SATURDAY VESPERS WEEK I HYMN [The day is past, and over] Psalm 12 [Antiphon 1 - Look at me, Lord, answer me.]
How lóng, O Lord, will you forget me? How lóng will you hide yòur face? How lóng must I bear grief in my soul, this sórrow in my heart day and night? How lóng shall my enemy prèvail?
Lóok at me, answer me, Lord! Give líght to my éyes lest I fall asleep ìn death, lest my énemy say: “I have overcome him”, lest my fóes rejoice to see mỳ fall.
As for mé, I trúst in your merciful love. Let my héart rejóice in your savìng help: let me síng to the Lórd for his goodness to me, singing psálms to the náme of the Lord, the Mòst High.
To the Fáther, the Son and Holy Spirit all práise and glory fòr ever.
[Antiphon 1 - Look at me, Lord, answer me]
Psalm 10 [Antiphon 2 - Take refuge in the Lord for he is just]
In the Lórd I have taken mý refuge. Hów can you say to mỳ soul: “Flý like a bird to its mountain.
See the wícked bracing thèir bow; they are fíxing their arrows on thé string to shóot upright men in thè dark. Foundátions once destroyed, what can the just do?”
The Lórd is in his holỳ temple, the Lórd, whose throne is ín heaven. His éyes look down on thè world; his gáze tests mortal men.
The Lórd tests the just and thè wicked, the lóver of violence hé hates. He sénds fire and brimstone on thè wicked; he sends a scórching wind as their lot.
The Lórd is just and lòves justice: the úpright shall see hís face. To the Fáther, the Son and Holỳ Spirit
[Antiphon 2 - Take refuge in the Lord for he is just]
[Antiphon 3 - God himself is the judge: one he humbles] Psalm 74 We give thánks to you, O God, we give thánks and call upon yóur name. We recóunt your wonderfùl deeds.
To the bóastful I sáy: ‘Do not boast,’ to the wícked: ‘Do not fláunt your strength, do not fláunt your strength ón high; do not spéak with insolènt príde.’”
For néither from the éast nor from the west, nor from désert or móuntains comes judgment, but Gód himself is thé judge: one he húmbles, another he èxalts.
The Lórd holds a cúp in his hand, full of wíne, fóaming and spiced. He póurs it; they drink it to thé dregs: all the wícked on the earth mùst drain it.
As for mé, I will rejóice for ever and sing psálms to Jácob’s God. He shall bréak the power of thé wicked, while the stréngth of the just shall be èxalted.
To the Fáther, the Son and Holý Spirit all práise and glory fòr ever.
[Antiphon 4 - I was helped, my heart rejoices] Psalm 27 To you, Lord Ì call, mý rock, hear me. If yóu do not heed I shall bècome like those in the grave.
Héar the voice of mỳ pleading as I cáll for help, as I líft up my hands ìn prayer to your holy place.
Do not drág me away with thè wicked, with the évil-doers, who spéak words of peace to thèir neighbors, but with evil in their hearts.
Repáy them as their actions dèserve and the málice of their deeds. Repáy them for the work of thèir hands; give them their deserts. For they ignóre the deeds of thè Lord and the work of his hands.
Bléssed be the Lord for he hàs heard my crý, my appeal. The Lórd is my strength and mỳ shield; in him my heart trusts.
[Antiphon 4 - I was helped, my heart rejoices]
The Lórd is the strength of hìs people, a fórtress where his anóinted find help. Save your péople; bless Israel yòur heritage. Be their shepherd and carry them for ever.
To the Fáther, the Son and Holỳ Spirit all glory for ever.
[Antiphon 4 - I was helped, my heart rejoices]
Psalm 99 [Antiphon 1—Arise, come to your God] Cry out with jóy to the Lord, all the earth. Sérve the Lórd with gladness. Come befóre him, sínging for joy.
Know that hé, the Lord, is God. He máde us, we belóng to him, we are his péople, the shéep of his flock.
Gó within his gates, giving thanks. Enter his cóurts with sóngs of praise. Give thánks to him and bléss his name.
Indéed, how good is the Lord, etérnal, his mérciful love. He is fáithful from áge to age.
To the Fáther, the Son and Holy Spirit, the God who ís, who wás and is to come, give práise and glóry for ever. [Antiphon 1—Arise, come to your God]
Psalm 92 [Antiphon 2—The Lord is king]
The Lord is kíng, with majesty enrobed; the Lórd has robed himself with might, he has gírded himself with power.
The wórld, you made firm, not to be moved; your thróne has stood firm from of old. From all etérnity, O Lord, you are.
The wáters have lifted up, O Lord, the wáters have lifted up their voice, the wáters have lifted up their thunder.
Gréater than the roar of mighty waters, more glórious than the surgings of the sea, the Lórd is glorious on high.
Trúly your decrees are to be trusted. Hóliness is fitting to your throne, O Lórd, until the end of time.
To the Fáther, the Son and Holy Spirit, the God who ís, who was and is to come, give práise and glory for ever. [Antiphon 2—The Lord is King]
[Antiphon 3—This day the Lord has made] Psalm 117
Give thánks to the Lord for he is good, for his love endures for ever. Let the sóns of Israel say: “His love endures for ever.” Let the sóns of Aaron say: “His love endures for ever.” Let thóse who fear the Lord say: “His love endures for ever.”
I cálled to the Lord in my distress; he answered and freed me. The Lórd is at my side; I do not fear. What can man do against me? The Lórd is at my side as my helper: I shall look down on my foes.
It is bétter to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in man; it is bétter to take refuge in the Lord than to trust in princes.
The nátions all encompassed me; in the Lord’s name I crushed them. They cómpassed me, compassed me about; in the Lord’s name I crushed them. °°They cómpassed me, abóut like bées, – they blázed like a fire among thorns; in the Lord’s name I crushed them.
I was thrúst down, thrust down and falling but the Lord was my helper. The Lórd is my strength and my song; he was my savior. There are shóuts of joy and victory in the tents of the just. The Lord’s right hand was triumphed; his right hand raised me. °The Lord’s ríght hand was tríumphed; – Í shall not die, I shall live and recount, his deeds. I was púnished, I was punished by the Lord, but not doomed to die.
Open to mé the gates of holiness I will enter and give thanks. Thís is the Lord’s own gate where the just may enter. I will thánk you for you have answered and you are my savior.
The stóne which the builders rejected has become the corner stone. Thís is the work of the Lord, a marvel in our eyes.
[Antiphon 3—This day the Lord has made] If another Antiphon is used, all sing: Thís day was made by the Lord; we rejoice and are glad.
O Lórd, grant us salvation; O Lord, grant success. Bléssed in the name of the Lord is he who comes. We bléss you from the house of the Lord; the Lord is our light.
Go fórward in procession with branches even to the altar. Yóu are my God, I thank you. My God, I praise you. Give thánks to the Lord for he is good; for his love endures for ever.
[Antiphon—This day the Lord has made]
[Response—Let everything that lives…] Psalm 150 Praise Gód in his hóly place, práise him in his míghty heavens, Práise him for his powerful deeds, práise his surpassing greatness. Response O práise him with sóund of trumpet, práise him with lúte and harp. Práise him with timbrel and dance, práise him with strings and pipes. Response O práise him resóunding cymbals, práise him with cláshing of cymbals. Let éverything that lives and that breathes práise and acclaim the Lord. Response Give práise to the Fáther almighty, to his Són, Jesus Chríst the Lord, to the Spírit who dwells in our hearts, both nów and for evermore. Response
[Antiphon 1—Seek the face of the Lord] Psalm 23 The Lórd’s is the earth and its fullness, the wórld and all ìts peoples. It is hé who set it on the seas; on the wáters he made ìt firm.
Who shall clímb the mountain of the Lord? Who shall stánd in his holỳ place? The mán with clean hands and pure heart, who desíres not worthlèss things.
Hé shall receive blessings from the Lord and rewárd from the God whò saves him. Súch are the men who seek him, seek the fáce of the God òf Jacob.
O gátes, lift high your heads; grow hígher, ancient doors. Let him énter the king òf glory! Whó is the king of glory? The Lórd, the mighty, the valiant, the Lórd, the valiant ìn war.
O gátes, lift high your heads; grow hígher, ancient doors. Let him énter, the king òf glory! Who is hé, the king of glory? Hé, the Lord of armies, hé is the king òf glory.
To the Fáther, the Son and Holy Spirit, the God, who ís, who was and is to come, all práise and glory fòr ever.
This Webpage was created for a workshop held at Saint Andrew's Abbey, Valyermo, California in 2004