she will be restored to health.” Martin, troubled by such an address, was bewildered, and shrank back, saying that this was a matter not in his own hands; that the old man was mistaken in the judgment he had formed; and that he was not worthy to be the instrument through whom the Lord should make a display of his power. The father, in tears, persevered in still more earnestly pressing the case, and entreated Martin to visit the dying girl. At last, constrained by the bishops standing by to go as requested, he went down to the home of the girl. An immense crowd was waiting at the doors, to see what the servant of the Lord would do. And first, betaking himself to his familiar arms in affairs of that kind, he cast himself down on the ground and prayed. Then gazing earnestly upon the ailing girl, he requests that oil should be given him. After he had received and blessed this, he poured the powerful sacred liquid into the mouth of the girl, and immediately her voice returned to her. Then gradually, through contact with him, her limbs began, one by one, to recover life, till, at last, in the presence of the people, she arose with firm steps. |
16 [1] Curationum vero tam potens in eo gratia erat, ut nullus fere ad eum aegrotus accesserit, qui non continuo receperit sanitatem: quod vel ex consequenti liquebit exemplo. [2] Treveris puella quaedam dira paralysis aegritudine tenebatur, [ita] ut iam per multum tempus nullo ad humanos usus corporis officio fungeretur: omni ex parte praemortua vix tenui spiritu palpitabat. [3] tristes ad solam funeris exspectationem adstabant propinqui, cum subito ad civitatem illam Martinum venisse nuntiatur. quod ubi puellae pater comperit, cucurrit exanimis pro filia rogaturus. [4] et forte Martinus iam ecclesiam fuerat ingressus. ibi inspectante populo multisque aliis praesentibus episcopis, eiulans senex genua eius amplectitur dicens: filia mea moritur misero genere languoris, et quod ipsa est morte crudelius, solo spiritu vivit, iam carne praemortua. rogo ut eam adeas atque benedicas: confido enim quod per te reddenda sit sanitati. [5] qua ille voce confusus obstipuit et refugit dicens, hoc suae non esse virtutis: senem errare iudicio, non esse se dignum, per quem Dominus signum virtutis ostenderet. perstare vehementius flens pater et orare ut exanimem visitaret: [6] postremo a circumstantibus episcopis ire compulsus descendit ad domum puellae. ingens turba pro foribus exspectabat, quidnam Dei servus esset facturus. [7] ac primum quae erant illius familiaria in istius modi rebus arma, solo prostratus oravit. deinde aegram intuens dari sibi oleum postulat: quod cum benedixisset, in os puellae vim sancti liquoris infundit, statimque vox reddita est. [8] tunc paulatim singula contactu eius coeperunt membra vivescere, donec firmatis gressibus populo teste surrexit. |
Chapter XVII. |
Martin casts out Several Devils. |
At the same time the servant of one Tetradius, a man of proconsular rank, having been laid hold of by a demon, was tormented with the most miserable results. Martin, therefore, having been asked to lay his hands on him, ordered the servant to be brought to him; but the evil spirit could, in no way, be brought forth from the cell in which he was: he showed himself so fearful, with ferocious teeth, to those who attempted to draw near. Then Tetradius throws himself at the feet of the saintly man, imploring that he himself would go down to the house in which the possessed of the devil was kept. But Martin then declared that he could not visit the house of an unconverted heathen. For Tetradius, at that time, was still involved in the errors of heathenism. He, therefore, pledges his word that if the demon were driven out of the boy, he would become a Christian. Martin, then, laying his hand upon the boy, cast the evil spirit out of him. On seeing this, Tetradius believed in the Lord Jesus, and immediately became a catechumen, while, not long after, he was baptized; and he always regarded Martin with extraordinary affection, as having been the author of his salvation. |
17 [1] Eodem tempore Taetradii cuiusdam proconsularis viri servus daemonio correptus dolendo exitu cruciabatur: rogatus ergo Martinus, ut ei manum imponeret, deduci eum ad se iubet: sed nequam spiritus nullo proferri modo de cellula, in qua erat, potuit: ita in advenientes rabidis dentibus saeviebat. [2] tum Taetradius ad genua beati viri advolvitur, orans ut ad domum, in qua daemoniacus habebatur, ipse descenderet. tum vero Martinus negare se profani et gentilis domum adire posse: [3] nam Taetradius eo tempore adhuc gentilitatis errore implicitus tenebatur. spondet ergo se, si de puero daemon fuisset exactus, Christianum fore. [4] ita Martinus imposita manu puero immundum ab eo spiritum eiecit. quo viso Taetradius Dominum Iesum credidit: statimque catechumenus factus nec multo post baptizatus est, semperque Martinum salutis suae auctorem miro coluit affectu. |
About the same time, having entered the dwelling of a certain householder in the same town, he stopped short at the very threshold, and said, that he perceived a horrible demon in the courtyard of the house. When Martin ordered it to depart, it laid hold of a certain member of the family, who was staying in the inner part of the house; and the poor wretch began at once to rage with his teeth, and to lacerate whomsoever he met. The house was thrown into disorder; the family was in confusion; and the people present took to flight. Martin threw himself in the way of the frenzied creature, and first of all commanded him to stand still. But when he continued to gnash with his teeth, and, with gaping mouth, was threatening to bite, Martin inserted his fingers into his mouth, and said, “If you possess any power, devour these.” But then, as if red-hot iron had entered his jaws, drawing his teeth far away he took care not to touch the fingers of the saintly man; and when he was compelled by punishments and tortures, to flee out of the possessed body, while he had no power of escaping by the mouth, he was cast out by means of a defluxion of the belly, leaving disgusting traces behind him. |
[5] Per idem tempus in eodem oppido ingressus patris familias cuiusdam domum, in limine ipso restitit dicens, horribile in atrio domus daemonium se videre. cui cum ut discederet imperaret et patrem familias, qui in interiore parte aedium morabatur, arripuisset, saevire dentibus miser coepit, et obvios quosque laniare. commota domus, familia turbata, populus in fugam versus: Martinus se furenti obiecit, ac primum stare ei imperat. [6] sed cum dentibus fremeret hiantique ore morsum minaretur, digitos ei Martinus in os intulit: si habes, inquit, aliquid potestatis, hos devora. [7] tum vero, ac si candens ferrum faucibus accepisset, longe reductis dentibus digitos beati viri vitabat attingere: et cum fugere de obsesso corpore poenis et cruciatibus cogeretur nec tamen exire ei per os liceret, foeda relinquens vestigia fluxu ventris egestus est. |
Chapter XVIII. |
Martin performs Various Miracles. |
In the meanwhile, as a sudden report had troubled the city as to the movement and inroad of the barbarians, Martin orders a possessed person to be set before him, and commanded him to declare whether this message was true or not. Then he confessed that there were sixteen demons who had spread this report among the people, in order that by the fear thus excited, Martin might have to flee from the city, but that, in fact, nothing was less in the minds of the barbarians than to make any inroad. When the unclean spirit thus acknowledged these things in the midst of the church, the city was set free from the fear and tumult which had at the time been felt. |
18 [1] Interea cum de motu atque impetu barbarorum subita civitatem fama turbasset, daemoniacum ad se exhiberi iubet: imperat ut, an verus esset hic nuntius, fateretur. [2] tum confessus est decem daemonas secum fuisse, qui rumorem hunc per populum dispersissent, ut hoc saltim metu ex illo Martinus oppido fugaretur: barbaros nihil minus quam de irruptione cogitare. ita cum haec immundus spiritus in media ecclesia fateretur, metu et turbatione praesenti civitas liberata est. |
At Paris, again, when Martin was entering the gate of the city, with large crowds attending him, he gave a kiss to a leper, of miserable appearance, while all shuddered at seeing him do so; and Martin blessed him, with the result that he was instantly cleansed from all his misery. On the following day, the man appearing in the church with a healthy skin, gave thanks for the soundness of body which he had recovered. This fact, too, ought not to be passed over in silence, that threads from Martin’s garment, or such as had been plucked from the sackcloth which he wore, wrought frequent miracles upon those who were sick. For, by either being tied round the fingers or placed about the neck, they very often drove away diseases from the afflicted. |
[3] Apud Parisios vero, dum portam civitatis illius magnis secum turbis euntibus introiret, leprosum miserabili facie horrentibus cunctis osculatus est atque benedixit, statimque omni malo emundatus. [4] postero die ad ecclesiam veniens nitenti cute gratias pro sanitate, quam receperat, agebat. nec praetereundum est, quod fimbriae vestimento eius cilicioque detractae crebras super infirmantibus egere virtutes. [5] nam digitis illigatae aut collo inditae saepe ab aegrotantibus morbos fugaverunt. |
Chapter XIX. |
A Letter of Martin effects a Cure, with Other Miracles. |
Further, Arborius, an ex-prefect, and a man of a very holy and faithful character, while his daughter was in agony from the burning fever of a quartan ague, inserted in the bosom of the girl, at the very paroxysm of the heat, a letter of Martin which happened to have been brought to him, and immediately the fever was dispelled. This event had such an influence upon Arborius, that he at once consecrated the girl to God, and devoted her to perpetual virginity. Then, proceeding to Martin, he presented the girl to him, as an obvious living example of his power of working miracles, inasmuch as she had been cured by him though absent; and he would not suffer her to be consecrated by any other than Martin, through his placing upon her the dress characteristic of virginity. |
19 [1] Arborius autem, vir praefectorius, sancti admodum et fidelis ingenii, cum filia eius gravissimis quartanae febribus ureretur, epistulam Martini, quae casu ad eum delata fuerat, pectori puellae in ipso accessu ardoris inseruit, statimque fugata febris est. [2] quae res apud Arborium in tantum valuit, ut statim puellam Deo voverit et perpetuae virginitati dicarit: profectusque ad Martinum puellam ei, praesens virtutum eius testimonium, quae per absentem licet curata esset, obtulit, neque ab alio eam quam a Martino habitu virginitatis imposito passus est consecrari. |
Paulinus, too, a man who was afterwards to furnish a striking example of the age, having begun to suffer grievously in one of his eyes, and when a pretty thick skin[30] having grown over it had already covered up its pupil, Martin touched his eye with a painter’s brush, and, all pain being removed, thus restored it to its former soundness. He himself also, when, by a certain accident, he had fallen out of an upper room, and tumbling down a broken, uneven stair, had received many wounds, as he lay in his cell at the point of death, and was tortured with grievous sufferings, saw in the night an angel appear to him, who washed his wounds, and applied healing ointment to the bruised members of his body. As the effect of this, he found himself on the morrow restored to soundness of health, so that he was not thought to have suffered any harm. But because it would be tedious to go through everything of this kind, let these examples suffice, as a few out of a multitude; and let it be enough that we do not in striking cases [of miraculous interposition] detract from the truth, while, having so many to choose from, we avoid exciting weariness in the reader. |
[3] Paulinus magni vir postmodum futurus exempli, cum oculum graviter dolere coepisset et iam pupillam eius crassior nubes superducta texisset, oculum ei Martinus penicillo contigit pristinamque ei sanitatem sublato omni dolore restituit. [4] ipse autem cum casu quodam esset de cenaculo devolutus et per confragosos scalae gradus decidens multis vulneribus esset affectus, cum exanimis iaceret in cellula et immodicis doloribus cruciaretur, nocte ei angelus visus est eluere vulnera et salubri unguedine contusi corporis superlinire livores: atque ita postero die restitutus est sanitati, ut nihil umquam pertulisse incommodi putaretur. [5] sed longum est ire per singula: sufficiant haec vel pauca de plurimis, satisque sit, nos et in excellentibus non subtrahere veritatem et in multis vitare fastidium. |
Chapter XX. |
How Martin acted towards the Emperor Maximus. |
And here to insert some smaller matters among things so great (although such is the nature of our times in which all things have fallen into decay and corruption, it is almost a pre-eminent virtue for priestly firmness not to have yielded to royal flattery), when a number of bishops from various parts had assembled to the Emperor Maximus, a man of fierce character, and at that time elated with the victory he had won in the civil wars, and when the disgraceful flattery of all around the emperor was generally remarked, while the priestly dignity had, with degenerate submissiveness, taken a second place to the royal retinue, in Martin alone, apostolic authority continued to assert itself. For even if he had to make suit to the sovereign for some things, he commanded rather than entreated him; and although often invited, he kept away from his entertainments, saying that he could not take a place at the table of one who, out of two emperors, had deprived one of his kingdom, and the other of his life. At last, when Maximus maintained that he had not of his own accord assumed the sovereignty, but that he had simply defended by arms the necessary requirements[31] of the empire, regard to which had been imposed upon him by the soldiers, according to the Divine appointment, and that the favor of God did not seem wanting to him who, by an event seemingly so incredible, had secured the victory, adding to that the statement that none of his adversaries had been slain except in the open field of battle, at length, Martin, overcome either by his reasoning or his entreaties, came to the royal banquet. The king was wonderfully pleased because he had gained this point. Moreover, there were guests present who had been invited as if to a festival; men of the highest and most illustrious rank,—the prefect, who was also consul, named Evodius, one of the most righteous men that ever lived; two courtiers possessed of the greatest power, the brother and uncle of the king, while between these two, the presbyter of Martin had taken his place; but he himself occupied a seat which was set quite close to the king. About the middle of the banquet, according to custom, one of the servants presented a goblet to the king. He orders it rather to be given to the very holy bishop, expecting and hoping that he should then receive the cup from his right hand. But Martin, when he had drunk, handed the goblet to his own presbyter, as thinking no one worthier to drink next to himself, and holding that it would not be right for him to prefer either the king himself, or those who were next the king, to the presbyter. And the emperor, as well as all those who were then present, admired this conduct so much, that this very thing, by which they had been undervalued, gave them pleasure. The report then ran through the whole palace that Martin had done, at the king’s dinner, what no bishop had dared to do at the banquets of the lowest judges. And Martin predicted to the same Maximus long before, that if he went into Italy to which he then desired to go, waging war, against the Emperor Valentinianus, it would come to pass that he should know he would [32] indeed be victorious in the first attack, but would perish a short time afterwards. And we have seen that this did in fact take place. For, on his first arrival Valentinianus had to betake himself to flight but recovering his strength about a year afterwards, Maximus was taken and slain by him within the walls of Aquileia. |
20 [1] Atque ut minora tantis inseram - quamvis, ut est nostrorum aetas temporum, quibus iam depravata omnia atque corrupta sunt, paene praecipuum sit, adulationi regiae sacerdotalem non cessisse constantiam -, cum ad imperatorem Maximum, ferocis ingenii virum et bellorum civilium victoria elatum, plures ei diversis orbis partibus episcopi convenissent et foeda circa principem omnium adulatio notaretur seque degenere inconstantia regiae clientelae sacerdotalis dignitas subdidisset, in solo Martino apostolica auctoritas permanebat. [2] nam et si pro aliquibus regi supplicandum fuit, imperavit potius quam rogavit, et a convivio eius frequenter rogatus abstinuit, dicens se mensae eius participem esse non posse, qui imperatores unum regno, alterum vita expulisset. [3] postremo, cum Maximus se non sponte sumpsisse imperium affirmaret, sed impositam sibi a militibus divino nutu regni necessitatem armis defendisse, et non alienam ab eo Dei voluntatem videri, penes quem tam incredibili eventu victoria fuisset, nullumque ex adversariis nisi in acie occubuisse, tandem victus vel ratione vel precibus ad convivium venit, mirum in modum gaudente rege, quod id impetrasset. [4] convivae autem aderant, velut ad diem festum evocati, summi atque illustres viri, praefectus idemque consul Euodius, vir quo nihil umquam iustius fuit, comites duo summa potestate praediti, frater regis et patruus: medius inter hos Martini presbyter accubuerat, ipse autem in sellula iuxta regem posita consederat. [5] ad medium fere convivium, ut moris est, pateram regi minister obtulit. ille sancto admodum episcopo potius dari iubet, exspectans atque ambiens, ut ab illius dextera poculum sumeret. [6] sed Martinus ubi ebibit, pateram presbytero suo tradidit, nullum scilicet existimans digniorem, qui post se prior biberet, nec integrum sibi fore, si aut regem ipsum aut eos, qui a rege erant proximi, presbytero praetulisset. [7] quod factum imperator omnesque qui tunc aderant ita admirati sunt, ut hoc ipsum eis, in quo contempti fuerant, placeret. celeberrimumque per omne palatium fuit, fecisse Martinum in regis prandio, quod in infimorum, iudicum conviviis nemo episcoporum fecisset. [8] eidemque Maximo longe ante praedixit futurum ut, si ad Italiam pergeret, quo ire cupiebat, bellum Valentiniano imperatori inferens, sciret se primo quidem impetu futurum esse victorem, sed parvo post tempore esse periturum. [9] quod quidem ita vidimus. nam primo adventu eius Valentinianus in fugam versus est: deinde post annum fere resumptis viribus captum intra Aquileiae muros Maximum interfecit. |
Chapter XXI. |
Martin has to do both with Angels and Devils. |
It is also well known that angels were very often seen by him, so that they spoke in turns with him in set speech. As to the devil, Martin held him so visible and ever under the power of his eyes, that whether he kept himself in his proper form, or changed himself into different shapes of spiritual wickedness, he was perceived by Martin, under whatever guise he appeared. The devil knew well that he could not escape discovery, and therefore frequently heaped insults upon Martin, being unable to beguile him by trickery. On one occasion the devil, holding in his hand the bloody horn of an ox, rushed into Martin’s cell with great noise, and holding out to him his bloody right hand, while at the same time he exulted in the crime he had committed, said: “Where, O Martin, is thy power? I have just slain one of your people.” Then Martin assembled the brethren, and related to them what the devil had disclosed, while he ordered them carefully to search the several cells in order to discover who had been visited with this calamity. They report that no one of the monks was missing, but that one peasant, hired by them, had gone to the forest to bring home wood in his wagon. Upon hearing this, Martin instructs some of them to go and meet him. On their doing so, the man was found almost dead at no great distance from the monastery. Nevertheless, although just drawing his last breath, he made known to the brethren the cause of his wound and death. He said that, while he was drawing tighter the thongs which had got loose on the oxen yoked together, one of the oxen, throwing his head free, had wounded him with his horn in the groin. And not long after the man expired. You[33] see with what judgment of the Lord this power was given to the devil. This was a marvelous feature in Martin that not only on this occasion to which I have specially referred, but on many occasions of the same kind, in fact as often as such things occurred, he perceived them long beforehand, and[34] disclosed the things which had been revealed to him to the brethren. |
21 [1] Constat autem etiam angelos ab eo plerumque visos, ita ut conserto apud eum invicem sermone loquerentur: diabolum vero ita conspicabilem et subiectum oculis habebat, ut sive se in propria substantia contineret, sive in diversas figuras spiritalis nequitiae transtulisset, qualibet ab eo sub imagine videretur. [2] quod cum diabolus sciret se effugere non posse, conviciis eum frequenter urguebat, quia fallere non posset insidiis. quodam autem tempore cornu bovis cruentum in manu tenens cum ingenti fremitu cellulam eius irrupit, cruentamque ostendens dexteram et admisso recens scelere gaudens 'ubi est' inquit, 'Martine, virtus tua? unum de tuis modo interfeci'. [3] tunc ille convocatis fratribus refert quid diabolus indicasset: sollicitos ire praecipit per cellulas singulorum, quisnam hoc casu affectus fuisset. neminem quidem deesse de monachis, sed unum rusticum mercede conductum, ut vehiculo ligna deferret, isse ad silvam nuntiant. iubet igitur aliquos ire ei obviam: [4] ita haud longe a monasterio iam paene exanimis invenitur. extremum tamen spiritum trahens indicat fratribus causam mortis et vulneris: iunctis scilicet bubus dum dissoluta artius lora constringit, bovem sibi excusso capite inter inguina cornu adegisse. nec multo post vitam reddidit. videris, quo iudicio Domini diabolo data fuerit haec potestas. [5] in Martino illud mirabile erat, quod non solum hoc, quod supra rettulimus, sed multa istius modi, si quotiens accidissent, longe antea praevidebat aut sibi nuntiata fratribus indicabat. |
Chapter XXII. |
Martin preaches Repentance even to the Devil. |
Now, the devil, while he tried to impose upon the holy man by a thousand injurious arts, often thrust himself upon him in a visible form, but in very various shapes. For sometimes he presented himself to his view changed into the person of Jupiter, often into that of Mercury and Minerva. Often, too, were heard words of reproach, in which the crowd of demons assailed Martin with scurrilous expressions. But knowing that all were false and groundless, he was not affected by the charges brought against him. Moreover, some of the brethren bore witness that they had heard a demon reproaching Martin in abusive terms, and asking why he had taken back, on their subsequent repentance, certain of the brethren who had, some time previously, lost their baptism by falling into various errors. The demon set forth the crimes of each of them; but they added that Martin, resisting the devil firmly, answered him, that by-past sins are cleansed away by the leading of a better life, and that through the mercy of God, those are to be absolved from their sins who have given up their evil ways. The devil saying in opposition to this that such guilty men as those referred to did not come within the pale of pardon, and that no mercy was extended by the Lord to those who had once fallen away, Martin is said to have cried out in words to the following effect: “If thou, thyself, wretched being, wouldst but desist from attacking mankind, and even, at this period, when the day of judgment is at hand, wouldst only repent of your deeds, I, with a true confidence in the Lord, would promise you the mercy of Christ.”[35] O what a holy boldness with respect to the loving-kindness of the Lord, in which, although he could not assert authority, he nevertheless showed the feelings dwelling within him! And since our discourse has here sprung up concerning the devil and his devices, it does not seem away from the point, although the matter does not bear immediately upon Martin, to relate what took place; both because the virtues of Martin do, to some extent, appear in the transaction, and the incident, which was worthy of a miracle, will properly be put on record, with the view of furnishing a caution, should anything of a similar character subsequently occur. |
22 [1] Frequenter autem diabolus, dum mille nocendi artibus sanctum virum conabatur illudere, visibilem se ei formis diversissimis ingerebat. nam interdum in Iovis personam, plerumque Mercuri, saepe etiam se Veneris ac Minervae transfiguratum vultibus offerebat: adversus quem semper interritus signo se crucis et orationis auxilio protegebat. [2] audiebantur plerumque convicia, quibus illum turba daemonum protervis vocibus increpabat: sed omnia falsa et vana cognoscens non movebatur obiectis. [3] testabantur etiam aliqui ex fratribus, audisse se daemonem protervis Martinum vocibus increpantem, cur intra monasterium aliquos ex fratribus, qui olim baptismum diversis erroribus perdidissent, conversos postea recepisset, exponentem crimina singulorum: [4] Martinum diabolo repugnantem respondisse constanter, antiqua delicta melioris vitae conversatione purgari, et per misericordiam Domini absolvendos esse peccatis, qui peccare desierint. contra dicente diabolo, non pertinere ad veniam criminosos, et semel lapsis nullam a Domino praestari posse clementiam, tunc in hanc vocem fertur exclamasse Martinus: [5] si tu ipse, miserabilis, ab hominum insectatione desisteres et te factorum tuorum vel hoc tempore, cum dies iudicii in proximo est, paeniteret, ego tibi vere confisus in Domino Iesu Christo misericordiam pollicerer. o quam sancta de Domini pietate praesumptio, in qua etsi auctoritatem praestare non potuit, ostendit affectum. [6] et quia de diabolo eiusdemque artibus sermo exortus est, non ab re videtur, licet extrinsecus, referre quod gestum est, quia et quaedam in eo Martini virtutum portio est et res digna miraculo recte memoriae mandabitur, in exemplum cavendi, si quid deinceps uspiam tale contigerit. |
Chapter XXIII. |
A Case of Diabolic Deception. |
There was a certain man, Clarus by name, a most noble youth, who afterwards became a presbyter, and who is now, through his happy departure from this world, numbered among the saints. He, leaving all others, betook himself to Martin, and in a short time became distinguished for the most exalted faith, and for all sorts of excellence. Now, it came to pass that, when he had erected an abode for himself not far from the monastery of the bishop, and many brethren were staying with him, a certain youth, Anatolius by name, having, under the profession of a monk, falsely assumed every appearance of humility and innocence, came to him, and lived for some time on the common store along with the rest. Then, as time went on, he began to affirm that angels were in the habit of talking with him. As no one gave any credit to his words, he urged a number of the brethren to believe by certain signs. At length he went to such a length as to declare that angels passed between him and God; and now he wished that he should be regarded as one of the prophets. Clarus, however, could by no means be induced to believe. He then began to threaten Clarus with the anger of God and present afflictions, because he did not believe one of the saints. At the last, he is related to have burst forth with the following declaration: “Behold, the Lord will this night give me a white robe out of heaven, clothed in which, I will dwell in the midst of you; and that will be to you a sign that I am the Power of God, inasmuch as I have been presented with the garment of God.” Then truly the expectation of all was highly raised by this profession. Accordingly, about the middle of the night, it was seen, by the noise of people moving eagerly about, that the whole monastery in the place was excited. It might be seen, too, that the cell in which the young man referred to lived was glittering with numerous lights; and the whisperings of those moving about in it, as well as a kind of murmur of many voices, could be heard. Then, on silence being secured, the youth coming forth calls one of the brethren, Sabatius by name, to himself, and shows him the robe in which he had been clothed. He again, filled with amazement, gathers the rest together, and Clarus himself also runs up; and a light being obtained, they all carefully inspect the garment. Now, it was of the utmost softness, of marvelous brightness, and of glittering purple, and yet no one could discover what was its nature, or of what sort of fleece it had been formed. However, when it was more minutely examined by the eyes or fingers, it seemed nothing else than a garment. In the meantime, Clarus urges upon the brethren to be earnest in prayer, that the Lord would show them more clearly what it really was. Accordingly, the rest of the night was spent in singing hymns and psalms. But when day broke, Clarus wished to take the young man by the hand, and bring him to Martin, being well aware that he could not be deceived by any arts of the devil. Then, indeed, the miserable man began to resist and refuse, and affirmed that he had been forbidden to show himself to Martin. And when they compelled him to go against his will, the garment vanished from among the hands of those who were conducting him. Wherefore, who can doubt that this, too, was an illustration of the power of Martin, so that the devil could no longer dissemble or conceal his own deception, when it was to be submitted to the eyes of Martin? |
23 [1] Clarus quidam, adulescens nobilissimus, mox presbyter, nunc felici beatus excessu, cum relictis omnibus se ad Martinum contulisset, brevi tempore ad summum fidei virtutumque omnium culmen enituit. [2] itaque cum haud longe sibi ab episcopi monasterio tabernaculum constituisset multique apud eum fratres commorarentur, iuvenis quidam ad eum Anatolius nomine, sub professione monachi omnem humilitatem atque innocentiam mentitus, accessit habitavitque aliquamdiu in commune cum ceteris. [3] dein procedente tempore angelos apud se loqui solere dicebat. cum fidem nullus adhiberet, signis quibusdam plerosque ad credendum coartabat. postremo eo usque processit, ut inter se ac Deum nuntios discurrere praedicaret, iamque se unum ex profetis haberi volebat. [4] Clarus tamen nequaquam ad credendum cogi poterat. ille ei iram Domini et praesentes plagas, cur sancto non crederet, comminari. [5] postremum in hanc vocem erupisse fertur: ecce hac nocte vestem mihi candidam Dominus de caelo dabit, qua indutus in medio vestrum diversabor: idque vobis signum erit, in me Dei esse virtutem, qui Dei veste donatus sim. [6] tum vero grandis omnium ad hanc professionem exspectatio. itaque ad mediam fere noctem fremitu terram insultantium commoveri omne monasterium loco visum est: cellulam autem, qua idem adulescens continebatur, crebris cerneres micare luminibus, fremitusque in ea discurrentium et murmur quoddam multarum vocum audiebatur. [7] dein facto silentio egressus unum de fratribus [Sabatium nomine] ad se vocat tunicamque ei, qua erat indutus, ostendit. obstupefactus ille convocat ceteros, ipse etiam Clarus accurrit, adhibitoque lumine vestem omnes diligenter inspiciunt. erat autem summa mollitie, candore eximio, micanti purpura, nec tamen, cuius esset generis aut velleris, poterat agnosci: curiosis tamen oculis aut digitis attrectata non aliud quam vestis videbatur. interea Clarus fratres admonet orationi insistere, ut manifestius eis Dominus quidnam id esset ostenderet. [9] itaque reliquum noctis hymnis psalmisque consumitur. ubi illuxit dies, apprehensum dextera ad Martinum trahere volebat, bene conscius illudi illum diaboli arte non posse. [10] tum vero reniti ac reclamare miser coepit, interdictumque sibi esse dicebat, ne se Martino ostenderet. cumque invitum ire compellerent, inter trahentium manus vestis evanuit. unde quis dubitet hanc etiam Martini fuisse virtutem, ut fantasiam suam diabolus, cum erat Martini oculis ingerenda, dissimulare diutius auf tegere non posset. |
Chapter XXIV. |
Martin is tempted by the Wiles of the Devil. |
It was found, again, that about the same time there was a young man in Spain, who, having by many signs obtained for himself authority among the people, was puffed up to such a pitch that he gave himself out as being Elias. And when multitudes had too readily believed this, he went on to say that he was actually Christ; and he succeeded so well even in this delusion that a certain bishop named Rufus worshiped him as being the Lord. For so doing, we have seen this bishop at a later date deprived of his office. Many of the brethren have also informed me that at the same time one arose in the East, who boasted that he was John. We may infer from this, since false prophets of such a kind have appeared, that the coming of Antichrist is at hand; for he is already practicing in these persons the mystery of iniquity. |
24 [1] Animadversum est tamen, eodem fere tempore fuisse in Hispania iuvenem, qui cum sibi multis signis auctoritatem paravisset, eo usque elatus est, ut se Heliam profiteretur. [2] quod cum plerique temere credidissent, addidit ut se Christum esse diceret: in quo etiam adeo illusit, ut eum quidam episcopus Rufus nomine ut Deum adoraret: propter quod eum postea ab episcopatu deiectum vidimus. [3] plerique etiam ex fratribus nobis rettulerunt, eodem tempore in Oriente quendam exstitisse, qui se Iohannen esse iactitaverit, ex quo conicere possumus, istius modi pseudoprofetis existentibus, Antichristi adventum imminere, qui iam in istis mysterium iniquitatis operatur. |
And truly I think this point should not be passed over, with what arts the devil about this very time tempted Martin. For, on a certain day, prayer[36] having been previously offered, and the fiend himself being surrounded by a purple light, in order that he might the more easily deceive people by the brilliance of the splendor assumed, clothed also in a royal robe, and with a crown of precious stones and gold encircling his head, his shoes too being inlaid with gold, while he presented a tranquil countenance, and a generally rejoicing aspect, so that no such thought as that he was the devil might be entertained—he stood by the side of Martin as he was praying in his cell. The saint being dazzled by his first appearance, both preserved a long and deep silence. This was first broken by the devil, who said: “Acknowledge, Martin, who it is that you behold. I am Christ; and being just about to descend to earth, I wished first to manifest myself to thee.” When Martin kept silence on hearing these words, and gave no answer whatever, the devil dared to repeat his audacious declaration: “Martin, why do you hesitate to believe, when you see? I am Christ.” Then Martin, the Spirit revealing the truth to him, that he might understand it was the devil, and not God, replied as follows: “The Lord Jesus did not predict that he would come clothed in purple, and with a glittering crown upon his head. I will not believe that Christ has come, unless he appears with that appearance and form in which he suffered, and openly displaying the marks of his wounds upon the cross.” On hearing these words, the devil vanished like smoke, and filled the cell with such a disgusting smell, that he left unmistakable evidences of his real character. This event, as I have just related, took place in the way which I have stated, and my information regarding it was derived from the lips of Martin himself; therefore let no one regard it as fabulous.[37] |
[4] Non praetereundum autem videtur, quanta Martinum sub isdem diebus diabolus arte temptaverit. quodam enim die praemissa preceet circumiectus ipse luce purpurea, quo facilius claritate assumpti fulgoris illuderet, veste etiam regia indutus, diademate ex gemmis auroque redimitus, calceis auro illitis, sereno ore, laeta facie, ut nihil minus quam diabolus putaretur, oranti in cellula adstitit. [5] cumque Martinus primo aspectu eius fuisset hebetatus, diu multum silentium ambo tenuerunt. tum prior diabolus: 'agnosce' inquit, 'Martine, quem cernis: Christus ego sum: descensurus ad terram prius me manifestare tibi volui. [6] ad haec cum Martinus taceret nec quidquam responsi referret, iterare ausus est diabolus professionis audaciam: 'Martine, quid dubitas credere, cum videas? Christus ego sum'. [7] tum ille, revelante sibi spiritu, ut intellegeret diabolum esse, non Dominum; 'non se' inquit 'Iesus Dominus purpuratum nec diademate renidentem venturum esse praedixit: ego Christum nisi in eo habitu formaque, qua passus est, nisi crucis stigmata praeferentem venisse non credam'. [8] ad hanc ille vocem statim ut fumus evanuit et cellulam tanto foetore complevit, ut indubia indicia relinqueret diabolum se fuisse. hoc itaque gestum, ut supra rettuli, ex ipsius Martini ore cognovi, ne quis forte existimet fabulosum. |
Chapter XXV. |
Intercourse of Sulpitius with Martin. |
For since I, having long heard accounts of his faith, life and virtues, burned with a desire of knowing him, I undertook what was to me a pleasant journey for the purpose of seeing him. At the same time, because already my mind was inflamed with the desire of writing his life, I obtained my information partly from himself, in so far as I could venture to question him, and partly from those who had lived with him, or well knew the facts of the case. And at this time it is scarcely credible with what humility and with what kindness he received me; while he cordially wished me joy, and rejoiced in the Lord that he had been held in such high estimation by me that I had undertaken a journey owing to my desire of seeing him. Unworthy me! (in fact, I hardly dare acknowledge it), that he should have deigned to admit me to fellowship with him! He went so far as in person to present me with water to wash my hands, and at eventide he himself washed my feet; nor had I sufficient courage to resist or oppose his doing so. In fact, I felt so overcome by the authority he unconsciously exerted, that I deemed it unlawful to do anything but acquiesce in his arrangements. His conversation with me was all directed to such points as the following: that the allurements of this world and secular burdens were to be abandoned in order that we might be free and unencumbered in following the Lord Jesus; and he pressed upon me as an admirable example in present circumstances the conduct of that distinguished man Paulinus, of whom I have made mention above. Martin declared of him that, by parting with his great possessions and following Christ, as he did, he showed himself almost the only one who in these times had fully obeyed the precepts of the Gospel. He insisted strongly that that was the man who should be made the object of our imitation, adding that the present age was fortunate in possessing such a model of faith and virtue. For Paulinus, being rich and having many possessions, by selling them all and giving them to the poor according to the expressed will of the Lord, had, he said, made possible by actual proof what appeared impossible of accomplishment. What power and dignity there were in Martin’s words and conversation! How active he was, how practical, and how prompt and ready in solving questions connected with Scripture! And because I know that many are incredulous on this point,—for indeed I have met with persons who did not believe me when I related such things,—I call to witness Jesus, and our common hope as Christians, that I never heard from any other lips than those of Martin such exhibitions of knowledge and genius, or such specimens of good and pure speech. But yet, how insignificant is all such praise when compared with the virtues which he possessed! Still, it is remarkable that in a man who had no claim to be called learned, even this attribute [of high intelligence] was not wanting. |
25 [1] Nam cum olim audita fide eius, vita atque virtute desiderio illius aestuaremus, gratam nobis ad eum videndum suscepimus peregrinationem: simul quia iam ardebat animus vitam illius scribere, partim ab ipso, in quantum ille interrogari potuit, sciscitati sumus, partim ab his, qui interfuerant vel sciebant, cognovimus. [2] quo quidem tempore credi non potest, qua me humilitate, qua benignitate susceperit, congratulatus plurimum et gavisus in Domino, quod tanti esset habitus a nobis, quem peregrinatione suscepta expeteremus. [3] miserum me - paene non audeo confiteri - cum me sancto convivio suo dignatus esset adhibere, aquam manibus nostris ipse obtulit, ad vesperum autem pedes ipse nobis abluit. nec reniti aut contra ire constantia fuit: ita auctoritate illius oppressus sum, ut nefas putarem, si non acquievissem. [4] sermo autem illius non alius apud nos fuit, quam mundi illecebras et saeculi onera relinquenda, ut Dominum Iesum liberi expeditique sequeremur: praestantissimumque nobis praesentium temporum illustris viri Paulini, cuius supra fecimus mentionem, exemplum ingerebat, qui summis opibus abiectis Christum secutus solus paene his temporibus evangelica praecepta complesset: [5] illum nobis sequendum, illum clamabat imitandum: beatumque esse praesens saeculum tantae fidei virtutisque documento, cum secundum sententiam Domini dives et possidens multa vendendo omnia et dando pauperibus, quod erat factu impossibile, possibile fecisset exemplo. [6] iam vero in verbis et confabulatione eius quanta gravitas, quanta dignitas erat! quam acer, quam efficax erat, quam in absolvendis scripturarum quaestionibus promptus et facilis! [7] et quia multos ad hanc partem incredulos scio, quippe quos viderim me ipso etiam referente non credere, Iesum testor spemque communem me ex nullius umquam ore tantum scientiae, tantum [ingenii] boni et tam puri sermonis audisse. [8] quamquam in Martini virtutibus quantula est ista laudatio! nisi quod mirum est homini illitterato ne hanc quidem gratiam defuisse. |
Chapter XXVI. |
Words cannot describe the Excellences of Martin. |
But now my book must be brought to an end, and my discourse finished. This is not because all that was worthy of being said concerning Martin is now exhausted, but because I, just as sluggish poets grow less careful towards the end of their work, give over, being baffled by the immensity of the matter. For, although his outward deeds could in some sort of way be set forth in words, no language, I truly own, can ever be capable of describing his inner life and daily conduct, and his mind always bent upon the things of heaven. No one can adequately make known his perseverance and self-mastery in abstinence and fastings, or his power in watchings and prayers, along with the nights, as well as days, which were spent by him, while not a moment was separated from the service of God, either for indulging in ease, or engaging in business. But, in fact, he did not indulge either in food or sleep, except in so far as the necessities of nature required. I freely confess that, if, as the saying is, Homer himself were to ascend from the shades below, he could not do justice to this subject in words; to such an extent did all excellences surpass in Martin the possibility of being embodied in language. Never did a single hour or moment pass in which he was not either actually engaged in prayer; or, if it happened that he was occupied with something else, still he never let his mind loose from prayer. In truth, just as it is the custom of blacksmiths, in the midst of their work to beat their own anvil as a sort of relief to the laborer, so Martin even when he appeared to be doing something else, was still engaged in prayer. O truly blessed man in whom there was no guile—judging no man, condemning no man, returning evil for evil to no man! He displayed indeed such marvelous patience in the endurance of injuries, that even when he was chief[38] priest, he allowed himself to be wronged by the lowest clerics with impunity; nor did he either remove them from the office on account of such conduct, or, as far as in him lay, repel them from a place in his affection. |
26 [1] Sed iam finem liber postulat, sermo claudendus est, non quod omnia, quae de Martino fuerint dicenda, defecerint, sed quia nos, ut inertes poetae, extremo in opere neglegentes, victi materiae mole succumbimus. [2] nam etsi facta illius explicari verbis utcumque potuerunt, interiorem vitam illius et conversationem cotidianam et animum caelo semper intentum nulla umquam - vere profiteor - nulla explicabit oratio. illam scilicet perseverantiam et temperamentum in abstinentia et in ieiuniis, potentiam in vigiliis et orationibus, noctesque ab eo perinde ac dies actas nullumque vacuum ab opere Dei tempus, quo vel otio indulserit vel negotio, sed ne cibo quidem aut somno, nisi quantum naturae necessitas cogebat, vere fatebor, [3] non si ipse, ut aiunt, ab inferis Homerus emergeret, posset exponere: adeo omnia, maiora in Martino sunt, quam ut verbis concipi queant. numquam hora ulla momentumque praeteriit, quo non aut orationi incumberet aut insisteret lectioni, quamquam etiam inter legendum aut si quid aliud forte agebat, numquam animum ab oratione laxabat. [4] nimirum ut fabris ferrariis moris est, qui inter operandum pro quodam laboris levamine incudem suam feriunt, ita Martinus etiam, dum aliud agere videretur, semper orabat. [5] o vere vir beatus, in quo dolus non fuit: neminem iudicans, neminem damnans, nulli malum pro malo reddens. tantam quippe adversum omnes iniurias patientiam assumpserat, ut, cum esset summus sacerdos, impune etiam ab infimis clericis laederetur, nec propter id eos aut loco umquam amoverit aut a sua, quantum in ipso fuit, caritate reppulerit. |
Chapter XXVII. |
Wonderful Piety of Martin. |
No one ever saw him enraged, or excited, or lamenting, or laughing; he was always one and the same: displaying a kind of heavenly happiness in his countenance, he seemed to have passed the ordinary limits of human nature. Never was there any word on his lips but Christ, and never was there a feeling in his heart except piety, peace, and tender mercy. Frequently, too, he used to weep for the sins of those who showed themselves his revilers—those who, as he led his retired and tranquil life, slandered him with poisoned tongue and a viper’s mouth. And truly we have had experience of some who were envious of his virtues and his life—who really hated in him what they did not see in themselves, and what they had not power to imitate. And—O wickedness worthy of deepest grief and groans!—some of his calumniators, although very few, some of his maligners, I say, were reported to be no others than bishops! Here, however, it is not necessary to name any one, although a good many of these people are still venting[39] their spleen against myself. I shall deem it sufficient that, if any one of them reads this account, and perceives that he is himself pointed at, he may have the grace to blush. But if, on the other hand, he shows anger, he will, by that very fact, own that he is among those spoken of, though all the time perhaps I have been thinking of some other person. I shall, however, by no means feel ashamed if any people of that sort include myself in their hatred along with such a man as Martin. I am quite persuaded of this, that the present little work will give pleasure to all truly good men. And I shall only say further that, if any one read this narrative in an unbelieving spirit, he himself will fall into sin. I am conscious to myself that I have been induced by belief in the facts, and by the love of Christ, to write these things; and that, in doing so, I have set forth what is well known, and recorded what is true; and, as I trust, that man will have a reward prepared by God, not who shall read these things, but who shall believe them. |
27 [1] Nemo umquam illum vidit iratum, nemo commotum, nemo maerentem, nemo ridentem: unus idemque fuit semper, caelestem quodammodo laetitiam vultu praeferens extra, naturam hominis videbatur. [2] numquam in illius ore nisi Christus, numquam in illius corde nisi pietas, nisi pax, nisi misericordia inerat. plerumque etiam pro eorum, qui illius obtrectatores videbantur, solebat flere peccatis, qui remotum et quietum venenatis linguis et vipereo ore carpebant. [3] et vere nonnullos experti sumus invidos virtutis vitaeque eius, qui in illo oderant, quod in se non videbant et quod imitari non valebant. atque, o nefas dolendum et ingemescendum, non alii fere insectatores eius, licet pauci admodum, non alii tamen quam episcopi ferebantur. [4] nec vero quemquam nominari necesse est, licet nosmet ipsos plerique circumlatrent: sufficiet ut, si qui ex his haec legerit et agnoverit, erubescat. nam si irascitur, de se dictum fatebitur, cum fortasse nos de aliis senserimus. [5] non refugimus autem, ut, si qui eius modi sunt, nos quoque cum tali viro oderint. [6] illud facile confido, omnibus sanctis opusculum istud gratum fore. de cetero si qui haec infideliter legerit, ipse peccabit. [7] ego mihi conscius sum me, rerum fide et amore Christi impulsum ut scriberem, manifesta exposuisse, vera dixisse: paratumque, ut spero, habebit a Deo praemium, non quicumque legerit, sed quicumque crediderit. |
“Delere licebit Quod non edideris: nescit vox missa reverti.” —Hor. Art Poet. 389–90.
[2] The text is here corrupt and uncertain, but the general meaning is plain to the above effect. Hahn has adopted “divinam servitutem,” instead of the common “divina servitute.”
[3] Sulpitius uses reges instead of the more common expression imperatores.
[4] Sulpitius manifestly refers to baptism in these words.
[5] The place here called by Sulpitius “Ambianensium civitas” was also known as “Samarobriva,” and is supposed to be the modern Amiens.
[6] St. Matt. xxv. 40.
[7] There is a peculiar use of quamdiu in the old Latin rendering of the passage here quoted. It is used as an equivalent for the Greek ἐφ᾽ ὅσον, no doubt with the meaning “inasmuch as.”
[8] Comp. Tacitus, Agric. chap. 5, “electus, quem contubernio æstimaret.”
[9] Commonly known as Julian the Apostate.
[10] This city was called Borbetomagus, and is represented by the modern Worms.
[11] This city of the Pictones (or Pictavi) who are mentioned by Cæsar, Bell Gall. iii. 11. Their territory corresponded to the modern diocese of Poitiers.
[12] Comp. Ps. cxviii. 6.
[13] An island near Albium Ingaunum—the modern Allenga, on the gulf of Genoa. The island was so named from abounding in fowls in a half tamed state. It still bears the name of Gallinaria.
[14] All this seems to be implied in the words “institui disciplinis.”
[15] “adesse virtutem.”
[16] Or “powers” according to the use of the Greek word δύναμις in Luke viii. 46.
[17] Here again it is to be noted what fatal consequences were supposed to flow from dying without receiving baptism.
[18] The Turones occupied territory on both sides of the river Loire. Cæsar refers to them (Bell. Gall. ii. 35, &c.). Their chief town was named Cæsarodunum, the modern Tours.
[19] It is clear from this passage that the people at large were accustomed in ancient times to give their votes on the appointment of a bishop.
[20] We here adopt Halm’s reading “cogitabat,” in preference to the usual “cogebat.”
[21] Ps. viii. 3.
[22] The word translated “avenger” in the English A.V. is “defensor” in the Vulgate, and thus the man referred to would have seemed to be expressly named.
[23] Cf. St. Matt. iii. 4.
[24] In St. Matt. xi. 8, there is a reference to those “that wear soft clothing,”—οἱ τὰ μαλακὰ φοροῦντες.
[25] Perhaps “suam” here stands for “ejus,” as in other passages of our author. The meaning will then be, “and to threaten his (Martin’s) destruction by falling.”
[26] It seems better to preserve the parenthesis than to translate the words as they stand in Halm’s text, “tum vero—velut turbinis modo retro actam putares—diversam in partem ruit.”
[27] Literally “a covering made of Cilician goats’ hair.” It was called Cilicium, and was worn by soldiers and others.
[28] The Latin word gratia here corresponds to the Greek χάρισμα. St. Paul says much respecting the various χαρίσματα in 1 Cor. xii., and speaks, among others, of χαρίσματα ἰαμάτων (v. 9).
[29] The name Treveri at first denoted the people (as often in Cæsar, Bell. Gall. i. 37, &c.), and was afterwards applied to their chief city, the modern Treves.
[30] “Nubes,” lit. “a cloud.”
[31] “Regni necessitatem”—an awkward expression.
[32] There is considerable confusion in this sentence.
[33] Halm reads the imperative “videris,” “consider.”
[34] Halm reads “aut sibi nuntiata fratribus indicabat.”
[35] This is a truly noteworthy passage. It anticipates a well-known sentiment of Burns, the national bard of Scotland. In his Address to the Deil, Burns has said that if the great enemy would only “tak a thocht an’ men’,” he might still have a chance of safety, and this idea seems very much in accordance with the opinion of St. Martin as expressed above. Hornius, however, is very indignant on account of it, and exclaims: “Intolerabilis hic Martini error. Nec Sulpicius excusatione sua demit, sed auget. Origenes primus ejus erroris author.”
[36] “Prece” for the usual reading “prae se.”
[37] In spite of the combined testimony of Martin and Sulpitius here referred to, few will have any doubts as to the real character of the narrative.
[38] “Summus sacerdos”: “that is,” remarks Hornius, “bishop. They were also in those ages styled Popes (Papæ). This is clear from Cyprian, Jerome, and others of a much later age.”
[39] Lit. “are barking round about.”
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 2003