The Thesaurus Liturgiæ Horarum Monasticæ, promulgated by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship in February, 1977, established norms for celebrating the Liturgy of the Hours for all monasteries of monks and nuns belonging to the Benedictine Confederation.
PRAENOTANDA seu Normae directivae pro monasticae Liturgiae Horarum celebratione |
1. Individual monastic congregations and their individual houses enjoy the faculty of establishing directives for their own members regarding the use of the Thesaurus and Lectionaries and regarding the norms which are contained in these introductory notes. |
1. Singulae Congregationes monasticae vel singulae earum domus facultate gaudent legum ferendarum pro suis membris circa usum Thesauri, Lectionarii, et circa applicationem normarum, quae in his Praenotandis continentur. |
2. Psalter schemes intended for common use or other arrangements of the Liturgy of the Hours may not be published unless they follow those which are contained in the Thesaurus, except for those previously approved by the Sacred Congregation for Sacraments and Divine Worship. |
2. Psalterii schemata communi usui destinata aliaeque dispositiones Liturgiam Horarum respicientes edi non possunt, nisi sequantur ea quae in Thesauro notantur, exceptis iis, quae praevie a Sacra Congregatione pro Sacramentis et Cultu Oivino approbata sunt. |
3. In the execution of the Liturgy of the Hours and in the celebration of conventual Mass, the calendar approved for the Benedictine Confederation on 22 June 1972 must be observed. |
3. Calendarium a Sacra Congregatione pro Cultu Divino die 22 Iunii 1972 pro Benedictina Confoederatione approbatum observari debet in Liturgiae Horarum persolutione et in Missae conventualis celebratione. |
4. Various recommendations contained in the General Instruction of the Liturgy of the Hours for the Roman Rite may profitably be observed by monks and nuns, for example: |
4. Variae commendationes in Institutione Generali de Liturgia Horarum iuxta ritum Romanum factae optime a monachis etiam observari possunt, exempli gratia: |
— The invitatory should begin the whole of the day's prayer (no. 35). |
"Invitatorium locum suum habet initio totius cursus orationis cotidianae~' (§ 35); |
— A hymn may be assigned to the beginning of each Hour so as to set the tone for each Hour or for the feast (no. 42). |
Hymnus in initio cuiuslibet Horae collocari potest, "ut det suum cuique Horae vel festo velut colorem" (§ 42); |
— At Lauds in the morning petitions are made for the consecration of the day and its work to God, and at Vespers there are intercessions (no. 51). |
"in Laudibus matutinis fiunt preces ad diem opusque Domino consecrandum, in Vesperis vero intercessiones" ( § 51 |
— The Our Father is said by all (no. 196). — At Vigils the Gospel may precede the homily (no. 73). |
); "Pater Noster ab omnibus dicitur" (§ 51 et 196); in Vigiliis Evangelium praecedere potest homiliam (§ 73); |
— At Compline, an examination of conscience may be made in silence or with one of the penitential rites according to the formulas given in the Roman Missal (no. 86). |
in Completorio conscientiae discussio "vel fit silentio, vel inseritur in actum paenitentialem secundum formulas Missalis Romani" (§ 86); |
— The prayers after the Marian antiphon are omitted (no. 92). — Psalm prayers may be used after the psalms (no. 112). |
orationes post antiphonam Marianam omittuntur ( § 92); "orationes super Psalmos. .. possunt ad libitum adhiberi" ( § 112); |
— When appropriate and with discretion a period of silence may be introduced (no. 202). |
"pro opportunitate ergo et prudentia... spatium silentii interponi licet" (§ 202); |
— It is fitting that Lauds and Vespers be sung (no. 272). |
Laudes et Vesperas in cantu celebrare convenit (§ 272). |
5. The following norms are to be observed in adapting the Benedictine Liturgy of the Hours: |
5. Aptando Benedictinam Liturgiam Horarum sequentes normae observentur: |
a. At least three hours are to be celebrated daily; it is further recommended that the community should assemble four or five times a day for liturgical prayer. |
a) Tres saltem Horae quotidie celebrentur; insuper commendatur, ut communitas quater vel quinquies quotidie ad orationem liturgicam proferendam congregetur. |
b. Each Hour should consist of psalms, a hymn, a reading, and prayer. |
b) Quaelibet Hora constare debet Psalmis, hymno, lectione et oratione. |
c. Readings are chosen with the approval of the superior in accord with the norms laid down by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship. (See Notitiae [1971] 289; [1974] 322.) |
c) Lectiones ad nutum superioris eliguntur secundum normas a Sacra Congregatione pro Cultu Divino statutas. (Cf. Notitiae 1971, 289; 1974, 322). |
d. In arranging the cursus of psalms, provision should be made that at least seventy-five psalms are said throughout the week. Psalms which by reason of their content are especially appropriate for a certain Hour may be repeated in the same week, but the intention is that the whole Psalter should be recited over a period of four weeks. |
d) Disponendo cursum Psalterii, provideatur ut saltem 75 Psalmi per hebdomadam dicantur. Psalmi qui prae suo significato determinato Horae magis conveniunt, in eadem hebdomada repeti quidcm possunt, sed consilium est Psalterium ex integro in periodo quattuor hebdomadarum persolvere. |
e. Responsories, versicles, antiphons, and the like may be adopted according to local practice, but it is recommended that on feasts and during major liturgical seasons these elements should be included according to traditional monastic liturgy. |
e) Responsoria, versus, antiphonae et similia adoptari possunt sequendo locales usus; sed commendatur ut in festis et anni temporibus haec elementa secundum usum in Liturgia monastica traditum assumantur. |
f. The arrangements of the Psalter contained in the Thesaurus are recommended; antiphons, versicles, responsories, and the like may be used as a means of enriching and embellishing the Office. |
f) Dispositiones Psalterii in Thesauro repertae commendantur; antiphonae, versus, responsoria et similia, quae in Thesauro reperiuntur, servire possunt ut media quibus Officium locupletetur et ornetur. |
6. The following recommendations are made especially for those who wish to observe the arrangements laid down in the Rule of St. Benedict: |
6. Sequentia commendantur speciatim iis qui dispositiones in Regula s. Benedicti statutas observare volunt: |
a. The arrangement of the Psalter, laid down in the Rule of St. Benedict, may be kept. If the Hour of Prime is omitted, the psalms assigned to that Hour may be distributed in the manner suggested either in the Thesaurus or in Appendix 1. Other methods of distribution may be devised; however, care should be taken that none of the little Hours is unduly prolonged. |
a) Dispositio Psalterii, ut in Regula s. Benedicti ordinatur, servari potest. Si Hora Prima omittitur, Psalmi ei assignati distribuantur eo modo qui in Thesauro vel in Appendice I suggeritur. Alii modi distributionis fieri possunt, caveatur tamen, ne Hora minor nimis extendatur. |
b. The distribution of the psalms of Vigils over a two-week period, granted by the Consilium for the Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy (25 Dec. 1967) may be kept. |
b) Distributio Psalmorum Vigiliarum in duas hebdomadas, concessa a Consilio ad exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia (die 25 Decembris 1967) servari potest. |
c. Antiphons at the Benedictus and Magnificat canticles given in the Thesaurus may be used, or others which are in harmony with the mystery of the day or feast. |
c) Antiphonae ad cantica Benedictus et Magnificat assumanturprout in Thesauro notantur, vel quocumque modo CUIll mysterio diei vel festi concordent. |
7. The cycle of biblical readings contained in the Lectionary as well as patristic readings which follow them are recommended for all monasteries. |
7. Cyclus lectionum biblicarum Lectionarii, sicut et lectiones patristicae quae eas sequuntur, omnibus monasteriis commendantur. |
8. The monastic tradition of reciting Compline and the three little Hours in choir may laudably be retained, provided the integrity of the Hours is preserved. Those communities, however, which cannot observe the three Hours in choir according to the integrity of the hours, should celebrate at least a midday Hour in choir, so that the tradition of praying during the course of the day's work may be preserved. The practice of reciting several little Hours one after another or of joining the psalms of these Hours into one must be disapproved; such a practice is certainly not helpful. |
8. Traditio monastica recitandi in choro Completorium et tres Horas minores, servata veritate horarum, laudabiliter retineatur. Ab iis tamen communitatibus quae tres Horas in choro persolvere nequeunt prout veritate horarum requiritur, una saltem Hora media in choro celebranda est, ita ut servetur traditio orandi per diem medio labore. Mos recitandi unam post aliam complures Horas minores, vel adunandi Psalmos earum in unum, reprobandus est; talia facere certe non expedit. |
9. If any community for particular reasons wishes to adopt the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman Rite, it is recommended that the major Hours, namely Lauds and Vespers, be said in their entirety, and the cycle of psalms at Vigils be distributed over a two-week period, according to the advice given to contemplatives by the Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship. (See Notitiae [1972] 254-58; [1974] 39-40.) |
9. Si communitas quaedam, particularibus rationibus suadentibus, adoptare cupit Liturgiam Horarum iuxta ritum Romanum, commendatur ut maiores Horae, Laudes scilicet et Vesperae, ex integro cantentur, et cyclus Psalmorum Vigiliarum in duas hebdomadas distribuatur, prout Sacra Congregatio pro Cultu Divino consilium dedit contemplativis. (Cf. Notitiae 1972, 254-258; 1974, 3940). |
10. In private recitation of the Office, monks who are regularly engaged in the care of souls may use the Liturgy of the Hours according to the Roman Rite, or some other scheme approved by their own abbot. The same holds good for travelers and those who, for a special reason and with the permission of the abbot or abbess, are unable to be present in choir. |
10. In privata Officii recitatione monachi, qui habitualiter in cura animarum occupantur, uti possunt Liturgia Horarum iuxta ritum Romanum, vel alio schemate a proprio Abbate approbato. Idem valet pro itinerantibus et pro iis qui, speciali ratione suadente et Abbate consentiente, choro interesse non possunt. |
11. These norms hold good for all monasteries of monks and nuns and sisters living under the Rule of St. Benedict which belong to the Benedictine Confederation or are aggregated to it. |
11. Hae normae valent pro omnibus monasteriis monachorum et monialium et sororum sub Regula s. Benedicti viventium, quae ad Benedictinam Confoederationem pertinent vel ei aggregata sunt. |
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990