Weyden, Seven-Sacrament Altar, 1450





Ordo ad reconciliandos pænitentes cum confessione et absolutione generali



The original 1974 text of Ord. Paen. 31-33 has been superceded by the following, which incorporates CIC canons 960-962. The original text of 31-33 is given below in an appendix.  
DISCIPLINE OF GENERAL ABSOLUTION De disciplina absolutionis generalis

31. An individual, complete confession and the receiving of absolution constitute the sole, ordinary means for a member of the faithful who is conscious of serious sin to be reconciled with God and the Church.

 Can. 960 - Individualis et integra confessio atque absolutio unicum constituunt modum ordinarium, quo fidelis peccati gravis sibi conscius cum Deo et Ecclesia reconciliatur;

Physical or moral impossibility alone excuses from this kind of confession; in the case of such impossibility, reconciliation is possible in other ways.

 solummodo impossibilitas physica vel moralis ab huiusmodi confessione excusat, quo in casu aliis quoque modis reconciliatio haberi potest.

Absolution without prior, individual confession cannot be given collectively to a number of penitents unless:

 Can. 961 - § 1.  Absolutio pluribus insimul paenitentibus sine praevia individuali confessione, generali modo impertiri non potest, nisi: 

    a) the danger of death is imminent and there is no time for a priest or priests to hear the confessions of the individual penitents;

 1_ immineat periculum mortis et tempus non suppetat sacerdoti vel sacerdotibus ad audiendas singulorum paenitentium confessiones;

    b) a serious need is present, namely, given the number of penitents, not enough confessors are available to hear the individual confessions properly within a reasonable time, with the result that through no fault of their own, the faithful would be forced to be for a long time without the grace of the sacrament or without communion.

 2_ adsit gravis necessitas, videlicet quando, attento paenitentium numero, confessariorum copia praesto non est ad rite audiendas singulorum confessiones intra congruum tempus, ita ut paenitentes, sine propria culpa, gratia sacramentali aut sacra communione diu carere cogantur;

The need in question is not regarded as sufficient when the nonavailability of confessors is based solely on there being a large number of penitents, such as may be the case at some great festival or pilgrimage.  (cf. CIC, can. 960 and 961, §1).

 necessitas vero non censetur sufficiens, cum confessarii praesto esse non possunt, ratione solius magni concursus paenitentium, qualis haberi potest in magna aliqua festivitate aut peregrinatione. 


32. To make the judgment on whether the requisite conditions already stated in no. 31[b] are verified belongs to the diocesan bishop. After considering the criteria agreed on with the other members of the conference of bishops, he can decide which cases involve the need in question. (cf. CIC, can. 961, §2)

 § 2.  Iudicium ferre an dentur condiciones ad normam § 1, n. 2 requisitae, pertinet ad Episcopum dioecesanum, qui, attentis criteriis cum ceteris membris Episcoporum conferentiae concordatis, casus talis necessitatis determinare potest.


33. For the valid reception of general sacramental absolution it is required that the faithful not only be properly disposed but at the same time have the resolution to confess in due time each of those serious sins that they cannot at the present time confess in this way.

 Can. 962 - § 1.  Ut christifidelis sacramentali absolutione una simul pluribus data valide fruatur, requiritur non tantum ut sit apte dispositus, sed ut insimul sibi proponat singillatim debito tempore confiteri peccata gravia, quae in praesens ita confiteri nequit. 

On the occasion of the reception of general absolution, the faithful, to the extent possible, are to be instructed on the requirements just mentioned;

 § 2.  Christifideles, quantum fieri potest etiam occasione absolutionis generalis recipiendae, de requisitis ad normam § 1 edoceantur et absolutioni generali,

even in the case of danger of death when time allows, the imparting of general absolution is to be preceded by an exhortation that each recipient strive to make an act of contrition. (cf. CIC, can. 962, §§1 and 2)

 in casu quoque periculi mortis, si tempus suppetat, praemittatur exhortatio ut actum contritionis quisque elicere curet.

34. Unless there is a good reason preventing it, those who receive pardon for serious sins through general absolution are to go to individual confession as soon as they have the opportunity before any further reception of general absolution. 34. Ii, quibus communi absolutione gravia peecata remittuntur, ad confessionem auricularem accedant, antequam novam huiusmodi absolutionem sint recepturi, nisi iusta causa impediantur.
And unless a moral impossibility stands in the way, they are absolutely bound to go to a confessor within one year. Omnino autem debent, nisi obstet moralis impossibilitas, accedere ad confessarium infra annum.

For the precept binding every one of the faithful binds them as well, namely, to confess individually to a priest at least once a year all those grave sins not hitherto confessed one by one. ( cf. CDF, Past. Norms on Gen. Abs., June 16, 1972, Norms VII and VIII: AAS 64 (1972) 512—513, CIC, can. 963, 989)

 Viget enim etiam pro ipsis præceptum, quo omnis christifidelis debet cuncta peccata sua, utique gravia, quæ singillatim adhuc confessus non fuerit; sacerdoti solus confiteri saltem semel in anno



Ritus absolutionis generalis


35. For the reconciliation of penitents by general confession and absolution in the cases provided by law, every-thing takes place as described already for the reconciliation of several penitents with individual confession and absolution, with the following exceptions.

35. Ad reconciliandos pænitentes cum confessione et absolutione generali in casibus a iure statutis, omnia fiunt sicut supra de celebratione reconciliationis pro pluribus pænitentibus cum confessione et absolutione singulari dictum est, iis tantum mutatis quæ sequuntur.

    a) After the homily or during it, the faithful who seek general absolution are to be instructed to dispose themselves properly, that is, to have a personal sorrow for sins committed and the resolve to avoid committing them again; the intention to repair any scandal and harm caused and likewise to confess in due time each one of the grave sins that they cannot confess at present. (cf. ibid. Norm VI [DOL 361, no. 3044] ) Some expiatory penance should be proposed for all to perform; individuals may add to this penance if they wish.

   a) Homilia expleta, vel in ipsa homilia, moneantur fideles qui absolutione generali frui volunt, ut se apte disponant, seu ut unumquemque pæniteat admissorum suorum, isque a peccatis abstinere proponat, scandala et damna forte illata reparare statuat et simul proponat singillatim confiteri debito tempore peccata gravia, quæ in præsens ita confiteri nequeat;49 satisfactio quædam insuper proponatur omnibus facienda, cui singuli aliquid addere poterunt, si voluerint.

    b) The deacon, another minister, or the priest then calls upon the penitents who wish to receive absolution to show their intention by some sign (for example, by bowing their heads, kneeling, or giving some other sign determined by the conference of bishops). They should also say together a form of general confession (for example, the prayer, I confess to almighty God), which may be followed by a litany or a penitential song. Then the Lord’s Prayer is sung or said by all, as indicated in no. 27.

    b) Deinde diaconus, vel alius minister, vel ipse sacerdos, pænitentes invitet qui absolutionem recipere volunt ut aliquo signo se illam petere profiteantur (v. gr. caput inclinando, vel genua flectendo, vel per aliud signum secundum normas a Conferentiis Episcopalibus statutas) formulam confessionis generalis simul dicentes (v. gr. Confiteor), post quam prex litanica vel cantus pænitentialis fieri potest, et oratio dominica simul ab omnibus dicitur vel canitur, sicut supra, n. 27, dictum est.

    c) Then the priest pronounces the invocation that expresses prayer for the grace of the Holy Spirit to pardon sin, proclamation of victory over sin through Christ’s death and resurrection, and the sacramental absolution given to the penitents.

    c) Tunc sacerdos invocationem enuntiat qua gratia Spiritus Sancti petitur in remissionem peccatorum, victoria de peccato per mortem et resurrectionem Christi proclamatur, et absolutio sacramentalis pænitentibus datur.

    d) Finally, the priest invites the people to give thanks, as indicated in no. 29 and, omitting the concluding prayer, he immediately blesses and dismisses them.

    d) Postremo sacerdos ad gratiarum actionem invitat, ut supra, n. 29, dictum est, et omissa oratione conclusionis, statim populum benedicit et dimittit.





APPENDIX: Original 1974 text of Ordo Paenitentiae 31-33




The original (now superceded) text of No.s 31-33 in the 1974 Editio Typica read as follows: [note that these have been replaced by the text immediately following, which incorporates CIC canons 960-962]:  



DISCIPLINE OF GENERAL ABSOLUTION De disciplina absolutionis generalis



31. An individual, complete confession and the receiving of absolution remain the only ordinary way for the faithful to obtain reconciliation with God and the Church,

31. Individualis et integra confessio atque absolutio manent unicus modus ordinarius, quo fideles se cum Deo et Ecclesia reconciliant,

unless physical or moral impossibility excuses from this kind of confession.

nisi impossibilitas physica vel moralis ab huiusmodi confessione excuset.

Special, occasional circumstances may render it lawful and even necessary to give general absolution to a number of penitents without their previous individual confession

    Fieri enim potest, ob particularia rerum adiuncta quandoque occurrentia, ut absolutionem pluribus pænitentibus, sine prævia individuali confessione, generali modo impertire liceat vel etiam oporteat.

In addition to the case of danger of death, general absolution for many of the faithful who have only confessed generically, but have been rightly disposed for penance, is lawful if there is a serious need.

    Præter casus in quibus agitur de mortis periculo, licet sacramentaliter absolvere una simul plures fideles generice tantum confessos,

This means a case in which, given the number of penitents, not enough confessors are available to hear the individual confessions properly within a reasonable time, with the result that, through no fault of their own, the faithful would be forced to be for a long time without the grace of the sacrament or without communion.

sed apte ad pænitentiam revocatos, si accedat gravis necessitas, nimirum quando, attento pænitentium numero, confessariorum copia præsto non est ad rite audiendas singulorum confessiones intra congruum tempus, ita ut pxnitentes — absque sua culpa — gratia sacramentali, vel sacra communione diu carere cogantur.

Such a situation may occur in mission lands particularly, but in other places as well and in groups of people to whom the serious need mentioned clearly applies.

Quod evenire potest, præsertim in terris missionum, sed in aliis etiam locis, necnon apud coetus personarum, in quibus de illa necessitate constat.

When confessors can be made available, however, the procedure is not lawful solely on the basis of a large number of penitents, for example, at some great festival or pilgrimage.

    Hoc vero non licet, cum confessarii præsto esse possunt, propter solum magnum concursum pænitentium, qualis verbi gratia potest haberi in magna aliqua festivitate aut peregrinatione.


32. It belongs exclusively to the local Ordinary, after consultation with other members of the conference of bishops, to make the judgment on whether the conditions stated already are verified and therefore to decide when it is lawful to give general absolution.

32. Iudicium ferre an adsint condiciones, de quibus supra, ac proinde decernere quando liceat absolutionem sacramentalem generali modo conferre, reservatur Episcopo dioecesano, collatis consiliis cum ceteris membris Conferentiæ Episcopalis.

This paragraph is omitted from the current version of the text [If, apart from the instances established by the local Ordinary, any other serious need arises for giving general absolution, a priest is bound first, whenever possible, to have recourse to the local Ordinary in order to give the general absolution. If this is not possible, he is to inform the same Ordinary as soon as possible of the need in question and of the fact of the absolution. ]

    Praeter casus ab Episcopo dioecesano statutos, si qua alia gravis necessitas oriatur sacramentalem absolutionem una pluribus impertiendi, sacerdos antea recurrere debet, quoties fieri possit, ad loci Ordinarium, ut absolutionem licite impertiat; secus, de huiusmodi necessitate ac de data absolutione eundem Ordinarium quam primum certiorem faciat'"


33. With respect to the faithful, it is absolutely required for the reception of general sacramental absolution that they have the proper dispositions.

33. Ad fideles quod attinet, ut frui possint sacramentali absolutione una simul pluribus data, requiritur omnino,

This means that they repent individually of their sins, have the intention of refraining from them,

ut sint apte dispositi, seu ut unumquemque pæniteat admissorum suorum, isque a peccatis abstinere proponat,

are resolved to rectify scandal or injuries they may have caused, and intend to make an individual confession in due time of those serious sins they cannot at the present time confess.

scandala et damna forte illata reparare statuat et simul proponat singillatim confiteri debito tempore peccata gravia, quæ in præsens ita confiteri nequeat.

Priests are to take pains to instruct the faithful about these dispositions and conditions that are prerequisites for the sacrament to have its effect.

De his dispositionibus atque condicionibus, ad valorem sacramenti requisitis, fideles a sacerdotibus diligenter moneantur

xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 1990....x....   “”.