
 Pope Pius VII

Sollicitudo omnium EccesiarumI

Pope Pius VII, Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum, 7 August 1814. Translated by Joseph K Drane


Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum



 Pope Pius VII  Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum, 7 August 1814

Pope Pius VII, Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum, 7 August 1814






PIUS, Bishop, Servant of the Servants of God, for the everlasting memory of this occasion A solicitude for all the churches has been entrusted, God so disposing, to our humble Self, however undeserving and unequal to it in strength. He obliges us to m2ke use of all the means in our power, whatever are mercifully supplied to us by His divine Providence, prompdy to assist the spiritual needs of the Christian world, putting aside all discrimination of peoples and nations, no matter how many and diverse the vicissitudes of time and place may be.

Pius Episcopus, Servus Servorum Dei, ad perpetuam rei memoriam Sollicitudo omnium Ecclesiarum humilitati Nostrae, meritis licet et viribus impari, Deo sic disponente concredita, Nos cogit omnia illa subsidia adhibere, quae in Nostra sunt potestate, quaeque a divina Providentia Nobis misericorditer subministrantur, ut spiritualibus christiani orbis necessitatibus, quantum quidem diversae multiplicesque temporum locorumque vicissitudines fuerunt, nullo populorum et nationum habito discrimine, opportune subveniamus.

Desiring to meet the burden of this pastoral duty of ours, as soon as Franciszek Kareu (then still among the living) and other secular priests who had for many years been living in the vast Russian empire, though formerly members of the Society of Jesus suppressed by our predecessor of happy memory, Clement XIV, had offered us a petition in which they made supplication that they might with our authorization be gathered into one body the more easily to instruct youth in the rudiments of the faith and in acquiring good morals, that they might do this in the light of their own Institute, that they might engage in the hearing of confessions and administration of the other sacraments. We considered that we might the more willingly grant their: prayers, since the Tsar Paul I, then ruling, earnestly recommended these same priests to us in a most kind letter of August 11th in the year of our Lord 1800. Indicating in this letter his special goodwill towards them, he declared it would please him if for the good of the Catholics of his empire the Society of Jesus were to be established there with our authority.

Huius Nostri pastoralis officii oneri satis facere cupientes, statim ac tunc in vivis agens Franciscus Kareu, et alii saeculares Presbyteri a pluribus annis in amplissimo Russiaco imperio exsistentes, et olim addicti Societati Iesu a fel. Rec. Clemente XIV praedecessore Nostro suppressae, preces Nobis obtulerunt, quibus facultatem sibi fieri supplicabant, ut auctoritae Nostra inu num corpus coalescerent, quo facilius iuventuti fidei rudimentis erudiendae et bonis moribus imbuendae, ex proprii Instituti ratione operam darent, munus praedicationis obirent, confessionibus excipendis incumberent et alias acramenta administrarent: eorum precibus eo libentius annuendum Nobis esse duximus, quod Imperator Paulus I, tunc temporis regnans, eosdem Presbyteros impense Nobis commendavisset humanissimis litteris suis die undecimo Augusti anni Domini MDCCC ad Nos datis, quibus singularem suam erga ipsos benevolentiam significans, gratum sibi fore declarabat, si catholicorum imperii sui bono Societas Iesu auctoritae Nostra ibidem constitueretur.

Wherefore we, weighing with attentive heart what great advantages for the work of the Gospel in that vast region would be gained in an area almost deprived of the Gospel, and what a great increase churchmen of this kind would bring to the Catholic religion, have judged it would be a matter of good sense to comply with the request of so great and so goodwilled a prince. These men of approved morals were recommended with public recognition of their unceasing labours, of their intense zeal for bringing about the salvation of souls, of their untiring preaching of the word of God.

Quapropter Nos, attento animo perpendentes quam ingentes utilitates in amplissimas illas regiones, evangelicis operariis propemodum destitutas, essent proventurae, quantumque incrementum eiusmodi ecclesiastici viri, quorum probati mores tantis laudum praeconiis commendabantur, assiduo labore, intenso salutis animarum procurandae studio et indefessa verbi divini praedicatione, catholicae religioni essent allaturi, tanti tamque benefici Principis votis obsecundare rationi consentaneum exsistimavimus.

In a letter of ours, written in the form of a brief, of the seventh of March 1801, we granted to the aforesaid Franciszek Kareu, and his other companions living in the Russian Empire, and to others who could betake themselves there from elsewhere, this permission: that they might be free to join together and be united in one body or congregation of the Society of Jesus, in one or more houses at the discretion. of the superior, houses to be designated only within the confines of the Russian Empire. Also we deputed that same priest Franciszek Kareu as General Superior of this congregation, at our pleasure and that of the Apostolic See with the necessary and appropriate faculties, to retain and follow the rule of St. Ignatius Loyola as approved and confirmed by our predecessor of happy memory, Paul III, in his apostolic constitutions. Nostris itaque in forma brevis litteris datis die septimo Martii anni Domini MDCCCI, praedicto Francisco Kareu, aliisque eius Sodalibus in Russiaco imperio degentibus, aut qui aliunde illuc se conferre possent, facultatem concessimus, ut in unum corpus seu Congregationem Societatis Iesu coniungi unirique liberum ipsis esset, in una vel pluribus Domibus arbitrio Superioris, intra fines dumtaxat imperii Russiaci, designandis; atque eius Congregationis Praepositum Generalem eumdem Presbyterum Franciscum Kareu ad Nostrum et sedis Apostolicae beneplacitum deputavimus, cum facultatibus necessariis et opportunis, ut S. Ignatii de Loyola regulam, a fel. rec. Paulo III praedecessore Nostro apostolicis suis constitutionibus approbatam et confirmatam, retinerent et sequerentur: atque ut hoc pacto

 And by this agreement that the associates, gathered into one religious group were empowered to instill in the young religion and good learning, to govern seminaries and colleges, and, with the consent and approval of the local ordinaries, to hear confessions, proclaim the word of God, and freely administer the sacraments.

 Socii in uno religioso coetu congregati, iuventuti religione ac bonis artibus imbuendae operam dare, Seminari et Collegia regere, et, probantibus ac consentientibus locorum Ordinariis, confessiones excipere, verbum Dei annuntiare, et Sacramenta administrare libere possent;

And we received this congregation of the Society of Jesus under our immediate care and subjection, and reserved to ourselves and our successors the right to prescribe and sanction whatever seemed right in the Lord to strengthen and unify this Society, and  to purge it of any abuses or deviations which might have broken in upon it. et Congregationem Societatis Iesu sub Nostra et Apostolicae Sedis immediata tutela et subiectione recepimus, et quae ad illam firmandam et communiendam, atque ab abusibus et corruptelis, quae forte irrepsissent, repurgandam visum fuisset in Domino expedire, Nobis ac successoribus Nostris praescribenda et sancienda reservavimus;
And to this effect we withdrew in' explicit fashion any apostolic constitutions, statutes, customs, privileges and indulits, however to the contrary conceded or confirmed, especially the apostolic letters of the memorable Clement XIV, our predecessor, beginning with Dominus ac Redemptor, we withdrawing in them only what was contrary to our own words expressed in the form of a brief beginning with Catholicae [Fidei] and published only for the Russian Empire. atque ad hunc effectum constitutionibus apostolicis, statutis, consuetudinibus, privilegiis et indulgentis quomodolibet in contrarium praemissorum concessis et confirmatis, praesertim litteris apostolicis memorati Clementis XIV, praedecessoris Nostri, incipientibus Dominus ac Redemptor, expresse derogavimus in iis tantum quae contraria essent dictis Nostris in forma brevis litteris, quarum initium Catholicae, et dumtaxat pro Russiaco imperio elargitis.
Not long after, we decided to have extended for the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies those counsels we had decreed to be accepted for the Russian Empire. This was upon the petitions of our dearest son in Christ, King Ferdinand [IV], who had asked of us that the Society of Jesus be established in his dominions and states in the same manner as in the aforementioned empire because he was of the opinion that in these doleful times there was a special opportunity to use the good offices of the clerks regular. of the Society of Jesus especially in colleges and public schools for the formation of youth in Christian piety and the fear of the Lord, which is the beginning of wisdom, and in the instruction of the youth in doctrine and science. Consilia, quae pro imperio Russiaco capienda decrevimus, ad utriusque Siciliae regnum non ita multo post extendenda censuimus, ad preces charissimi in Christo filii Nostri Ferdinandi Regis, qui a Nobis postulavit, ut Societas Iesu, eo modo quo in praefato imperio stabilita a Nobis fuerat, in sua quoque ditione ac statibus stabiliretur; quoniam luctuosissimis illis temporibus, ad iuvenes christiana pietate ac timore Domini, qui est initium sapientiae, informandos, doctrinaque et scientiis instruendos, praecipue in Collegiis scholisque publicis, Clericorum Regularium Societatis Iesu opera uti in primis opportunum sibi arbitrabatur.

 We, under the obligation of our pastoral office, desiring to accommodate ourselves to the devout wishes of so illustrious a prince, which aimed only TO THE GREATER GLORY of GOD and the salvation of souls, extended our letter granted for the Russian Empire to the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies in another letter in the form of a brief beginning Per alias and published on the thirtieth of July in the year of our Lord 1804.

 Nos, ex muneris Nostri pastoralis debito, piis tam illustris Principis desideriis, quae ad maiorem Dei gloriam, animarumque salutem unice spectabant, morem gerere exoptantes, Nostras litteras pro Russiaco imperio datas ad utriusque Siciliae regnum extendimus novis in simili forma brevis litteris incipientibus Per alias, expeditis die trigesimo Iulii anni Domini MDCCCIV.

Day after day, by an almost unanimous consent of the Christian world, urgent and pressing petitions are coming to us from our venerable brother archbishops and bishops and from the ranks of outstanding persons and associations on behalf of this same Society of Jesus. This has been true especially since the news has spread abroad of the abundant fruits which this Society has gleaned in the regions of the world to which we have already referred. Fertile with increasing offspring it has been expected to cultivate widely and adorn the field of the Lord.

Pro eiusdem Societatis Iesu restitutione, unanimi fere totius christiani orbis consensu, instantes urgentesque petitiones a venerabilibus fratribus Archiepiscopis et Episcopis, atque ab omnium insignium personarum ordine et coetu quotidie ad Nos deferentur; praesertim postquam fama ubique vulgata est uberrimorum fructuum quos haec Societas in memoratis regionibus protulerat, quaeque, prolis in dies crescentis fecunda, dominicum agrum latissime ornatura et dilatatura putabatur.

The very scattering of the stones of the sanctuary on account of the recent troubles and calamities, (and it is easier to lament them than simply to call them to mind), the faltering discipline of the religious orders (the summit of splendor of religion and the Catholic Church) to whose renewal our thoughts and concerns are now directed, demand that we bestow our assent upon such just and such general requests. For we would think ourselves guilty of a grave crime in the sight of the Lord, if amid such needs of the public weal we were to neglect to make use of the salutary aids which in his singular Providence God has supplied to us, and if we tossing and turning in the continuous whirlpools in which the bark of Peter finds itself, were to refuse the strong and expert oarsmen who offer themselves to us to break through the waves of the sea that every moment threatens us with shipwreck and destruction.

 Dispersio ipsa lapidum sanctuarii, ob recentes calamitates et vicissitudines,quas deflere potius iuvat quam in memoriam revocare, fatiscens disciplina Regularium Ordinum (religionis et Ecclesiae Catholicae splendor et columen), quibus nunc reparandis cogitationes curaeque Nostrae diriguntur, efflagitant, ut tam aequis et communibus votis assensum Nostrum praebeamus. Gravissimi enim criminis in conspectu Dei reos Nos esse crederemus, si in tantis reipublicae necessitatibus ea salutaria auxilia adhibere negligeremus, quae singulari Providentia Deus Nobis suppeditat, et si Nos in Petri navicula assiduis turbinibus agitata et concussa collocati, expertos et validos qui sese Nobis offerunt remiges, ad frangendos pelagi naufragium Nobis et exitium quovis momento minitantis fluctus, respueremus

With so many and such great points of reasoning and other good reasons impelling our heart, we have finally decided on something which we have been earnestly desiring since the very beginning of our pontificate. Therefore after we begged the divine assistance, and after listening to the petitions and advice of our venerable Cardinal brethren, we have decided out of certain knowledge and with the fullness of our apostolic authority to ordain and decree, as in fact, in our everlastingly guaranteed status, we do now ordain and decree that all the concessions and faculties granted by us only on behalf of the Russian Empire, and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, be now extended and held as extended, as we now in fact extend them to our ecclesiastical state, and also to all other states and jurisdictions.

Tot ac tantis rationum momentis, tamque gravibus causis animum Nostrum moventibus, id exsequi tandem statuimus, quod in ipso Pontificatus Nostri exordio vehementer optabamus. Postquam igitur divinum auxilium ferventibusprecibus imploravimus, suffragiis et consiliis plurium venerabilium fratrum Nostrorum S.R.E. Cardinalium auditis, ex certa scientia deque apostolicae potestatis plenitudine, ordinare et statuere decrevimus, uti revera hac Nostra perpetuo valitura constitutione ordinamus et statuimus, ut omnes concessiones et facultates a Nobis pro Russiaco imperio et utriusque Siciliae regno unice datae, nunc extensae intelligantur et pro extensis habeantur, sicut vere eas extendimus, ad totum Nostrum Statum Ecclesiasticum, aeque ac ad omnes alios status et ditiones.

Wherefore we concede and grant to our beloved son and priest Tadeusz Brzozowski, current Superior General of the Society of Jesus, and to others legitimately deputed by him, all the necessary and appropriate faculties, at our pleasure and that of the Apostolic See, so that in all the said states and jurisdictions, they may licitly and freely admit and accept all who seek to be admitted and incorporated into the regular order of the Society of Jesus. Joined in obedience under the superior general at a given time, and dispersed as circumstances shall bring about, living in one or more houses, in one or more colleges, in one or more provinces, let them accommodate their way of life to the prescribed rule of St. Ignatius of Loyola, approved and confirmed in the apostolic constitution of Pope Paul III. Also we grant and declare that they may at the same time engage in instruction of youth in the rudiments of the Catholic religion and the formation of youth in good morals; they may also administer seminaries and colleges, and with the consent and approval of the local ordinaries in whose jurisdictions they may happen to live, freely and licidy hear confessions, preach the word of God, and ·administer the sacraments. But all the colleges, houses, and provinces, and members thus admitted, and those who in the future may become so admitted, we now accept under our immediate tutelage, guardianship, and obedience, reserving to ourselves and to our successor Roman Pontiffs to decide and prescribe whatever shall seem timely to decide and prescribe for the greater permanence and strengthening of the same Society, and for the expurgation from that Society of any abuses, which perchance (may God avert it!) may break in.

Quare concedimus et indulgemus dilecto filio Presbytero Thaddaeo Brzozowski, moderno Praeposito Generali Societatis Iesu, aliisque ab eo legitime deputatis, omnes necessarias et opportunas facultates, ad Nostrum et Sedis Apostolicae beneplacitum, ut in cunctis praefatis statibus et ditionibus, omnes illos qui in regularem Ordinem Societatis Iesu admitti et cooptari petent, admittere et cooptare libere ac licite valeant; qui in una vel pluribus Domibus, in uno vel pluribus Collegiis, in una vel pluribus Provinciis, sub Praepositi Generalis pro tempore exsistentis obedientia coniuncti, et prout res feret distributi, ad praescriptum regulae S. Ignatii de Loyola apostolicis Pauli III constitutionibus approbatae et confirmatae, suam accomodent vivendi rationem. Concedimus etiam et declaramus, quod pariter iuventuti, catholicae religionis rudimentis erudiendae ac probis moribus instituendae, operam dare, nec non Seminaria et Collegia regere, et, consentientibus atque approbantibus Ordinariis locorum in quibus eos degere contigerit, confessiones audire, verbum Dei praedicare et Sacramenta administrare libere et licite valeant. Omnia vero Collegia, Domus, Provincias, Sociosque sic coniunctos, et quos in posterum coniungi et aggregari contigerit, iam nunc sub immediata Nostra et huius Apostolicae Sedis tutela, praesidio et obedientia recipimus; Nobis et Romanis Pontificibus successoribus Nostris reservantes ea statuere ac praescribere, quae ad eamdem Societatem magis magisque constabiliendam et communiendam, et ab abusibus, si forte (quod Deus avertat) irrepserint, repurgandam, statuere ac praescribere visum fueritexpedire.

But as far as We can in the Lord,We strongly admonish and exhort all superiors, together and as individuals, provincials, rectors, members and students, that in every place and time they show themselves faithful followers and imitators of so great a parent and founder, that they observe with care the rule laid down and prescribed by him, and that they strive with total eagerness to carry out the useful counsels and advice which he handed down to his sons.

Omnes vero et singulos Superiores, Praepositos, Rectores, Socios et Alumnos qualescumque huius restitutae Societatis, quantum in Domino possumus, commonefacimus et exhortamur, ut in omni loco ac tempore sesefideles asseclas et imitatores tanti sui Parentis et Institutoris exhibeant, regulam ab ipso conditam et praescriptam accurate observent, et utilia monita ac consilia quae filiis suis tradidit, summo studio exsequi conentur.

And lastly, in the Lord we commend to our beloved sons in Christ, the nobility of princes and temporal lords, and also our venerable brother archbishops and bishops, and others in any seat of honor, this oft mentioned Society of Jesus, and each of its  members, and we plead with them and exhort them not only to accept them, not allowing them to be disturbed by anyone, but to receive them kindly and, as is becoming, with charity.

Denique dilectis in Christo filiis illustribus et nobilibus viris Principibus ac Dominis temporalibus, nec non venerabilibus fratribus Archiepiscopis et Episcopis, aliisque in quavis dignitate constitutis, saepe dictam Societatem Iesu et singulos illius Socios plurimum in Domino commendamus, eosque exhortamur ac rogamus, non solum ne eos inquietari a quocumque permittant ac patiantur, sed ut benigne illos, ut decet, et cum charitate suscipiant.

Decreeing this letter and its whatsoever contents to exist now and in the future to be lastingly and always firm, valid, and efficacious, and that its effects in full and complete acceptance, and that it should be inviolably observed by those to whom it applies and for all the time in which it shall apply. Thus and not otherwise ought it to be likewise judged and evaluated by any judges discharging whatever authority; and that if it be otherwise treated by anyone of whatever authority, whether knowingly or out of ignorance, his act be null and void.

Decernentes praesentes litteras et in eis contenta quaecumque semper ac perpetuo firma, valida et efficacia exsistere et fore, suosque plenarios et integros effectus sortiri et obtinere, et ab illis, ad quos spectat et pro tempore quandocumque spectabit, inviolabiliter observari debere; sicque et non aliter per quoscumque Iudices quavis postestate fungentes iudicari et definiri pariter debere; ac irritum et inane, si secus super his a quoquam quavis auctoritate scienter vel ignoranter contigerit attentari.

The above, notwithstanding apostolic constitutions and ordinations, and particularly the above mentioned letter in the form of a brief of Clement XIV of happy memory beginning with the words Dominll.f ac &dmtptor issued wtder the ring of the Fisherman on the 21st day of July in the year of our Lord 1773.

Non obstantibus constitutionibus et ordinationibus apostolicis, ac praesertim supra memoratis litteris in forma brevis fel. rec. Clementis XIV incipientibus Dominus ac Redemptor Noster, sub anulo Piscatoris expeditis die vigesima prima Iulii anni Domini MDCCLXIII, quibus ad praemissorum effectum expresse ac speciatim intendimus derogare, caeterisque contrariis quibuscumque.

This letter and its intended effects we wish now to abrogate expressly and in particular, notwithstanding anything to the contrary. But we wish that for any transcribed, or printed copies of this present letter, subscribed by the hand of any public notary, and showing the seal of any person situated in an authorised ecclesiastical position, that there be employed the same trust, judicial or not, which is used for this present letter, if the copies shall be shown or displayed

Volumus autem ut earumdem praesentium litterarum transsumptis sive exemplis etiam impressis, manu alicuius Notari publici subscriptis, et sigillo personae in ecclesiastica dignitate constitutae munitis, eadem prorsus fides in iudicio et extra adhibeatur, quae ipsis praesentibus adhiberetur, si forent exhibitae vel ostensae.

Therefore it is permitted to no person at all to violate this page of our ordination, statute, extension, concession, indult, permission, acceptance, reservation, admonition, exhortation, decree, and abrogation, or make any rash effort to go a~1st it. But if anyone should presume to attempt this, let him know that he will incur the wrath of the omnipotent God and of the Blessed Apostles Peter and Paul. Given at Rome, at Saint Mary Major, in the year of the Incantation of Our Lord 1814 on the 7th day of the Ides of August, in the fifteenth year of our Pontificate.

Nulli ergo omnino hominum liceat hanc paginam Nostrae ordinationis, statuti, extensionis, concessionis, indulti, declarationis, facultatis, receptionis, reservationis, moniti, exhortationis, decreti et derogationis infringere vel ei ausu temerario contraire. Si quis autem hoc attentare praesumpserit, indignationem omnipotentis Dei ac BB. Petri et Pauli Apostolorum eius se noverit incursurum. Datum Romae, apud S.Mariam maiorem, anno Incarnationis Dominicae MDCCCXIV, septimo Augusti, Pontificatus Nostri anno quinto decimo.

A. Card. Pro-Datarius.

A. Card. Pro-Datarius

Romualdo, Cardinal Braschi Onesti

R. Card. Braschi Onesti








 The Concordat

Concordat du 23 Fructidor an IX [10 Septembre 1801] régissant la vie religieuse en france signé par Bonaparte 1er consul et le Pape Pie VII

ON BEHALF of the FRENCH PEOPLE, Bonaparte,

AU NOM DU PEUPLE FRANÇAIS, BONAPARTE, premier Consul, PROCLAME loi de la République le décret suivant, rendu par le Corps législatif le 18 germinal an X, conformément à la proposition faite par le Gouvernement le 15 dudit mois, communiquée au Tribunat le même jour.










4 [Org.Art. §77(78)]. That, although the Pope has the principal part in questions of faith, and although his decrees relate to all the Churches, and each Church in particular, his judgment is not irreformable, unless the consent of the Church intervenes.

    “ Que, quoique le pape ait la principale part dans les questions de foi, et que ses décrets regardent toutes les Églises, et chaque Église en particulier, son jugement n’est pas réformable, si le consentement de l’Église n’intervient. 


These are the maxims which we have received from our fathers and which we have ordered to be sent to all the Gallican Churches and to the bishops whom the Holy Spirit has established there to govern them, in order that we may all say the same thing, that we may be of the same sentiments, and that we may all hold the same doctrine.

“Ce sont les maximes que nous avons reçues de nos pères et que nous avons arrêté d’envoyer à toutes les Églises gallicanes et aux évêques que la Saint-Esprit y a été établis pour les gouverner, afin que nous disions tous la même chose, que nous soyons tous dans le même sentiment et que nous tenions tous la même doctrine.”






(Chapters 1-7: Antony the young ascetic)






















CHAPTER 1. Of the vigils which we endured. 1. De uigiliis quas pertulimus.






Youth and

















































CHAPTER 1. Of the vigils which we endured. 1. De uigiliis quas pertulimus.







































































xcxxcxxc  F ” “ This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 2014....x....   “”.