Weyden, Seven-Sacrament Altar, 1450 |
II |
Ritus initiales |
48. Cantus |
48. When the faithful have assembled, they may sing a psalm, antiphon, or other appropriate song while the priest is entering the church, for example: |
Fidelibus congregatis, dum sacerdos ingreditur ecclesiam, canitur, pro opportunitate, psalmus aut antiphona vel alius cantus aptus, ex. gr.: |
Hear us, Lord, for you are merciful and kind. In your great compassion, look on us with love. |
Exáudi nos, Dómine, quóniam benigna est misericórdia tua. Secúndum multititdinem miseratiónum tuárum réspice nos, Dómine. |
Or: |
Vel: |
Let us come with confidence before the throne of grace to receive God’s mercy, and we shall find pardon and strength in our time of need. |
Adeámus cum fidúcia ad thronum grátiæ, ut misericórdiam consequámur, et grátiam inveniámus in auxilio opportúno. |
49. Salutatio |
49. After the song the priest greets the congregation: Grace, mercy, and peace be with you from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. |
Cantu expleto, sacerdos salutat astantes, dicens: Grátia vobis, misericórdia et pax a Deo Patre et Christo Iesu Salvatóre nostro. |
R7 . And also with you. |
R. Et cum spiritu tuo. |
Or: |
Vel: |
Grace and peace be with you from God the Father and from Jesus Christ who loved us and washed away our sins in his blood. |
Grátia vobis et pax a Deo Patre et a Iesu Christo qui diléxit nos et lavit nos a peccátis nostris in sanguine suo. |
R7 . Glory to him for ever. Amen. |
R/ Ipsi glória in saecula sæculórum. Amen. |
Or other forms of greeting may be chosen from nos. 94-96. |
Alii textus ad libitum, nn. 94-96. |
Then the priest or another minister speaks briefly about the importance and purpose of the celebration and the order of the service. |
Deinde ipse sacerdos vel alius minister brevi monitione astantes edocet de momento et ratione celebrationis necnon de ordine in ea servando. |
50. Oratio |
50. The priest invites all to pray, using these or similar words: |
Postea sacerdos omnes ad orandum invitat his vel similibus verbis: |
Brothers and sisters, God calls us to conversion; let us therefore ask him for the grace of sincere repentance. |
Orémus, fratres, ut Deus, qui ad conversiónem nos révocat, grátiam veræ et fructuósæ paeniténtiæ nobis tribuit. |
All pray in silence for a brief period. Then the priest sings or says the prayer: |
Et omnes per aliquod temporis spatium in silentio orant. Deinde sacerdos orationem dicit: |
Lord, hear the prayers of those who call on you, forgive the sins of those who confess to you, and in your merciful love give us your pardon and your peace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. |
Exáudi, quaesumus, Dómine, súpplicum preces, et confiténtium tibi parce peccátis, ut páriter nobis indulgéntiam tribuas benignus et pacem. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
Or: |
Vel: |
Lord, send your Spirit among us to cleanse us in the waters of repentance. May he make of us a living sacrifice so that in every place, by his life-giving power, we may praise your glory and proclaim your loving compassion. We ask this through Christ our Lord. |
Pone, Dómine, Spiritum tuum in médio nostri, qui mundis nos aquis pa niténtia lavans, praeparet nos tibi in hóstiam vivam, ut, eo vivificánte, to in omni loco et laudáre gloriósum et misericórdem mereámur confitéri. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
Other forms of the opening prayer may be chosen from nos. 97-100. |
Alii textus ad libitum, nn. 97-100. |
Verbi Dei celebratio |
51. The celebration of the word follows. If there are several readings a psalm or other appropriate song or even a period of silence should intervene between them, so that everyone may understand the word of God more deeply and give it his heartfelt assent. If there is only one reading, it is preferable that it be from the gospel. |
51. Tunc incipit celebratio verbi. Si plures lectiones fiunt, psalmus vel alius cantus aptus vel etiam tempus silentii interponatur, ut Dei verbum profundius a singulis intellegatur et illi assensus cordis praebeatur. Si una tantum lectio fit, expedit ut ex evangelio sumatur. |
Love is the fullness of the law |
« Plenitudo legis est dilectio» |
Deuteronomy 5:1-3, 6-7, 11-12, 16-21a; 6:4-6 Love the Lord your God with all your heart. |
. Deut 5, 1-3. 6-7. 11-12. 16-21 a; 6, 4-6: « Diliges Dominum Deum tuum ex toto corde tuo ». In diebus illis: Vocavit Moyses omnem Israelem ... |
Baruch 1:15-22 R: (3:2) Listen and have pity, Lord, be-cause you are merciful. |
Baruch 1, 15-22.R. (3, 2): « Audi, Domine, et miserere, quia Deus es misericors ». |
Ephesians 5:1-14 Walk in love, as Christ loved us. |
. Eph 5, 1-14: « Ambulate in dilectione, sicut et Christus dilexit nos . Fratres: Estote imitatores Dei ... |
Versus ante Evangelium. Jn 8, 12: |
I am the light of the world. The man who follows me will have the light of life. |
« Ego sum lux mundi; qui sequitur me non ambulat in tenebris ». |
Matthew 22:34-40 On these two commandments the whole law and the prophets depend. |
Mt 22, 34-40: « In his duobus mandatis universa lex pendet, et prophetae » In illo tempore: Pharisxi audientes quod Iesus silentium imposuisset Sadducaeis ... |
Or: |
Vel |
John 13:34-35; 15:10-13 I give you a new commandment: love one another. |
Io 13, 34-35; 15, 10-13: « Mandatum novum do vobis ». In illo tempore: Dixit Iesus Apostolis suis: « Mandatum novum ... D. |
[Let your innermost Spirit be renewed] |
«Renovamini spiritu mentis vestræ » |
Isaiah 1:10-18 Stop doing what is wrong, and learn to do good. |
. Is 1, 10-18: « Quiescite agere perverse, discite benefacere ». Audite verbum Domini ... |
Psalm 51:1-4, 8-17, 18. (19a) A humbled heart is pleasing to God. |
PS 50 (praesertim vv. 18-19). R. (19 a): « Sacrificium Deo, spiritus contribulatus ». |
Ephesians 4:23-32 Your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution. |
Eph 4, 23-32: « Renovamini spiritu mentis vestrx ». Fratres: Renovari spiritu mentis vestrae ... |
Come to me, all you that labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest. |
« Venite ad me, omnes qui laboratis et onerati estis, et ego reficiam vos ». |
Matthew 5:1-12 Happy the poor in spirit. |
Mt 5, 1-12: « Beati pauperes spiritu ». In illo tempore: Videns Iesus turbas, ascendit in montem ... |
Other optional texts are given in nos. 101-201. |
Alii textus ad libitum, nn. 101-201. |
52. Homilia |
52. The homily which follows is based on the texts of the readings and should lead the penitents to examine their consciences and renew their lives. |
Sequitur homilia, quae a textu lectionum initium sumens, perducat paenitentes ad discussionem conscienti~ et ad renovationem vitæ. |
53. Examen conscientiae |
53. A period of time may be spent in making an examination of conscience and in arousing true sorrow for sins. The priest, deacon, or another minister may help the faithful by brief statements or a kind of litany, taking into consideration their circumstances, age, etc. |
Opportune servatur tempus aliquod silentii ad examen conscientiae peragendum et ad veram peccatorum contritionem excitandam. Sacerdos, vel diaconus, vel alius minister, potest fideles adiuvare brevibus sententiis, vel aliqua prece litanica, attenta eorum condicione, ætate, etc. |
Ritus reconciliationis |
54. Confessio peccatorum generalis |
54. The deacon or another minister invites all to kneel or bow, and to join in saying a general formula for confession (for example, I confess to almighty God). Then they stand and say a litany or sing an appropriate song. The Lord’s Prayer is always added at the end. |
Invitante diacono, vel alio ministro, omnes genuflectunt vel se inclinant, et simul formulam confessionis generalis dicunt (ex. gr. Confiteor); deinde stantes, pro opportunitate, orationem litanicam vel cantum aptum proferunt. In fine additur oratio dominica, quae numquam omittitur. |
Deacon or Minister: |
Diaconus vel minister: |
My brothers and sisters, confess your sins and pray for each other, that you may be healed. |
Fratres, confitémini peccáta vestra, et orate pro invicem ut salvémini. |
All say: |
Omnes simul dicunt: |
I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothels and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault They strike their breast: in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. |
Confiteor Deo omnipoténti et vobis, fratres, quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo, ópere et omissióne: et percutientes sibi pectus, dicunt: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Deinde prosequuntur: Ideo precor beátam Mariam semper Virginem, omnes Angelos et Sanctos et vos, fratres, or-are pro me ad Dóminum Deum nostrum. |
Deacon or minister: |
Diaconus vel minister: |
The Lord is merciful. He makes us clean of heart and leads us out into his freedom when we acknowledge our guilt. Let us ask him to forgive us and bind up the wounds inflicted by our sins |
Misericordiárum Dóminum suppliciter deprecémur, ut qui confiténtium corda purificat,et accusántes se ab omni vinculo iniquitátis absólvit, indulgéntiam concédat reis et medicinam tribuat vulnerátis. |
Give us the grace of true repentance. |
— Ut verae pæniténtiæ grátiam nobis tribuas. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Pardon your servants and release them from the debt of sin. |
— Ut fámulis tuis véniam dare et præteritórum criminum débita relaxáre dignéris. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Forgive your children who confess their sins, and restore them to full communion with your Church. |
— Ut filii tui, qui ab Ecclésiæ sancta integritáte deviavérunt peccándo, admissórum véniam consequéndo, ei reddántur innóxii. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Renew the glory of baptism in those who have lost it by sin. |
— Ut quorum baptismum peccáti macula deturpávit ad pristinam rédeant claritátem. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Welcome them to your altar, and renew their spirit with the hope of eternal glory. |
— Ut sacris altáribus tuis restitúti, spe aetérnae glóriæ reforméntur. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Keep them faithful to your sacraments and loyal in your service. |
— Ut in sacraméntis tuis sincéra deinceps devotióne permáneant tibique semper Dómino váleant adhærére. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Renew your love in their hearts, and make them bear witness to it in their daily lives. |
— Ut tua caritáte renováti, testes fiant tuæ dilectiónis in mundo. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Keep them always obedient to your commandments and protect within them your gift of eternal life. |
— Ut in mandátis tuis fidéliter persevérent et vitam in futúrum sine fine possideant. |
R7 . We pray you, hear us. |
R/. Te rogámus, audi nos. |
Deacon or minister: |
Diaconus vel minister: |
Let us now pray to God our Father in the words Christ gave us, and ask him for his forgiveness and protection from all evil. |
Deum Patrem nostrum verbis ipsis quæ Christus nos dócuit nunc precémur, ut peccáta nostra dimittat et nos ab omni liberet malo: |
All say together: |
Omnes simul pergunt: |
Our Father .. .[who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.] |
Pater noster, qui es in cælis: sanctificétur nomen tuum; advéniat regnum tuum; fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie; et dimitte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitóribus nostris; et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem; sed libera nos a malo. |
The priest concludes: |
Sacerdos concludit: |
Lord, draw near to your servants who in the presence of your Church confess that they are sinners. Through the ministry of the Church free them from all sin so that renewed in spirit they may give you thankful praise. We ask this through Christ our Lord. |
Adésto, Dómine, fámulis tuis, ut qui se peccatóres in Ecclésia tua confiténtur, per earn ab omni peccáto liberáti, grátias tibi reférre, renováto corde, mereántur. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum.
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
Deacon or minister: |
Diaconus vel minister: |
Brothers and sisters, let us call to mind the goodness of God our Father, and acknowledge our sins, so that we may receive his merciful forgiveness. |
Benignitátem Dei Patris nostri recoléntes, confiteámur, fratres, peccáta nostra, ut eius misericórdiam consequámur. |
All say: |
Omnes simul dicunt: |
I confess to almighty God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have sinned through my own fault They strike their breast: in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done, and in what I have failed to do; and I ask blessed Mary, ever virgin, all the angels and saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God. |
Confiteor Deo omnipoténti et vobis, fratres, quia peccávi nimis cogitatióne, verbo, ópere et omissióne: et percutientes sibi pectus, dicunt: mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Deinde prosequuntur: Ideo precor bed-tam Mariam semper Virginem, omnes Angelos et Sanctos et vos, fratres, oráre pro me ad Dóminum Deum nostrum. |
Deacon or minister: |
Diaconus vel minister: |
Christ our Savior is our advocate with the Father: with humble hearts let us ask him to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from every stain. |
Christum Salvatórem nostrum, quem habémus advocátum iustum apud Patrem, humiliter deprecérriur, ut dimittat nobis peccáta nostra, et emúndet nos ab omni iniquitáte. |
You were sent with good news for the poor and healing for the contrite. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
You came to call sinners, not the just. |
— Qui non iustos vocáre venisti, sed peccatóres. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
You forgave the many sins of the woman who showed you great love. |
— Qui ei multa remisisti quæ diléxit et multum. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
You did not shun the company of outcasts and sinners. |
— Qui cum publicánis et peccatóribus convers?ri non recusásti. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
You carried back to the fold the sheep that had strayed. |
— Qui ?meris tui ovem pérditam reduxisti ad caulas. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
You did not condemn the woman taken in adultery, but sent her away in peace. |
— Qui adúlteram non condemnásti, sed in pace abire fecisti. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
You called Zacchaeus to repentance and a new life. |
— Qui Zacchaeum publi-cánum ad conversiónem et novam vitam vocásti. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
You promised Paradise to the repentant thief. |
— Qui latróni contrito paradisum promisisti. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére |
You are always interceding for us at the right hand of the Father. |
— Qui ad déxteram Patris sedens, semper vivis ad interpellándum pro nobis. |
Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner. |
R/. Dómine, propitius esto mihi peccatóri. Vel: Dómine, miserére. |
Deacon or minister: |
Diaconus vel minister: |
Now, in obedience to Christ himself, let us join in prayer to the Father, asking him to forgive us as we forgive others. |
Nunc, sicut Christus ipse nobis mandávit, Patrem simul deprecémur, ut, dimitténtibus nobis altérutrum débita nostra, ipse nobis peccáta nostra dimittat: |
All say together: Our Father |
Omnes simul pergunt: Pater noster, |
[who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.] |
qui es in caelis: sanctificétur nomen tuum; advéniat regnum tuum; fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie; et dimitte nobis débita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitóribus nostris; et ne nos indtzcas in tentatiónem; sed libera nos a malo. |
The priest concludes: |
Sacerdos concludit: |
Father, our source of life, you know our weakness. May we reach out with joy to grasp your hand and walk more readily in your ways. We ask this through Christ our Lord. |
Deus, qui fragilitáti nostræ cóngrua subsidia praeparásti, concede, qusumus, ut suae reparatiónis efféctum, et cum exsultatióne suscipiat, et pia conversatióne recénseat. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
For other texts see numbers 202-205. |
Alii textus ad libitum, nn. 202-205. |
55. Confessio et absolutio singularis |
55. Then the penitents go to the priests designated for individual confession, and confess their sins. Each one receives and accepts a fitting act of satisfaction and is absolved. After hearing the confession and offering suitable counsel, the priest extends his hands over the penitent’s head (or at least extends his right hand) and gives him absolution. Everything else which is customary in individual confession is omitted. |
Tune paenitentes adeunt sacerdotes in locis aptis constitutos, eisque peccata sua confitentur et ab eis singillatim, congrua satisfactione imposita et accepta, absolvuntur. Post auditam confessionem necnon, pro opportunitate, post convenientem exhortationem, omissis ceteris quae in reconciliatione unius pænitentis fieri solent, sacerdos, manibus super caput p~nitentis extensis, vel saltem manu dextera, absolutionem impertit dicens: |
God, the Father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of his Son has reconciled the world to himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us for the forgiveness of sins; through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace, and I absolve you from your sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, + and of the Holy Spirit. |
Deus, Pater misericordiárum, qui per mortem et resurrectiónem Filii sui mundum sibi reconciliávit et Spiritum Sanctum effúdit in remissiónem peccatórum, per ministérium Ecclésiæ indulgéntiam tibi tribuat et pacem. Et EGO TE ABSÓLVO A PECCÁTIS TUIS IN NÓMINE PATRIS, ET FÍLII, + ET SPÍRITUS SANCTI. |
The penitent answers: Amen. |
Paenitens respondet: Amen. |
56. Proclamatio laudis pro Dei misericordia |
56. When the individual confessions have been completed, the other priests stand near the one who is presiding over the celebration. The latter invites all present to offer thanks and encourages them to do good works which will proclaim the grace of repentance in the life of the entire community and each of its members. It is fitting for all to sing a psalm or hymn or to say a litany in acknowledgment of God’s power and mercy, for example, the canticle of Mary (Luke 1:46-55), or Psalm 136:1-9, 13-14, 16, 25-26, or one of the psalms as given in no. 206. |
Confessionibus singulorum expletis, sacerdos qui celebrationi praeest, habens apud se ceteros sacerdotes, ad gratiarum actionem invitat et ad bona opera hortatur quibus gratia paenitentiae in vita singulorum et totius communitatis manifestatur. Convenienter igitur ab omnibus canitur psalmus vel hymnus aut fit oratio litanica ad confitendam Dei potentiam et misericordiam. Ex. gr. canticum beatæ Marix Virginis, vel Ps 135, vv. 1-9. 13-14. 16. 25-26. Alii textus ad libitum, n. 206. |
57. Oratio conclusionis pro gratiarum actione |
57. After the song of praise or the litany, the priest concludes the common prayer: |
Post cantum laudis vel precem litanicam, sacerdos communem orationem concludit: |
Almighty and merciful God, how wonderfully you created man and still more wonderfully remade him. You do not abandon the sinner but seek him out with a father’s love. You sent your Son into the world to destroy sin and death by his passion, and to restore life and joy by his resurrection. |
Deus omnipotens et miséricors, qui hóminem mirabiliter creásti et mirabilius reformásti et peccántem non déseris, sed patérno amóre proséqueris: tu Filium in mundum misisti ut passióne sua peccátum et mortem destrúeret et resurrectióne vitam rédderet nobis et gáudium; |
You sent the Holy Spirit into our hearts to make us your children and heirs of your kingdom. You constantly renew our spirit in the sacraments of your redeeming love, freeing us from slavery to sin and transforming us ever more closely into the likeness of your beloved Son. |
tu Spiritum Sanctum in corda nostra effudisti ut filii tui essémus et hærédes; tu nos iúgiter rénovas sacraméntis salútis ut a peccáti servitúte liberémur et in imáginem dilécti Filii tui perf?ctius in dies transformémur. |
We thank you for the wonders of your mercy, and with heart and hand and voice we join with the whole Church in a new song of praise: |
Tibi grátias ágimus pro mirabilibus misericórdiæ tuæ et cum tota Ecclésia te laudámus, cánticum novum tibi canéntes voce, corde et ópere. |
Glory to you through Christ in the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. |
Tibi glória, per Christum, in Spiritu Sancto nunc et semper. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
Or: |
Vel: |
All-holy Father, you have shown us your mercy and made us a new creation in the likeness of your Son. Make us living signs of your love for the whole world to see. We ask this through Christ our Lord. |
Pater sancte, qui nos ad imáginem Filii tui reformásti, tribue, quaesumus, ut misericórdiam consecúti signum tui amóris efficiámur in mundo. Per Christum Dóminum nostrum. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
Other concluding prayers may be chosen from nos 207-211. |
Alii textus ad libitum, nn. 207-211. |
Ritus conclusionis |
58. Then the priest blesses all present: |
58. Tunc sacerdos omnes benedicit dicens: |
May the Lord guide your hearts in the way of his love and fill you with Christ like patience. |
Dóminus dirigat corda vestra in caritáte Dei et patiéntia Christi. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
May he give you strength to walk in newness of life and to please him in all things. |
Ut possitis ambuláre in novitáte vitæ et placére Deo per ómnia. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
May almighty God bless you, the Father, and the Son, + and the Holy Spirit. |
Et benedicat vos omnipotens Deus, Pater, et Filius, + et Spiritus Sanctus. |
R7 . Amen. |
Omnes: Amen. |
Other blessings may be selected from nos. 212-214. |
Alii textus ad libitum, nn. 212-214. |
59. The deacon or other minister or the priest himself dismisses the assembly: |
59. Postea diaconus, vel alius minister vel ipse sacerdos, coetum dimittit: |
The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace. |
Dóminus dimisit peccáta vestra. Ite in pace. |
All answer: Thanks be to God. |
Omnes: |
Any other appropriate form may be used. |
Deo grátias. |
Vel alia formula apta. |
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990